G08 DIVAlopers SA Hub Part 2 - apcjlquesada/APC_2023_2024_3rd_Term_PROJMAN GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

Project Title

SA Hub Web-Based System

Quality Management Plan


The Quality Management Plan for the SA Hub project outlines the strategies and procedures to ensure that the final product meets the specified quality standards and satisfies the project requirements. This plan serves as a guide for the project team to maintain quality throughout the project lifecycle. By implementing effective quality management practices, the SA Hub project aims to achieve its objectives efficiently while meeting or exceeding stakeholder expectations. This document delineates the roles and responsibilities, quality assurance and control processes, and metrics for evaluating and improving project quality.

Quality Management Approach

Quality management is crucial for maintaining high standards and meeting evolving requirements. Here are several key principles and approaches the SA Hub project team followed to ensure a high level of quality:

  • Requirement Analysis: Define and document the web-based system requirements, covering both functional and non-functional aspects. It was imperative to ensure these requirements were testable, measurable, and in line with user expectations.
  • Test Planning: A thorough test plan was devised, delineating the testing strategy, scope, and goals. The team selected appropriate testing tools and techniques to be employed throughout the project.
  • Test Execution: Following the established test plan, the team executed test cases diligently. All test results and encountered issues were meticulously documented and monitored during the testing phase.
  • Performance Testing: Performance testing was conducted to assess the web-based system's responsiveness, scalability, and stability under anticipated and peak loads, aiming to optimize its performance.
  • Security Testing: Extensive security testing was conducted to identify vulnerabilities and bolster the web application against potential threats. Security vulnerabilities were identified through code review, and best security practices were implemented.
  • Usability Testing: Real user testing was employed to assess usability and user experience, gathering valuable feedback to enhance the user interface, navigation, and overall satisfaction.
  • Compatibility Testing: Comprehensive testing for the web-based system across various browsers, devices, and operating systems to ensure uniform performance and user experience across diverse platforms.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Emphasizing proactive issue resolution, the project team continuously monitored the web application's performance, availability, and usage in production to ensure optimal performance and user satisfaction.

Quality Requirements/Standards

This section details how the SA Hub project team will identify, document, and ensure compliance with quality requirements and standards for both the product and processes. Here are Quality Requirements/Standards for the Quality Management Approach:

    Identification and Documentation Process:
    • The project team, with the Quality Group, will identify and document quality requirements and standards at the project's outset.
    • Quality requirements will encompass both product and process aspects, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

    Product Quality Standards:

    • Product quality standards will be defined based on industry best practices and stakeholder expectations.
    • Requirements for functionality, reliability, performance, usability, security, and compatibility will be clearly documented
    • Standards will be aligned with relevant regulations, guidelines, and organizational policies.

    Process Quality Standards:

    • Process quality standards will be established to ensure consistency, efficiency, and effectiveness in project execution.
    • Procedures for requirement analysis, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance will be documented.
    • Standards will adhere to recognized methodologies, such as Agile or Scrum, and industry-specific frameworks, where applicable.

    Demonstration of Compliance:

    Compliance with identified quality standards will be demonstrated through various means:

    • Regular audits and reviews conducted by the Quality Group to assess adherence to documented standards.
    • Use of quality assurance techniques, such as inspections, walkthroughs, and peer reviews, to validate compliance.
    • Monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) related to product and process quality throughout the project lifecycle.
    • Documentation of corrective and preventive actions taken to address deviations from established standards.
    • Integration of quality checkpoints into project milestones and deliverables to ensure ongoing compliance.

    Continuous Improvement:

    • The project team will continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of quality standards and processes.
    • Feedback from stakeholders, lessons learned from past projects, and industry developments will inform updates and refinements to quality requirements and standards.
    • Continuous improvement efforts will be documented and integrated into the project's quality management framework to drive enhanced performance and outcomes over time.

    Quality Assurance

    The Quality Assurance (QA) section aims to ensure the SA Hub project delivers a reliable and user-friendly web-based system that meets stakeholder requirements and expectations. It focuses on preemptive measures to detect and mitigate potential issues, ensuring consistent quality throughout the project lifecycle.

    1. Responsibilities:
      • Define and enforce quality standards specific to web-based system development, encompassing functionality, usability, performance, and security aspects.
      • Conduct regular reviews and audits to verify compliance with quality standards and identify areas for enhancement.
      • Collaborate with stakeholders to establish clear quality objectives and requirements tailored to the needs of the web-based system.
      • Provide guidance and support to project team members on implementing quality best practices and resolving quality-related issues.
    2. Processes:
      • Develop a comprehensive Quality Management Plan outlining quality objectives, strategies, and processes tailored to web-based system development
      • Establish a Quality Assurance Plan detailing specific QA activities, timelines, and responsibilities, including testing methodologies and defect management procedures.
      • Implement quality control measures such as code reviews, usability testing, performance testing, and security assessments at key stages of the web-based system development lifecycle.
      • Document quality-related processes, including coding standards, testing protocols, and deployment procedures, to ensure consistency and repeatability.
      • Continuously monitor and evaluate the web-based system development process to identify opportunities for improvement and ensure adherence to quality standards.
    3. Quality Assurance Metrics:
      • Define and document specific quality assurance metrics tailored to the SA Hub project and regularly track and analyze these metrics to assess project progress, identify trends, and inform decision-making processes.
    4. Communication and Reporting:
      • Maintain open communication channels with project stakeholders to provide updates on QA activities, address concerns, and solicit feedback on quality-related matters.
      • Prepare and distribute quality reports summarizing key metrics, testing results, and QA findings to stakeholders, project managers, and team members.
      • Establish feedback mechanisms, such as bug tracking systems and customer feedback forms, to gather input on the web-based system's performance and usability.
    5. Continuous Improvement:
      • Emphasize continuous improvement by analyzing QA performance data, identifying trends, and implementing corrective and preventive actions to enhance the quality of the web-based system.
      • Regularly review and update quality standards, processes, and procedures to adapt to evolving project requirements, technology advancements, and industry best practices.
    6. Quality Control

      Quality Assurance for the SA Hub project is important to ensure the delivery of user-friendly web-based system tailored to the needs of the Asia Pacific College community. Here's how the project team will ensure quality control:

      • Code Review: Our development team will conduct regular code reviews to identify and rectify any issues or bugs in the source code. This collaborative process ensures code consistency, readability, and adherence to coding standards, leveraging version control systems for seamless collaboration.
      • Unit Testing - Employ unit testing to validate the functionality and correctness of individual components of the SA Hub system. By frequently executing unit tests, we can detect and address defects early in the development cycle, ensuring the reliability of critical functions
      • Integration Testing - Testing will ensure seamless interactions between various components of the SA Hub system. We'll design test scenarios to validate the functionality of modules, APIs, and databases, ensuring the system performs as expected under different usage scenarios.
      • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - Representatives from the Asia Pacific College community, specifically, the SA Manager, Requesting Offices, and Student Assistants will participate in UAT to provide feedback on usability, functionality, and user experience. This feedback will be instrumental in prioritizing and resolving issues to enhance the system's performance and user satisfaction.
      • Security Testing - Implement comprehensive security measures, including audits and penetration testing, to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities in the SA Hub system. Regular testing will ensure the security of user data and protect against common threats
      • Continuous Monitoring and Maintenance - Conduct continuous monitoring and maintenance activities to uphold the performance, security, and reliability of the SA Hub system in the post-deployment. This includes analyzing system logs, addressing errors promptly, and applying updates to keep the system secure and up to date.

