G07 TBA Season 4 Drinks n Garage Web Application - apcjlquesada/APC_2023_2024_3rd_Term_PROJMAN GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

Project Title

Drinks N' Garage Web Application

Project Members

Project Professor




Jose Eugenio L. Quesada

PROJMAN Professor

[email protected]

Project Adviser




Jojo F. Castillo


[email protected]

Project Team



Jasper Daniel G. Abogado

[email protected]

Adan L. Cabildo

[email protected]

Jared B. de Leon

[email protected]

Jeff Enzo A. Espiritu

[email protected]

Vieron Jhomel A. Garcia

[email protected]

John Cedric B. Molina

[email protected]

Company Profile

Brief Background

Drinks N' Garage, a family-run business located in Trece Martires, Cavite City, started selling milk tea during the pandemic in 2020. They were successful with their business and decided to go online, setting up a Facebook page to promote their products. But since they're new to online business, they've been struggling with managing orders. Right now, they're only using Facebook Messenger, which lacks the proper operations needed for an online business to function properly. They need a better system to handle inventory and orders so they can work more efficiently. Our project aims to help them out by giving them a system that fits their needs, making things easier for both them and their customers. With a proper inventory and ordering system, they can streamline their operations, reduce manual workload, and provide a smoother experience for their customers.

Project Charter

Executive Summary

The project aims to address the operational challenges faced by Drinks 'n Garage, a small family-owned food business, in managing customer orders and inventory effectively. Currently relying on manual processes and social media platforms for order management, the business experiences inefficiencies, order errors, and stock shortages during peak periods. By developing an integrated Online Food Ordering and Stock Management System, the project seeks to streamline order processing, enhance customer experience, and optimize inventory management. This solution aligns with the business's goal of improving its online presence and services while meeting the evolving needs of its digitally savvy customer base.

Project Purpose/Justification

In today's digital age, businesses are facing increasing pressure to adapt to changing consumer behaviors and technological advancements. "Drinks 'n Garage," a small family-owned business located in Trece Martires, Cavite City, is no exception. With the rise of online food delivery services and the convenience they offer, there's a clear market demand for the business to expand its online presence and streamline its ordering process. Currently, their manual order-taking system is becoming inefficient, leading to longer wait times for customers and difficulties in managing orders during peak hours. Customers have also expressed their desire for an easier way to place orders and inquire about menu items.

Moreover, there's a growing trend towards eco-friendly practices, and the business's reliance on paper order forms is not aligned with this shift. Implementing a digital ordering system would not only improve efficiency but also reduce paper waste, contributing positively to the environment. Additionally, there's a social need to meet the expectations of digitally savvy customers and provide them with a seamless ordering experience.

From an organizational standpoint, investing in a digital ordering system aligns with the business's goal of improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. By leveraging technological advances in web development, they can develop a user-friendly web application that allows customers to browse the menu, customize orders, and submit payments online. This will not only streamline the ordering process but also free up staff time to focus on other aspects of the business, such as food preparation and customer service.

Furthermore, there may be legal requirements to consider, such as data protection regulations, which they must adhere to when developing the web application to ensure the security and privacy of customer information. Overall, the intended effects of implementing this business case include cost savings through improved efficiency, process improvement through the automation of manual tasks, and potentially new product development opportunities as they explore ways to expand their online offerings.

Business Objectives

Main Objective: Develop an integrated Online Food Ordering and Stock Management System to streamline customer orders, track inventory, and update menus through a unified web application platform.

  • Reduce manual data entry and provide the client with sales data and analytics, enabling the generation of reports for data-driven decision-making.
  • Enhance the ordering process for customers by implementing an ordering system that offers a wide selection of products, improving user experience and minimizing order errors.
  • Implement a stock management system to facilitate efficient tracking and management of the business's inventory, ensuring adequate stock levels and minimizing stockouts.

Project Description

This project charter outlines the development of the Drinks 'n Garage web application. The project addresses the current challenge of lacking a management system for the company's orders and inventory. Our primary objectives are to develop an online food ordering system and a stock management system. The project scope also encompasses sales analytics and user authentication and management while excluding web hosting, POS system, and is only limited to addressing the specific problems identified by the client. This will be achieved through a user-friendly web application with functionalities like a responsive online food ordering system, stock management system, and sales analytics functionality.

