Multi Zone Cluster, Large footprint - apigee/ahr GitHub Wiki

Walkthrough: Multi-Zone Cluster, Large Runtime

Current Assumptions

  • DemoX org

Set up environment

?. Create a folder for your Hybrid installation

mkdir ~/apige-hybrid
cd ~/apigee-hybrid

?. Clone this repository.

git clone

?. Define AHR_HOME and add bin directory to your path

NOTE: as you run it first time before PROJECT and REGION variables are not set up yet, it will fail with an ABEND message. But the AHR_HOME will be populated and $AHR_HOME/bin added to your path variable.

source ~/apigee-hybrid/ahr/bin/ahr-env

?. Create your hybrid project directory

mkdir ~/apigee-hybrid/hybrid-demo6-1.1
cd ~/apigee-hybrid/hybrid-demo6-1.1

?. Copy an example file

cp $AHR_HOME/examples/

Configure your runtime settings


The key sections to customise are:

  • Hybrid release configuration;
    • HYBRID_HOME -- your project directtory; this directory;
  • GCP Project settings;
  • Runtime Cluster definitions;
    • CLUSTER_CONFIG -- this will be used as file name for generated template for runtime cluster.
  • Runtime Hybrid configuration
    • RUNTIME_CONFIG -- file that will contain your custom setting (aka 'overrides' file).

    • *_SA variables -- names for key json files that will contain service account Google credentials file.

Runtime Installation Workflow

?. Source Environment Variabls


?. (Re-)configure environment This will set up kubectl autocompletion amongst other things

source ahr-env

?. Add apigeectl to the path

source <(ahr-runtime-ctl home)

?. Create Service Accounts

ahr-sa-ctl create all

?. Verify parameters


?. Generate Cluster file

ahr-cluster-ctl template $AHR_HOME/templates/cluster-multi-zone-template.json > $CLUSTER_CONFIG

?. Create Cluster

ahr-cluster-ctl create

?. Generate Runtime Configuration file

ahr-runtime-ctl template $AHR_HOME/templates/overrides-large-template.yaml > $RUNTIME_CONFIG

?. Install Hybrid Runtime

ahr-runtime-ctl install