      Through these quality control measures; the SA Hub project will deliver a high-quality web-based system that meets the standards and expectations of the stakeholders.

      Quality Control Measurements

      This section aims to define the methods and tools for measuring the quality of the SA Hub project deliverables and processes throughout its lifecycle.

      Measurement Details:

      • Measurement Date: The date when the quality control measurement took place.
      • Measurement Type: The specific method used for measurement (e.g., automated testing, code review, user acceptance testing).
      • Measurement Findings: Results of the measurement, including pass/fail status, number of flaws detected, and code coverage percentage.
      • Requirements and Standards: Established quality requirements and standards against which measurements are compared.
      • Member of the team in charge of measuring: The team member responsible for conducting the quality control measurement.

      • Measurement Details:

      • Member in Charge of Measurement: The team member responsible for conducting the quality control measurement
      • Member Assessing Measurement Results: The team member assigned to evaluate measurement results and determine necessary actions.
      • Corrective Actions: Any required steps to address deviations from standards or requirements. This includes:
        • Date of Completion: The date when corrective actions were finalized.
        • Member Implementing Corrective Measures: The team member responsible for executing corrective actions.
        • Risk Management Plan


          The SA Hub project, aiming to develop a web-based task assignment system, presents exciting opportunities to streamline SA operations and improve project efficiency. However, like any undertaking, the project is not without its inherent uncertainties and potential challenges. These uncertainties, referred to as risks, can arise from various sources and have the potential to negatively impact project outcomes such as budget, schedule, and scope.

          This Risk Management Plan serves as a proactive and comprehensive strategy to identify, analyze, and mitigate potential risks throughout the project lifecycle. By anticipating these risks and developing effective response plans, we can minimize their impact and ensure the smooth and successful delivery of the SA Hub system.

          Effective risk management is essential for several key reasons:

        • Proactive Approach: It allows us to identify potential problems before they escalate, enabling us to take preventive measures and avoid disruptions.  
        • Informed Decision-Making: By assessing the likelihood and impact of risks, we can make informed decisions about resource allocation, mitigation strategies, and project priorities.
        • Improved Project Control: A well-defined risk management plan fosters increased control over potential issues, reducing surprises and maintaining project stability.
        • Enhanced Communication and Collaboration: The risk management process encourages open communication and collaboration among stakeholders, fostering a proactive approach to addressing challenges.
        •   p>To effectively implement risk management, a few key prerequisites exist: </p>
        • Project Definition: A clear understanding of project goals, scope, and deliverables is crucial for identifying relevant risks.
        • Stakeholder Engagement: Active participation from all project stakeholders ensures comprehensive risk identification and a shared understanding of potential challenges.
        • Risk Management Framework: Establishing a structured framework for risk identification, analysis, and mitigation is critical for effective risk management.  

        This Risk Management Plan will be a living document, reviewed and updated regularly throughout the project lifecycle as new information becomes available and project circumstances evolve. By proactively managing risk, we can increase the probability of success for the SA Hub project and deliver a valuable solution that meets the project's objectives. .

        Top Three Risks

        The project’s top three risks are:

        1. Scope Creep: This refers to the project growing uncontrollably after it starts, with new features, requirements, or goals being added. Unclear goals, poor communication, or changes in the project environment can cause this. While not catastrophic, it can significantly delay the project, increase costs, and decrease the final product's quality. The project manager is responsible for managing scope creep. 
        2. Technical Challenges: This arises from complex technical components or dependencies that create difficulties during development. These challenges could be related to the technology used, integrating different systems, or a lack of technical expertise on the development team. Technical challenges can significantly impact the project schedule and budget due to delays and cost overruns. In severe cases, they might even derail the project entirely. The development team is responsible for identifying and overcoming these challenges.
        3. Unrealistic Timeframes and Deadlines: This occurs when project schedules are too ambitious or don't consider the project's complexity. It can be caused by poor planning, bad estimates, or pressure from stakeholders. While unrealistic deadlines can lead to stress and potential quality issues, the direct impact on the final product might be less severe compared to other risks. However, it can still negatively affect the project. The project manager is responsible for creating realistic timelines and managing stakeholder expectations to ensure deadlines are achievable.

        Risk Management Approach

        This section outlines a comprehensive risk management approach for the SA Hub web-based task assignment system project. It details the process for identifying, analyzing, evaluating, responding to, and monitoring risks throughout the project lifecycle.

        1. Risk Identification:
          The project team will identify potential risks by conducting brainstorming sessions, reviewing past project experiences, and examining project requirements and scope. These risks will be documented in a risk register along with details about their likelihood, potential impact, and description.
          • Brainstorming sessions: Conduct regular brainstorming sessions with project stakeholders to identify potential risks.
          • Review of historical data: Analyze risks encountered in similar projects to identify potential areas of concern.
          • Expert consultations: Seek input from subject matter experts familiar with web development and system implementation projects.
          • SWOT analysis: Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to identify internal and external factors that could pose risks.
        2. Risk Analysis:
          • Qualitative analysis: Categorize risks based on their severity (impact) and likelihood (probability) of occurrence.
          • Quantitative analysis (optional): For high-impact risks, perform a quantitative analysis to estimate potential cost or schedule impacts.
        3. Risk Evaluation:
          • Risk prioritization: Prioritize risks based on their combined impact and probability scores. This will help focus resources on mitigating the most critical risks first.
          • Risk tolerance: Establish risk tolerance levels for the project. Risks exceeding these levels will require immediate attention and the development of mitigation strategies
        4. Risk Response Planning:
          • Develop mitigation strategies: For each identified risk, develop a plan to avoid, minimize, transfer, or accept the risk.
          • Avoidance: Take proactive steps to eliminate the likelihood of the risk occurring.
          • Minimization: Implement measures to reduce the impact of the risk if it occurs.
          • Transfer: Shift the ownership or consequences of the risk to another party (e.g., insurance). .
          • Acceptance: Acknowledge the risk and monitor it closely, taking action if necessary.
        5. Assign risk owners: Assign ownership for each risk to a specific individual or team responsible for monitoring and implementing mitigation strategies.
        6. Risk Monitoring and Reporting:
          • Regularly monitor risks: Schedule regular risk reviews to assess the status of identified risks and the effectiveness of mitigation strategies.
          • Track changes and trends: Maintain a risk register to document identified risks, their status, and any changes in their probability or impact.
          • Communicate risk updates: Communicate risk updates and mitigation actions to relevant stakeholders to ensure everyone is informed and aligned.
        7. Continuous Improvement:
          • Lessons learned: Document lessons learned from encountered risks and mitigation efforts to inform future project risk management practices.
          • Adapt and update: Review and update the risk management plan as needed throughout the project lifecycle to reflect changes in the project or the risk landscape.
        8. Tools and Techniques:
          • Risk management software can be utilized to facilitate risk identification, analysis, and tracking.
          • Risk scoring matrices can be employed to objectively assess the severity and likelihood of risks.
          • Scenario planning can be used to explore potential future situations and their associated risks.
        9. Tools and Techniques:
        10. By implementing a proactive risk management approach, the SA Hub project can:

          • Improve project predictability: Identifying and addressing risks early on helps avoid surprises and fosters better project control.
          • Risk scoring matrices can be employed to objectively assess the severity and likelihood of risks.
          • Enhance decision-making: Risk analysis provides valuable information for making informed decisions about project priorities and strategies.
          • Increase project success rate: Proactive risk management practices significantly improve the project's chances of successful completion within budget and schedule constraints.