The timeline includes key milestones such as developing the web application and completing the project deliverables. More information about the project milestones can be found in the Summary Milestone Schedule. A preliminary budget estimate is between ₱ 1.2 million to ₱ 1.3 million while potential risks include technical issues and limitations, schedule risks, financial risks, security risks, and adoption risks with mitigation strategies planned. Following approval from the project manager – Jared de Leon and project sponsor – Mr. Mervin, this charter will be a guiding document for the project, with a revision history maintained for transparency.

Project Objectives and Success Criteria

To achieve success on the Online Food Ordering and Stock Management System project, the following objectives must be met within the designated time and budget allocations:

  • Develop a solution that will mitigate security risks and test it.
  • Implement another mode of payment like credit cards and broaden other banks such as GCash, BDO, BPI, etc. that will be able to transact using online payment.
  • Transfer the Online Food Ordering and Stock Management System to the client, providing necessary training and support to ensure smooth adoption.
  • Develop the Stock Management System component, integrating automated alerts for low stock levels, and reporting functionalities.
  • Monitor system performance, gather user feedback, and make iterative improvements based on user experience and business requirements, ongoing after deployment.


This project must meet the following list of requirements in order to achieve success:

  • The system should have scalability and flexibility to accommodate future growth and changes in business requirements.
  • Security measures must be implemented to protect customer data, financial transactions, and sensitive business information.
  • The Online Food Ordering and Stock Management System must have a user-friendly interface for customers to place orders, view menus, and track order status.
  • The system must provide sales data and analytics, enabling the generation of reports for data-driven decision-making by stakeholders.

Additional requirements may be added as necessary, with project sponsor approval, as the project moves forward.


The following constraints are relevant to the implementation of the Drinks 'n Garage online Food Ordering and Stock Management System:

  • Technology Compatibility: The system must be compatible with existing IT infrastructure, including hardware, software, and network configurations, to ensure seamless integration and functionality. Adapting the system to work within the technological environment of the business is essential for its effectiveness and reliability.
  • Budgetary Limitations: The implementation of the system must adhere to a predefined budget allocated for development, deployment, and maintenance. Ensuring that all expenses associated with system implementation remain within the financial constraints of the business is essential for cost-effectiveness and sustainability.
  • Resource Availability: The project team may face constraints related to the availability of skilled personnel, including developers, designers, and IT professionals, necessary for system development and implementation. Optimizing resource utilization and allocation within the available pool of talent is crucial for meeting project timelines and objectives.

By addressing these constraints proactively, the management team can navigate challenges effectively and ensure the successful implementation and operation of the Drinks 'n Garage online Food Ordering and Stock Management System, enhancing overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.


To ensure clarity and alignment as the Drinks 'n Garage System is implemented, certain assumptions are identified. These assumptions represent expectations about available support, communication, and resources:

  • Full Support: It's assumed that the project enjoys backing from the project sponsor, stakeholders, and relevant departments.
  • Clear Communication: The purpose of the project will be communicated throughout the company before deployment.
  • Resource Availability: Necessary additional resources, if required, will be provided to support the project's implementation.

Preliminary Scope Statement

This document outlines the preliminary scope and statement for the Drinks 'n Garage project. The project aims to provide a solution to Drinks 'n Garage's online ordering system, stock management, and updating their menu through the development of this web application.

Currently, the scope encompasses the following key functionalities:

  • Efficient transaction management,
  • Accessible and organized data,
  • Better stock management, and
  • Simplified system and menu updates for the owners, while
  • Improved menu navigation and
  • Real-time item availability for their customers.

The project will not include Web hosting and POS System to ensure focused development. Upon completion, the project is expected to deliver the fully functional web application and other necessary documentation and deliverables. For the project to be considered successful, the web application must meet the following criteria:

  • Ability to create, login, and manage an account
  • Ability to access the menu and ordering feature
  • Ability to track and manage sales
  • Ability to access secure communication channels
  • Ability to track and manage stock


The following risks for the Drinks N’ Garage Web Application project have been identified. The project manager, with the cooperation of the team, will determine and employ the necessary risk mitigation/avoidance strategies as appropriate to minimize the likelihood of these risks:

  • Technical risks>: There could be technical issues or limitations that could arise during the development of the web application, such as compatibility issues, software bugs, or system crashes.
  • Schedule risks: The project could face delays due to unforeseen circumstances, such as team members falling ill, or technical issues taking longer to resolve than anticipated.
  • Financial risks: The project could go over budget due to unexpected expenses or changes in the scope of the project.
  • Security risks: There could be security risks associated with the web application, such as data breaches or hacking attempts.
  • Adoption risks: There could be challenges in getting customers to adopt the new web application, or in getting the Drinks N’ Garage team to transition from their current system to the new web application.

