DevPortal to Hybrid in Kubernetes - apigee/ahr GitHub Wiki

DevPortal to Hybrid in Kubernetes

There is no go to live until Developer Portal is set up and running. Google maintains a number of open-source Drupal modules that ca be combines with other Drupal modules to provide a devportal that would satisfy most sophisticated requirements.

DevPortal Configurations and Skillset

This project starts with an excellent docker image created by Sean Davis,, which builds on

To build our devportal-fu, we are going through a number of different usage scenarios. Some of them are developer-friendly (devportal developer, that is), some of them are demo friendly and some will get us close to the production deployment state.

[ ] Run Docker images as is (custom folders inside the container)
[ ] Run Docker images with volumes mapped to an external storage
[ ] Run DevPortal in the Kubernetes Cluster as a single container (storage in the container)
we are here ----^
[ ] Run DevPortal in the Kubernetes Cluster as a single container (storage at a PVC)
[ ] Run DevPortal as horizontally-scalable component with Persistence storage as a separate container

Configuration Automation, CI/CD

  • Look&Feel
  • Pre-populated contents
  • Pre-populated users
  • Specs as SmartDocs


Web Server

  • apache2
  • nginx


  • sqlite;
  • mysql/mariadb (legal choice)
  • postgresql

Apigee Edge:

  • Saas/OPDK
  • Hybrid

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