          By following these guidelines and fostering a culture of risk awareness throughout the project, the SA Hub team can proactively manage potential challenges and ensure the successful delivery of the web-based task assignment system.

        Risk Qualification and Prioritization

        The probability-impact matrix categorizes risks into five levels: Extreme, High, Medium, Low, and Negligible. Here's a breakdown of these levels based on their likelihood and project impact:

        • Extreme: These risks are highly likely to occur and would severely impact the project. They require immediate attention and mitigation strategies.
        • High: These risks have a good chance of happening and would significantly impact the project. Develop mitigation strategies for these high-priority risks.
        • Medium: These risks have a moderate chance of occurring and would moderately impact the project. Monitor these risks closely and have mitigation strategies prepared in case they arise.
        • LLow: These risks are unlikely to happen and would only have a minor impact on the project. Periodic monitoring is sufficient, and mitigation strategies can be developed if needed.
        • Negligible: These risks are very unlikely to occur and would have a negligible impact on the project. They can be disregarded.

        Probability Impact

        Rare (1)

        Unlikely (2)

        Possible (3)

        Likely (4)

        Almost Certain (5)

        Insignificant (1)






        Minor (2)






        Significant (3)






        Disastrous (4)






        Catastrophic (5)






        To ensure effective risk management, the SA Hub project will utilize a probability-impact matrix. This tool will help categorize and prioritize risks listed in the risk register based on their likelihood of occurring and their potential impact on the project. The team will focus on addressing risks with a high chance of happening and significant consequences. Regular reviews and updates to the risk register will guarantee that risks are prioritized appropriately.

        Risk Monitoring

        To ensure the SA Hub project proactively addresses potential roadblocks, a Risk Monitoring Plan is established. This plan outlines how identified risks will be tracked throughout the project lifecycle. Regular risk reviews during project meetings will assess the status of each risk and its mitigation strategies. The risk register, a central repository for all identified risks, will be updated to reflect any changes and ensure all stakeholders have access to the latest information.

        Project team members have designated roles in risk monitoring. The Project Manager leads risk review meetings and escalates high-impact risks. Each risk has a designated owner responsible for monitoring its status and implementing mitigation plans. Open communication through meetings, reports, and discussions fosters information sharing and timely risk identification and mitigation.

        Trigger points for taking action include changes in project scope or schedule, performance deviations from baselines, and emerging industry trends. These trigger points will prompt risk reviews to assess potential impacts and adjust mitigation strategies as needed. By proactively monitoring risks throughout the project, the SA Hub team can ensure better control over project execution and increase the project's chances of success.

        Risk Monitoring and Avoidance

        Having identified and qualified potential risks for the SA Hub web-based task assignment system project, the team must now prioritize and develop effective mitigation strategies. This section outlines various considerations and options available to the project manager for managing these high-impact risks.

        Risk Prioritization:

        • Probability and Impact: Risks are prioritized based on their likelihood of occurring (probability) and the severity of their consequences (impact) on the project's success. Risks with a high probability of causing significant disruption receive the highest priority.

        Risk Mitigation Strategies:

        Once prioritized, the project team can explore various strategies to address these high-impact risks:

        • Avoidance: If feasible, the most desirable approach is to eliminate the risk altogether. This might involve modifying project requirements or selecting alternative solutions that minimize exposure to the risk.
        • Minimization: If complete avoidance isn't possible, the team can develop strategies to reduce the likelihood or impact of the risk. This could involve implementing additional quality control measures, establishing buffer time in the schedule, or securing backup resources.
        • Transfer: In certain cases, transferring the risk to a third party might be an option. For example, insurance can mitigate the financial impact of potential hardware failures.
        • Acceptance: For low-probability or low-impact risks, the team might choose to accept the risk and monitor it closely. However, a mitigation plan should be established in case the risk materializes.

        Considerations for Choosing Strategies:

        The chosen mitigation strategy should consider various factors:

        • Cost-Effectiveness: The cost of implementing the mitigation strategy compared to the potential impact of the risk.
        • Project Scope: The impact of the mitigation strategy on the project's scope, schedule, and budget.
        • Resource Availability: The resources required to implement the mitigation strategy, including personnel, expertise, and tools.
        • Project Risk Tolerance: The project's tolerance for accepting certain risks based on stakeholder priorities.

        By prioritizing risks and strategically applying mitigation techniques, the SA Hub project team can significantly improve its chances of success. The chosen approach should be documented and communicated to all stakeholders to ensure a coordinated effort in managing project risks.

        Risk Register

        The following criteria will be used for the risk register:

        • Risk ID - each risk will be assigned a unique identifier.
        • Risk Category - will classify risks into technical, Resource, Communication, Project, Quality, Vendor, External.
        • Risk Description - there will be a clear and concise description of the risk event.
        • Risk Destination/Owner - will be responsible for monitoring and managing each risk.
        • Probability - likelihood of a risk occurring is assessed using a scale of High to Low, with Low indicating the lowest likelihood and High indicating the highest.
        • Impact - the risk's potential impact on the project is rated on a scale of High to Low, with Low indicating the least significant impact and High indicating the most significant impact.
        • Risk Register:

          RISK ID







          RID 001

          Scope Creep

          Scope creep refers to the uncontrolled expansion or addition of features, requirements, or objectives of a project.


          Project Manager



          RID 002

          Technical Challenges

          Complex technical components and dependencies pose challenges to project development.


          Development Team



          RID 003

          Unrealistic Timeframes and Deadlines

          etting overly aggressive or unrealistic timeframes and deadlines causing compromised quality and increased errors.


          Project Manager



          RID 004

          Inadequate Quality Assurance and Testing

          Insufficient testing and quality assurance practices leading to undetected defects and poor user experience.


          QA Tester



          RID 005

          Communication and Collaboration Chal

          Ineffective communication and collaboration among team members, stakeholders, or vendors causing delays and conflicts.


          Project Manager



          RID 006

          External Factors and Dependencies

          Risks arising from external factors like regulatory changes, market conditions, natural disasters, or geopolitical events.


          Development Team



          Procurement Management Plan


          This Procurement Management Plan outlines the process for acquiring the goods and services needed to deliver the SA Hub web-based task assignment system project. It defines the procurement requirements for the project, outlines strategies to mitigate potential risks, and ensures alignment with the project's overall scope, budget, and schedule. This plan is a living document and will be updated as procurement needs evolve throughout the project lifecycle.