Project Deliverables

The following deliverables must be met upon the successful completion of the Drinks N’ Garage project. Any changes to these deliverables must be approved by the project sponsor.

  • Online Food Ordering System: A user-friendly online platform where customers can browse menus, place orders, and make payments.
  • Stock Management System: A module to track inventory levels, manage stock movements, and add or remove items from the item list.
  • Sales Analytics: Features to generate sales data and reports, providing insights into sales trends, popular items, and revenue generation.
  • User Authentication and Management: Secure user authentication mechanisms and user management functionalities to ensure data security and personalized experiences.

Summary Milestone Schedule

The project Summary Milestone Schedule is presented below. As requirements are more clearly defined this schedule may be modified. Any changes will be communicated through project status meetings by the project manager.

Project Milestone

Targeted Date

Project Start


Complete Design Thinking


Complete Solution Design


Acquire Hardware and Software


Complete Solution Simulation with New Hardware/Software


Complete Solution Simulation and Testing


Deploy Solution


Project Complete


Project Approval Requirements

Success for Drinks N’ Garage’s project will be achieved when a fully functional e-commerce website application is successfully deployed online within the time and cost constraints indicated in this charter. Success will be determined by the Project Sponsor, Mr. Mervin, who will also authorize the completion of the project.

Drinks N’ Garage’s Project Approval Requirements

  1. Functionality: Drinks N’ Garage must fulfill all functional requirements stated during the project planning phase. These include features related to user login, product catalog, shopping cart, payment processing, search functionality, responsiveness, product filtering and more.
  2. User Acceptance Testing: The website application must be reviewed and tested by the stakeholders or users to meet the user expectations or experience, perform as intended and align with the client's business needs.
  3. Performance and Scalability: The website applications' performance, responsiveness and scalability should be tested. It must handle the estimated expected user traffic provided by the client, have balanced load times and deal with concurrent users without difficulty.
  4. Security and Privacy Compliance: The website application must abide and adhere to the standard security protocols and practices to protect user data, prevent unauthorized access and to comply with the existing laws for privacy regulation.
  5. Content and Design Approval: The website application's content and design should be approved by the stakeholders.
  6. Documentation Completion: All project-related documentation should be finalized and accepted by the client.

Project Manager

Jared De Leon is the Project Manager for the rest of the duration for the development of Drinks N' Garage. The project manager's responsibility is managing, planning, executing, closing, distributing tasks and communicating with the team members, stakeholders and sponsors to continue with the project's development. The project manager will coordinate all resource requirements among the team members. Mr. Jose Eugenio Quesada, our project advisor, is authorized to approve all budget expenditures up to, and including, the allocated budget amounts.

Stakeholder Management Strategy Plan


This Stakeholder Management Plan (SMP) outlines the strategies for effectively engaging and managing stakeholders throughout the Drinks ‘N Garage web application lifecycle. The plan aims to ensure clear communication, manage expectations, and secure stakeholder buy-in for project success.

Identify Stakeholders

This section shows the methodology employed by the project team for stakeholder identification and provides a precise definition of stakeholders. It underscores the critical importance of identifying all stakeholders, irrespective of their perceived significance, as any oversight may lead to unanticipated challenges during the project lifecycle. Thus, meticulous attention and rigor are imperative in this phase of the Stakeholder Management Strategy.

The methodology for stakeholder identification entails a thorough examination of each stakeholder's influence, objectives, and contributions to the project. Additionally, factors such as potential resistance to project initiatives will be assessed to anticipate and mitigate potential obstacles to progress. This comprehensive approach ensures a nuanced understanding of stakeholders and facilitates the formulation of tailored engagement strategies to address their diverse needs and expectations.