          The following sections will detail the specific items we plan to procure, the type of contracts we will utilize, and the approaches we will take to manage procurement risks. We will also discuss how costs will be determined and factored into vendor selection, along with the standardized procurement documents used. The plan further addresses the management of multiple suppliers, the contract approval process, and the decision criteria for selecting the most suitable vendors.

          Establishing clear contract deliverables and deadlines is crucial, and this plan outlines how that will be achieved. We will also detail how procurement activities will be coordinated with the overall project management efforts. Finally, the plan acknowledges potential constraints related to procurement, vendor management strategies, and performance metrics for procurement activities.

          By following this comprehensive Procurement Management Plan, we aim to optimize procurement processes, minimize risks, and achieve successful project delivery within budget and schedule constraints.

          These procurement risks highlight the need for a web-based task assignment system that addresses the following:

          • Automated Data Transfer: Reduce the risk of errors by automating data transfer from SA logs to a central system.
          • Improved Scheduling: Facilitate a system for managing both SA availability and office task schedules to minimize conflicts.
          • Task Matching: Enable the assignment of tasks based on SA skills and course programs to improve efficiency and satisfaction.
          • Data Security: Ensure a secure platform for storing and managing all SA data, eliminating the risk of loss.
          • Transparency: Provide a system for transparent task posting and scheduling, allowing SAs to plan their time effectively.

          Procurement Management Approach

          1. Needs Identification and Planning:
            • Project team identifies specific goods and services required for the project (software licenses, development services, etc.).
            • Project manager collaborates with the Contracts/Purchasing department to estimate costs and define contract types (fixed price, time and materials).
            • Procurement plan is developed outlining the entire process, including budget, timeline, and risk mitigation strategies.
          2. Vendor Selection:
            • Project manager and team define vendor selection criteria (technical expertise, experience, cost proposal, references).
            • Contracts/Purchasing department assists in identifying potential vendors through RFP (Request for Proposal) issuance.
            • Proposals are evaluated based on defined criteria, and a shortlist of qualified vendors is created.
            • Negotiations are conducted with shortlisted vendors to finalize terms and conditions.
          3. Contract Award and Management:
            • Contracts/Purchasing department develops and finalizes contracts with chosen vendor(s) based on agreed terms and conditions.
            • Procurement team and relevant stakeholders review contracts before final approval by project manager.
            • Clear deliverables and deadlines are established within each contract.
            • Communication channels are established with vendors to monitor progress, address any issues, and ensure adherence to the contract.
          4. Delivery and Completion:
            • Upon delivery of goods or completion of services, project team verifies that they meet contract specifications.
            • Contracts/Purchasing department facilitates invoice processing and payment upon successful delivery/completion.
            • Project manager conducts a final review of the procurement process, identifies lessons learned, and updates the Procurement Management Plan for future projects.
          5. Maintaining Efficiency:
            • Utilize standardized procurement documents (RFPs, POs) to streamline the process.
            • Leverage technology for vendor communication and document management when possible.
            • Clearly define roles and responsibilities to avoid confusion and delays.
            • Conduct regular reviews of the Procurement Management Plan to ensure its effectiveness.

          Procurement Definition

          This Procurement Definition details the specific items and services required for the SA Hub web-based task assignment system project, along with justifications, conditions, and technical considerations. It also outlines procurement deadlines and approval authorities.

          Items and Services

          • Software Licenses:
            • Item: Web-based task assignment system software with features for automated data transfer, task scheduling, skills matching, data security, and transparent task management.
            • Justification: A dedicated software solution is necessary to automate tasks, optimize SA assignments, and improve overall project efficiency.
            • Conditions: The software must be compatible with existing IT infrastructure and meet all security compliance requirements. A perpetual license or a subscription model with a term aligned with the project timeline will be considered.
            • Technical Information: Provide details on specific software functionalities, user capacity, and integration requirements.
          • Development Services:
            • Item: Development services to customize the chosen software solution to meet specific project needs (e.g., integration with existing SA data systems).
            • Justification: Customization is required to ensure seamless integration with existing systems and optimize the platform for our specific use case.
            • Conditions: The development vendor must have experience with similar projects and a proven track record of delivering functional and secure solutions.
            • Technical Information: Specify the scope of development work, including required functionalities and integration points.

          Make vs. Buy Decision

          Developing the SA Hub system internally is not recommended due to:

          • Time Constraints: Developing the system from scratch would likely exceed project timelines.
          • Resource Limitations: The project team lacks the necessary expertise for in-house development.
          • Cost-Effectiveness: Utilizing a proven software solution and outsourcing customization might be more cost-effective than internal development.

          Procurement Deadlines

          • Software Licenses: Quotes and license agreements need to be finalized by [Date] to allow for timely system configuration and user training.
          • Development Services: A development vendor needs to be selected by [Date] to ensure sufficient time for customization and integration before system rollout.

          Approval Authorities

          • Purchases under [Amount] can be approved by the Project Manager.
          • Purchases exceeding [Amount] require approval from the Project Manager and the [Department].

          Additional Considerations

          • Include any specific warranty or service level agreement (SLA) requirements for procured items or services.
          • Define data security protocols and compliance requirements for vendors handling SA data.

          Revision History

          • Maintain a version history for this document to track any changes made to the procurement definition throughout the project lifecycle.

          Type of Contract to be Used

          This section outlines the recommended contract types for different procurement items in the SA Hub project:

          1. Software Licenses:
            • Recommended Contract Type: Firm-Fixed Price (FFP).
            • Rationale: Software licenses typically represent established products with defined features and functionalities. An FFP contract offers predictability and cost certainty, aligning well with a well-defined product like software licensing.
          2. Development Services:
            • Recommended Contract Type: Time and Materials (T&M) with a Not-to-Exceed (NTE) Clause.
            • Rationale: Customization of the software solution involves some level of uncertainty regarding the exact amount of development effort required. A T&M contract allows for flexibility while the NTE clause provides a cost ceiling, ensuring project budget is not exceeded.

          Explanation of Contract Types:

          • Firm-Fixed Price (FFP): The supplier agrees to deliver a specific product or service for a pre-determined price. This option minimizes risk for the buyer but requires a clear understanding of project scope upfront.
          • Time and Materials (T&M): The buyer pays for the vendor's labor and materials used during the project. This option offers flexibility for unforeseen changes but requires close project management to control costs.

          Not-to-Exceed (NTE) Clause: This clause sets a maximum amount the buyer is obligated to pay under a T&M contract. It provides some cost certainty while allowing adjustments for minor scope changes.

          Selection Considerations:

          The choice between FFP and T&M for development services will depend on the level of project complexity and uncertainty. Here's a breakdown for decision-making:

          • Highly defined customization needs with minimal room for changes: Consider a Fixed-Price contract with a clearly defined scope of work.
          • Uncertainties exist about the specific development effort required: A T&M contract with an NTE clause offers greater flexibility while managing potential cost overruns.

          The project team and Contracts/Purchasing department will collaborate to finalize the most suitable contract type for each procurement item based on the specific details and risks involved.

          Procurement Risk Management

          A successful procurement process for the SA Hub project hinges on identifying and mitigating potential risks. This section outlines a proactive approach to manage procurement risks and ensure smooth project execution.

          1. Risk Identification
            • Vendor Performance Risk: Vendor delays, poor quality deliverables, or inability to meet project requirements.
            • Cost Overruns: Unforeseen expenses during software licensing or development phases.
            • Technical Incompatibility: Chosen software's incompatibility with existing IT infrastructure or security standards.
            • Contractual Disputes: Misunderstandings or disagreements regarding contract terms and conditions.
            • Data Security Breach: Vendor data security vulnerabilities could compromise SA data.
          2. Risk Mitigation Strategies

            Vendor Performance Risk:

            • Pre-qualification process: Thorough vendor selection based on experience, references, and past performance.
            • Clear contract terms: Define clear deliverables, deadlines, and performance expectations.
            • Performance guarantees: Include penalty clauses for missed deadlines or non-compliant deliverables.
            • Regular communication: Maintain open communication channels to monitor progress and address issues promptly.

            Cost Overruns:

            • Detailed cost estimates: Obtain detailed quotes from vendors and factor in potential contingencies.
            • Price negotiation: Negotiate competitive pricing for software licenses and development services.
            • Change order control process: Implement a defined process for approving any scope changes that might impact costs.

            Technical Incompatibility:

            • Software evaluation: Thorough evaluation of software functionalities and compatibility with existing systems before purchase.
            • Technical specifications: Clearly define technical specifications in the RFP to ensure compatibility with IT infrastructure.
            • Integration testing: Conduct thorough integration testing to identify and resolve any compatibility issues.

            Contractual Disputes:

            • Clear and concise contracts: Develop clear and concise contracts with unambiguous terms and conditions.
            • Legal review: Involve legal counsel in reviewing contracts to ensure they are legally sound and comprehensive.
            • Open communication: Maintain open communication with vendors to address any potential disagreements early on.

            Data Security Breach:

            • Vendor security assessment: Evaluate vendor security protocols and data handling practices before selection.
            • Contractual data security clauses: Include specific clauses in contracts outlining data security requirements and vendor liability.
            • Data encryption: Ensure any transferred or stored data is encrypted to minimize security risks.
          3. Risk Monitoring and Reporting:
            • Regularly monitor identified risks throughout the procurement process.
            • Implement a system for reporting and tracking identified risks and mitigation actions.
            • Conduct periodic risk assessments to identify any new or emerging risks.
            • Update the risk management plan as needed to reflect changes or evolving risks.

          Identifying potential risks and implementing effective mitigation strategies can minimize disruptions and ensure a successful procurement process for the SA Hub project.

          Cost Determination

          This section outlines the approach for determining costs and their role in vendor selection for the SA Hub project.

          Cost Determination:

          • Software Licenses
            • Costs for software licenses will be obtained through vendor quotes or proposals responding to an RFP. The RFP will clearly define the desired functionalities and user capacity to ensure accurate cost comparisons.
          • Development Services
            • Costs for development services will likely be determined using a T&M contract with an NTE clause. The project team will estimate the required development effort and negotiate a fair hourly rate with potential vendors. The NTE clause will provide a cost ceiling based on the estimated effort.

          Cost as a Selection Criteria:

          Cost will be a significant factor in vendor selection, but not the sole deciding factor. The project team will utilize a multi-criteria approach that considers:

          • Cost Proposal: Competitive pricing will be a major consideration, but not the only factor.
          • Technical Expertise: Vendor experience with similar projects and their ability to meet project requirements.
          • Qualifications: Vendor's technical capabilities and proven track record of successful project delivery.
          • Contractual Terms: Clearness, fairness, and risk allocation within the proposed contract.
          • References: Feedback from previous clients regarding vendor performance and quality of work.

          Weighting of Criteria:

          The relative weight given to each criterion will be determined by the project team based on project priorities. For instance, if technical expertise is critical for project success, it might be weighted higher than cost. However, cost will always be a significant factor, and the project team will strive to find the best value for the budget allocated.

          Negotiation and Value Engineering:

          During vendor selection, the project team will engage in negotiations to achieve the best possible value proposition on cost and other criteria. This may involve discussions on alternative solutions, pricing structures, or contract terms to optimize the project budget while meeting project requirements.

          By following this approach, the project team can efficiently determine costs, utilize them effectively in vendor selection, and ensure the SA Hub project procures the necessary resources at a competitive price while prioritizing technical expertise and successful project delivery.

          Procurement Constraints

          A successful procurement process for the SA Hub project requires careful consideration of potential constraints. Here's an outline of some key limitations to be factored in:

          1. Budget Constraints:
            • The project has a pre-defined budget for procurement of software licenses and development services. This budget will limit the range of options available and may require cost-conscious decision-making during vendor selection.
          2. Schedule Constraints:
            • The project has a fixed timeline for completion. Procurement activities must be streamlined to ensure timely acquisition of resources without delaying project execution. This may limit the flexibility in vendor selection processes like lengthy RFP cycles.
          3. Scope Constraints:
            • Project scope defines the specific functionalities required for the SA Hub system. Procurement needs to focus on acquiring solutions that meet these defined functionalities and avoid feature creep that could lead to cost overruns or schedule delays.
          4. Resource Constraints:
            • The project team might have limited resources dedicated to managing the procurement process. This necessitates efficient use of time and effort, potentially requiring collaboration with the Contracts/Purchasing department for expertise.
          5. Technological Constraints:
            • Existing IT infrastructure compatibility needs to be considered during software selection. Incompatible solutions might require additional investments in infrastructure upgrades, impacting the budget and timeline.
          6. Buyer-Seller Relationship Constraints:
            • Limited vendor availability in the market for specialized software or development expertise might restrict negotiation leverage and potentially impact cost or project timelines.
          7. Mitigating Procurement Constraints:
            • Early stakeholder engagement: Involve key stakeholders like the Contracts/Purchasing department early on to develop a cost-effective procurement strategy.
            • Phased procurement: Consider a phased approach to procurement, acquiring core functionalities first and adding features later based on budget and schedule availability.
            • Standardization: Leverage existing technology standards and protocols when possible, to minimize compatibility issues with the chosen software solution.
            • Risk management plan: Develop a comprehensive risk management plan to identify and proactively address potential procurement constraints throughout the project lifecycle.

          With these constraints and implementing appropriate mitigation strategies, the project team can make informed procurement decisions that optimize resource utilization, adhere to budget and schedule limitations, and contribute to the successful completion of the SA Hub project.

          Contract Approval Process

          This Contract Approval Process incorporates the initial procurement steps and refines the approval flow based on your valuable insights.