Name Department / Company Position Advisers Objectives, Requirements, Interests Influence Project Contribution Resistance
Mervin Etino Drinks N' Garage CEO To give feedback regarding on the system that will be use in their company High Feedback
Jojo Castillo APC Project Consultant To guide project team in developing the product output, systems side High Guidance and Advice
Jose Euguenio Quesada APC Project Adviser To provide insights about the project and guide the development High Development Adviser
Vieron Garcia APC Developer To develop a system according to the project's objectives Medium Back-End Developer
Adan Cabildo APC Developer Provides labor and skills utilization Medium Developer of Back-End of DNG System
Jasper Abogado APC TBA - Frontend Developer To create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces Medium Developer of Front-End of DNG System
Jeff Enzo Espiritu APC Documentations To ensure correct information is added to the documents Medium Document Management
John Cedric Molina APC Assistant Manager To ensure smooth project operations Medium
Jared De Leon APC Project Manager To be able to lead and manage the team properly to meet the goals of the project High Team Management

Key Stakeholders

The success of any project hinges on the collaboration and guidance of its key stakeholders. In our venture to develop a system for Drinks N' Garage, we have identified several individuals whose involvement and expertise are needed to achieve our objectives.

Stakeholder Name Department / Company Position
Jared De Leon APC Project Manager
Mervin Etino Drinks N' Garage CEO
Jose Eugenio Quesada APC Project Adviser

In our project aimed at developing a new system for Drinks N' Garage, key individuals play pivotal roles in steering the project towards success.

Firstly, Mervin Etino, serving as the CEO of Drinks N' Garage, brings invaluable insight and expertise to the project. With an intimate understanding of the company's operations, Mervin's feedback on the new system is integral to ensuring its alignment with the organization's requirements and objectives.

Secondly, Joegene Quesada, positioned at APC and serving as our primary adviser, contributes extensive experience and guidance essential for maintaining project trajectory. Joegene's role is instrumental in keeping the project on course and ensuring alignment with our overarching goals.

Lastly, Jared De Leon, also affiliated with APC, assumes the role of Project Manager. Charged with overseeing project operations, Jared ensures seamless coordination of tasks and adherence to deadlines. His leadership fosters an environment of efficiency and accountability, driving the project towards successful completion. Collectively, Mervin Etino, Joegene Quesada, and Jared De Leon play indispensable roles in our project. Their expertise, guidance, and leadership are essential for maintaining focus, facilitating informed decision-making, and sustaining momentum towards achieving project objectives.

Stakeholder Analysis

This section outlines the approach the project team will undertake to analyze the identified stakeholders. It will encompass the categorization or grouping of stakeholders and an assessment of their level of impact, determined by their power, influence, and involvement in the project. Various tools and techniques exist to aid in quantifying stakeholders, and this section will detail their description and application.

1. Categorization and Grouping: The project team will systematically categorize stakeholders based on their roles, interests, and relationships to the project. This classification will enable tailored communication and engagement strategies for each stakeholder group.

2. Impact Assessment: Each stakeholder's impact on the project will be evaluated considering their power to influence decisions, their level of influence within the organization or community, and their active involvement in project activities. This assessment will guide prioritization and resource allocation efforts.

3. Tools and Techniques: Several tools and techniques will be employed to facilitate stakeholder analysis, including but not limited to:

  • Stakeholder Mapping: Visual representation of stakeholders' relationships, interests, and influence levels.
  • Power/Interest Grid: Classification of stakeholders based on their power and interest in the project.
  • Salience Model: Evaluation of stakeholders' importance based on their power, legitimacy, and urgency.
  • Stakeholder Interviews and Surveys: Direct engagement with stakeholders to gather insights on their expectations, concerns, and preferences
  • Document Analysis: Review of existing documents, such as organizational charts and project charters, to identify key stakeholders and their roles.
  • Scope Management Plan


    The Scope Management Plan outlines the processes necessary to ensure that a project includes all the work required for completion while excluding unnecessary tasks. It serves as a guide for managing and controlling the project scope. Below are the key components of the plan:

    1. Purpose - The purpose of the Scope Management Plan is to define how the project scope will be:
      • Defined: Clearly articulated and documented.
      • Developed: Expanded upon as needed.
      • Verified: Ensured to meet project requirements.
    2. Responsibilities - The plan clearly identifies the roles and responsibilities related to managing the project scope. This includes the project manager, stakeholders, and any other relevant parties.
    3. Process Overview - Project Scope Management follows a five-step process:
      1. Collect Requirements: Gather and document project requirements from stakeholders.
      2. Define Scope: Clearly define what is included and excluded in the project scope.
      3. Create Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Break down project deliverables into manageable components (work packages) for scheduling, costing, monitoring, and control. 
      4. Verify Scope: Obtain formal acceptance of deliverables from sponsors or customers.
      5. Control Scope: Monitor and manage changes to the scope baseline to prevent scope creep.