          1. Procurement Initiation and Needs Identification:
            • The project team identifies specific goods and services required for the project (software licenses, development services, etc.).
            • A cost analysis is conducted to compare the feasibility of developing certain items in-house versus acquiring them from external vendors.
            • Based on the cost analysis and project needs, a final list of items and services to be procured externally is established.
          2. Solicitation and Proposal Stage:
            • The Contracts/Purchasing department collaborates with the project team to develop Request for Proposals (RFPs) or similar documents outlining project requirements and evaluation criteria.
            • RFPs are sent to qualified vendors, and proposals are received back within a designated timeframe.
          3. Proposal Review and Shortlisting:
            • A cross-functional team comprising representatives from the project team, Contracts/Purchasing department, Finance, and the PMO (Project Management Office) evaluates all proposals.
            • Each proposal is assessed against pre-defined criteria, including:
              • Alignment with project requirements and functionalities
              • Technical expertise and experience of the vendor
              • Cost competitiveness and proposed pricing structure
              • References and past performance
              • Contractual terms and risk mitigation strategies
            • Based on the evaluation, a shortlist of qualified vendors who meet the project's needs is established.
          4. Contract Approval Process:
            • Purchases under [Amount]
              • Project Manager has the authority to approve contracts for shortlisted vendors after ensuring compliance with procurement policies and project requirements.
            • Purchases between [Amount] and [Amount]
              • Project Manager prepares a contract summary and recommendation for the shortlisted vendor, highlighting key proposal details and justifying the selection.
              • The Contract Review Board reviews the summary and recommendation, and grants final approval for contract execution.
            • Purchases exceeding [Amount]
              • Project Manager prepares a detailed contract summary and recommendation for the shortlisted vendor.
              • The Contract Review Board conducts a comprehensive review, including potentially requesting presentations from shortlisted vendors.
              • The Contract Review Board recommends a final approval decision to senior management or executives depending on organizational thresholds.
          5. Contract Negotiation and Finalization:
            • Once a vendor is selected, the Contracts/Purchasing department negotiates the final contract terms with the chosen vendor, leveraging the evaluation results and potentially incorporating elements from other proposals to optimize the outcome.
            • The final contract is reviewed and approved by Legal Counsel to ensure legal compliance and adherence to company policies.
            • Upon final approval by all relevant parties, the contract is formally signed with the chosen vendor.

          Benefits of a Defined Process

          This refined process fosters transparency, accountability, and informed decision-making throughout the procurement lifecycle.

          • Early Cost Analysis: Identifying in-house vs. external procurement needs early optimizes resource utilization.
          • Cross-functional Collaboration: Involving key stakeholders throughout the process ensures informed decisions.
          • Criteria-based Evaluation: Pre-defined criteria guide vendor selection and mitigate risks.
          • Structured Approval Levels: Clear approval hierarchy promotes accountability and efficient decision-making.
          • Negotiation and Optimization: Leveraging proposal strengths results in a more favorable contract.

          Through these steps, the SA Hub project can effectively manage its procurement activities, secure the best value for its resources, and ensure successful project delivery.

          Decision Criteria

          This section defines the criteria used by the contract review board to decide what contract(s) to award. These criteria ensure a structured and objective approach to vendor selection, tailored to the needs and goals of the SA Hub web-based task assignment system project. The criteria may vary between organizations but must be defined as part of the Procurement Management Plan.

          The criteria for the selection of this project will be based on the following decision criteria:


          • Description: The standard of goods and services provided by the vendor, ensuring they meet the project’s requirements and specifications.
          • Measurement: Assessment of product quality through samples, demos, or references, and adherence to industry standards.


          • Description: The total expense of the procurement, ensuring it fits within the project’s budget.
          • Measurement: Evaluation of the proposed costs against the budget, including analysis of cost breakdowns and comparison with market rates.

          Expected Delivery Date

          • Description: The vendor’s proposed delivery timeline and its alignment with the project schedule.
          • Measurement: Analysis of proposed delivery dates in relation to project milestones and critical path requirements.

          Comparison of Outsourced Cost Versus In-Sourcing

          • Description: The financial and resource-based comparison between outsourcing the services and performing the tasks in-house.
          • Measurement: Detailed cost-benefit analysis, including consideration of internal capabilities, resource availability, and long-term cost implications.

          Past Performance

          • Description: The historical performance of the vendor in similar projects, reflecting their reliability and quality of service.
          • Measurement: Review of vendor references, case studies, performance reviews, and feedback from previous clients.

          These criteria will be measured by the contract review board and/or the Project Manager. The decision-making process will involve:

          • Scoring and Ranking: Each criterion will be scored on a predefined scale, and vendors will be ranked based on their total scores.
          • Stakeholder Consultation: Engaging key project stakeholders to provide input and insights during the evaluation process.
          • Risk Assessment: Considering potential risks associated with each vendor and their impact on the project.
          • Final Deliberation: The contract review board, along with the Project Manager, will deliberate on the findings and make a final decision.

          By adhering to these decision criteria, we aim to select the most suitable vendors that align with the project's goals, ensuring quality, timeliness, and cost-effectiveness in procurement activities.

          Vendor Management

          Project Manager

          • Vendor Coordination: Acts as the primary point of contact between the project team and the vendors.
          • Performance Monitoring: Oversees vendor performance and ensures compliance with contract terms.
          • Issue Resolution: Addresses and resolves any issues that arise during the contract period.

          Procurement Officer

          • Contract Administration: Manages contract documentation and ensures all contractual obligations are met.
          • Compliance Monitoring: Ensures that all procurement activities comply with organizational policies and legal requirements.
          • Cost Management: Monitors and controls procurement costs, ensuring they remain within budget.

          Quality Assurance Team

          • Quality Control: Conducts regular inspections and quality checks on the products/services provided by vendors.
          • Standards Enforcement: Ensures that all deliverables meet the predefined quality standards and project requirements.

          Vendor Relationship Manager

          • Communication Management: Maintains open and clear communication channels with vendors.
          • Relationship Building: Develops and maintains positive relationships with vendors to foster cooperation and commitment.
          • Feedback Provision: Provides regular feedback to vendors on their performance and areas for improvement.

          Regular Performance Reviews

          • Schedule: Conduct periodic performance reviews with vendors to assess their progress and performance.
          • Criteria: Use predefined performance metrics such as on-time delivery, quality of deliverables, and adherence to project timelines.
          • Feedback: Provide constructive feedback and identify areas for improvement.

          Contract Management

          • Documentation: Maintain comprehensive records of all contracts and procurement documents.
          • Compliance Checks: Regularly review contracts to ensure all terms and conditions are being met.
          • Milestone Verification: Verify that all project milestones are achieved according to the contract.

          Quality Assurance

          • Inspections: Conduct regular inspections and audits of the products/services provided by vendors.
          • Testing: Implement testing procedures to ensure that all deliverables meet quality standards.
          • Issue Identification: Identify any quality issues early and take corrective actions promptly.


          • Status Updates: Hold regular status update meetings with vendors to discuss progress and any potential issues.
          • Clear Channels: Establish clear and efficient communication channels for issue reporting and resolution.
          • Documentation: Document all communications and decisions made during interactions with vendors.

          Risk Management

          • Risk Assessment: Regularly assess risks associated with vendor performance and develop mitigation strategies.
          • Contingency Plans: Develop and implement contingency plans for critical vendors to ensure continuity of service.
          • Proactive Measures: Take proactive measures to address potential risks before they impact the project.

          Performance Metrics

          • Key Metrics: Define and track key performance metrics such as delivery times, quality levels, and cost adherence.
          • Benchmarking: Compare vendor performance against industry benchmarks and project expectations.
          • Reporting: Provide regular performance reports to stakeholders to keep them informed of vendor performance.

          Issue Resolution

          • Identification: Promptly identify and document any issues that arise with vendor performance.
          • Action Plan: Develop and implement action plans to address and resolve issues.
          • Escalation: Escalate unresolved issues to higher management if necessary.

          Training and Support

          • Vendor Training: Provide training and support to vendors to ensure they understand project requirements and quality standards.
          • Resource Availability: Ensure that vendors have access to necessary resources and information to perform their tasks effectively.

          By implementing these roles and actions, the project team and the purchasing and contracts department will ensure that vendors provide all agreed-upon products/services at the appropriate levels of quality, contributing to the overall success of the SA Hub web-based task assignment system project.

          Performance Metrics for Procurement Activities

          To effectively measure the performance of procurement activities for the SA Hub web-based task assignment system project, the following enhanced metrics will be employed:

          1. Procurement Cycle Time
            • Description: This metric tracks the time taken to complete each procurement activity, from the initial request to the final receipt of goods or services.
            • Purpose: Helps identify delays or bottlenecks in the procurement process, enabling timely adjustments to ensure efficient procurement cycles.
            • Calculation: Average number of days from procurement request initiation to delivery.
            • Target: Varies based on procurement type, with specific targets set per activity.
          2. Procurement Cost
            • Description: Assesses the total expenditure associated with procuring goods or services from vendors.
            • Purpose: Aids in optimizing cost-efficiency and budget adherence throughout the procurement process.
            • Calculation: Total actual procurement cost compared to the budgeted cost.
            • Target: ±5% of the budgeted cost.
          3. Procurement Quality
            • Description: Evaluates the quality of goods or services obtained through procurement activities, considering factors such as performance, adherence to specifications, and customer satisfaction.
            • Purpose: Ensures high procurement quality, supporting the overall success of the project by delivering reliable and superior deliverables.
            • Calculation: Number of quality complaints or defects / Total number of procurement activities.
            • Target: 98% of procurements meeting quality standards.
          4. Procurement Compliance
            • Description: Measures the extent to which procurement activities adhere to relevant laws, regulations, and organizational policies.
            • Purpose: Ensures compliance with procurement procedures, ethical standards, and contractual obligations, which is crucial for risk mitigation and maintaining a transparent and fair procurement process.
            • Calculation: Number of compliance violations / Total number of procurement activities.
            • Target: 100% compliance.
          5. Procurement Risk
            • Description: Evaluates the level of risk associated with procurement activities, considering factors such as vendor reliability, supply chain disruptions, and contractual risks.
            • Purpose: Allows the project team to proactively identify and address potential issues to minimize their impact on project timelines and budgets.
            • Calculation: Risk score based on a predefined risk assessment framework.
            • Target: Maintain risk at an acceptable level as defined in the risk management plan.

          Implementation and Monitoring

          The procurement team will diligently track these performance metrics throughout the project lifecycle to identify areas for improvement, discern trends, and benchmark vendor performance. The data collected will be utilized to generate comprehensive reports on the performance of procurement activities, providing valuable insights for future procurement planning and vendor selection criteria.

          Reporting and Utilization

          • Data Collection
            • Sources: Procurement records, vendor performance reports, quality inspections, and stakeholder feedback surveys.
            • Frequency: Data will be collected continuously and reviewed monthly.
          • Reporting
            • Frequency: Monthly procurement performance reports will be generated.
            • Format: Reports will include visualizations such as charts and graphs to highlight key metrics and trends.
            • Dissemination: Reports will be shared with relevant stakeholders, including the contract review board and senior management.
          • Future Procurement Planning
            • Vendor Evaluation: Metrics will be used to evaluate and rate vendor performance, influencing future vendor selection criteria.
            • Process Improvement: Metrics will help identify areas for improvement in the procurement process, leading to process enhancements.
            • Benchmarking: Historical data will serve as benchmarks for future projects, setting realistic and achievable targets for upcoming procurement activities.

          By implementing and monitoring these performance metrics, the project team aims to ensure efficient, cost-effective, and high-quality procurement activities, contributing to the successful delivery of the SA Hub web-based task assignment system project.

          Implementation Management Plan

          Executive Summary

          The SA Hub project aims to enhance the overall SA task management process within Asia Pacific College through a web-based system. This plan outlines our approach, roles, timeline, risk mitigation, quality assurance, and communication strategy to ensure successful implementation.

          Transition Approach

          The transition approach for the SA Hub project focuses on ensuring a smooth and seamless migration from the current overall SA task management process to the new SA Hub web-based system. This approach shows the following key elements:

          1. Current State Assessment - Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the existing task management system, including its functionalities, strengths, weaknesses, and user feedback. This assessment will serve as a baseline for comparison and guide the transition process.
          2. Stakeholder Engagement - Engage stakeholders, including Student Assistants, Offices, and Discipline Office Heads, throughout the transition process. Solicit feedback, address concerns, and communicate updates to ensure buy-in and support for the new system.
          3. Training and Capacity Building - Develop and implement a training program to familiarize users with the features and functionalities of the SA Hub system. Provide hands-on training sessions, user manuals, and online resources to empower users to navigate the new system effectively.
          4. Data Migration and Integration - Develop a data migration strategy to transfer existing task records, user profiles, and other relevant data from the current system to the SA Hub platform. Ensure compatibility and seamless integration between the two systems to minimize disruption and data loss.
          5. Pilot Testing and Feedback - Conduct pilot testing of the SA Hub system with a select group of users to identify any issues, bugs, or usability concerns. Gather feedback from pilot users and iterate on the system based on their input to enhance user experience and functionality.
          6. Monitoring and Evaluation - Monitor the transition process closely, tracking key performance indicators, user feedback, and system usage metrics. Evaluate the effectiveness of the transition approach and adjust as needed to optimize outcomes and address any challenges that arise.

          By following this transition approach, the SA Hub project aims to minimize disruption, maximize user adoption, and ensure a successful transition to the new web-based task management system.

          Team Organization

          The following table shows the transition team members from SA Hub project and the roles and responsibilities of each team member.

          May TABLE i2

          Workforce Transition

          The workforce transition plan for the SA Hub project is designed to facilitate a smooth and effective transition from the current APC SA process to the new SA Hub web-based system. This plan ensures that all three user groups are well-prepared, informed, and supported throughout the transition, enabling them to utilize the new system efficiently.

          Workforce Execution During Transition

          The workforce execution during transition plan for the SA Hub project aims to ensure a smooth and efficient shift from the current overall SA task management process to the new web based SA Hub system. This plan focuses on preparing and supporting the employees involved in the transition, ensuring they have the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to effectively use the new system.

          1. Preparation Phase
            • Inform all stakeholders about the upcoming transition, its benefits, and the timeline.
            • Conduct a skills and readiness assessment to identify training needs and potential challenges.
            • Develop a detailed transition plan, including key milestones, resource requirements, and roles and responsibilities.
          2. Training Phase
            • Develop and deliver targeted training programs tailored to different user groups (e.g., SA Manager, Requesting Offices, and Student Assistants).
            • Provide comprehensive training materials, including user manuals, FAQs, video tutorials, or any related materials, and hands-on training sessions to allow users to practice using the SA Hub system in a controlled environment.
          3. Implementation Phase
            • Implement feedback mechanisms to gather user input and address any issues or concerns promptly. And then monitor the transition process closely to ensure compliance with the plan and to make any necessary adjustments.
            • Use the feedback and evaluation results to make continuous improvements to the post implementation of the system and the support processes.

          Property Transition

          Intellectual Property

          The intellectual property (IP) involved in the development of the web based SA Hub system will be owned jointly by the members of the project team, DIVAlopers, and Asia Pacific College (APC). As third-year Bachelor of Science in Computer Science students, DIVAlopers will retain rights to their individual contributions to the project, including code, design elements, and documentation. APC will retain rights to the overall system, including any modifications or enhancements made during the implementation process.

          Any third-party libraries, frameworks, or tools used in the system's development will be subject to their respective licenses and terms of use. DIVAlopers will ensure compliance with all licensing agreements and provide documentation of third-party dependencies as part of the project deliverables.

          User Accounts and Passwords

          Transitioning user accounts and passwords to the new SA Hub web-based system will be managed securely and with strict adherence to data privacy regulations. The database used for the system will be sourced from APC's existing database, with access limited to Student Assistants (SAs), employees from Requesting Offices, and the Discipline Head (SA Manager).

          User Accounts:

          • Existing user accounts for SAs, employees from Requesting Offices, and the Discipline Head will be migrated to the new system. Each user will retain their unique username and associated profile information.
          • New accounts may be created for additional users as needed, following established procedures for user registration and authentication.
          • User roles and permissions will be defined within the system to ensure appropriate access levels for different stakeholders.


          • Passwords will be securely migrated to the new system using encryption techniques to protect sensitive information.
          • Users will be prompted to reset their passwords upon initial login to the new system, ensuring compliance with security best practices.
          • Password policies, including minimum length, complexity requirements, and expiration periods, will be enforced to enhance security and protect against unauthorized access.

          Data Privacy and Confidentiality:

          • All user data, including personal information and login credentials, will be handled in accordance with APC's data privacy policies and applicable regulations.
          • Access to sensitive data will be restricted to authorized personnel only, with measures in place to prevent unauthorized disclosure or misuse.
          • Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments will be conducted to identify and address potential risks to data integrity and confidentiality.

          Knowledge Transfer

          The project team will develop comprehensive user manuals covering system functionality, navigation instructions, and best practices for task management and communication. Manuals will be made available in digital format for easy access and distribution to all system users.
          Also, short video tutorials demonstrating key features and workflows within the SA Hub web-based system will be created.
          Documentation guides will be updated regularly to reflect system updates and improvements.

          Training sessions will be customized to address the unique responsibilities and requirements of different user groups within the SA organization. Separate training tracks will be designed for Student Assistants (SAs), employees from Requesting Offices, and the Discipline Head (SA Manager), focusing on real-world scenarios.

          By prioritizing both documentation and training efforts, DIVAlopers will ensure that all stakeholders have access to the resources and support needed to successfully adopt and utilize the SA Hub web-based system, maximizing its benefits and enhancing overall efficiency within the SA organization.


          May TABLE rin i2

          Handover and Acceptance

          The Handover Acceptance process ensures that the SA Hub project is formally accepted and approved by the designated stakeholders, marking the successful completion of the project and the transition to the operational phase. This document outlines the criteria and procedures for the acceptance of the SA Hub web-based system by the Asia Pacific College community.

          The SA Hub system will be handed over once all features and functionalities specified in the project scope have been fully implemented, tested, and documented. Comprehensive training sessions for SA Managers, Requesting Offices, and Student Assistants will have been conducted, ensuring all users are equipped to use the system effectively.

          The system will have undergone rigorous testing phases, including unit testing, integration testing, user acceptance testing (UAT), performance testing, and security testing, with all issues addressed and resolved. All necessary documentation, including user manuals, technical guides, training materials, and FAQs, will have been completed and delivered.

          The system will meet the established quality standards and requirements, verified through quality assurance and quality control measures. Additionally, a plan for ongoing support and maintenance, including procedures for handling user feedback and system updates, will be in place.

          Work Breakdown Structure


          The SA HUB web-based system project aims to develop an integrated system to streamline the task assignment and management process for Student Assistants (SAs) at Asia Pacific College. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the SA HUB web-based system provides a detailed outline of the work packages necessary to deliver an efficient and user-friendly web application. This WBS is essential for defining the project's scope, establishing deliverables, and ensuring all project objectives are met. The WBS for SA HUB web-based system is structured into five primary phases: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closeout. Each phase is subdivided into various work packages that are systematically numbered for easy reference. Key stakeholders, including the project owner and the project team, will review the WBS to ensure alignment with project goals and adjust as necessary. Overall, the WBS offers a comprehensive view of the tasks required to develop the web application, facilitating progress tracking and ensuring timely project delivery. It serves as a critical tool for maintaining project alignment with stakeholder expectations and ensuring all deliverables meet the required standards.

          Outline View

          The outline format of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for DIVALOPERS offers a clear and intuitive layout, particularly beneficial during project development. It streamlines the process of implementing changes swiftly and effectively. This format showcases the hierarchical arrangement of the WBS, aiding the team in comprehending the project's various levels and their interconnections. Through this format, the team can readily discern the primary project deliverables and their associated sub-deliverables, promoting adherence to the project timeline and successful completion.


          1 SA HUB Web-based System

          1.1 Initiation

          1.1.1 Define Project Scope, Limitations and Objectives

          1.1.2 Identify Problem

          1.1.3 Interview Users

          1.1.4 Develop Business Case

          1.1.5 Develop Project Charter

          1.1.6 Project Proposal Evaluation and Recommendation


          1.2 Planning

          1.2.1 Detailed System Architecture Design

          1.2.2 System Analysis

          1.2.3 System Design Evaluation and Recommendations

          1.2.4 Project Management Plan Documents


          1.3 Execution

          1.3.1 Sprint 01

 Development Preparation

 Initial Web-Based System Development

          1.3.2 Sprint 02

 Web Based System Functionality & Features Completion

          1.3.3 Sprint 03

 Documentation Review and Enhancement

 Web-based System Review and Demonstration


          1.4 Monitoring

          1.4.1 Project Progress and Milestones Monitoring

          1.4.2 Quality Control and Testing

          1.4.3 Change Control Management

          1.4.4 Risk Assessment and Management

          1.4.5 Feedback Gathering and Analyzing


          1.5 Closeout

          1.5.1 Final Deliverables Handover

          1.5.2 Release and Archive Project Resources and Documents

          1.5.3 Formal Project Closure

          Hierarchical Structure

          Using a hierarchical structure to depict the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the DIVALPERS project proves effective. It delineates the project into smaller, manageable segments, wherein each tier signifies a more intricate and precise set of tasks. Such a framework facilitates a lucid comprehension of task dependencies and deliverables, aiding the project team in monitoring progress and preempting potential issues promptly.

          Tabular View

          The tabular view of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for DIVALOPERS provides a clear and organized overview of the project, displaying all tasks and subtasks in a table format..


          Consolidated Project Management Plan

          This link will redirect you to consolidated project management plan. Click here

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