    By creating our Scope Management Plan, we ensure effective project execution and prevent swaying from the original scope of the project.

    Scope Management Approach

    This section will discuss the approach of the scope and how to manage it. The scope was defined through scope statement and the project leader and manager will have the authority and responsible for the scope management plan. In order to measure and verify the scope, it must have a quality checklists that will meet the standards or effectiveness of all the features included in the scope of the project. Nevertheless, after measuring, the project leader is now responsible for checking the acceptance of the final deliverables according to the needs of the client.

    Roles and Responsibilities

    • Project Manager – Responsible for mainly managing the team and checking if the team is on the right track
    • Project Team
      • Project leader is responsible for assigning tasks, leading the team, setting meetings, and more.
      • Developers are responsible for the system design and structure.
      • Tester responsible for testing the system to meet the scope and give feedback regarding on their experience
      • Client - mainly give their ideas on their needs/wants and the team will align the scope according to the changes.
    • Advisers - Guide the team for better outcomes

    Scope Definition

    The project aims to create a responsive web application for Drinks ‘N Garage’s ordering and stock operations for daily use. The scope encompasses sales analytics and user authentication and management. However, the project excludes other features such as Point-of-Sale (POS) system and is not web hosted. Other limitations and assumptions are listed below:

    • Deliverables
      • A fully functional and responsive web application for both ordering and stock management
      • Management plans and Work Breakdown Structure
    • Inclusions
      • Design and development of the web application
      • Fully managed team project management sites – Jira and OpenProject
      • User and client acceptance
    • Exclusions
      • POS System
      • Web hosting
    • Assumptions
      • Full support and backing from the project sponsor, stakeholders, and relevant departments.
      • Clear communication with the stakeholders throughout the project
      • Necessary additional resources, if required, will be provided to support the project's implementation.

    Project Scope Statement

    The project will develop an integrated Online Food Ordering and Stock Management System for Drinks 'n Garage, a small family-owned food business. The system aims to streamline order processing, enhance customer experience, and optimize inventory management. This web application will allow customers to browse the menu, customize orders, and submit payments online, while also enabling the business to manage orders and inventory efficiently.

    Product Acceptance Criteria

    • Functional Ordering System: A fully operational online ordering system that allows customers to place orders, customize items, and make payments via multiple methods including GCash, BDO, and BPI.
    • Inventory Management: A stock management system that tracks inventory levels, sends automated alerts for low stock, and generates reports.
    • User-Friendly Interface: The system must be easy to navigate for both customers and staff, ensuring a smooth user experience.
    • Sales Analytics: The system must provide comprehensive sales data and analytics to support data-driven decision-making.
    • Security Measures: Implementation of robust security measures to protect customer data and financial transactions.

    Project Deliverables

    • Integrated Web Application: A responsive web application that combines food ordering and stock management functionalities.
    • Customer Order Management: A module that manages customer orders, from placement to fulfillment, including payment processing.
    • Inventory Management System: A component that tracks stock levels, manages inventory, and generates automated alerts and reports.
    • Sales Analytics: Tools for generating sales reports and analyzing data to inform business decisions.
    • Training and Support: Training materials and support for staff to ensure smooth adoption of the new system.

    Project Exclusions

    • Web Hosting: The project does not include web hosting services.
    • POS System Integration: Integration with existing POS systems is excluded from the project scope.
    • Additional Features: Features not directly related to online ordering and stock management, such as loyalty programs or marketing tools, are excluded.

    Project Constraints

    • Technology Compatibility: The system must be compatible with Drinks 'n Garage’s existing IT infrastructure, including hardware, software, and network configurations.
    • Budgetary Limitations: The project must adhere to a predefined budget of ₱1.2 million to ₱1.3 million.
    • Resource Availability: The project must be completed within the constraints of available skilled personnel, including developers and IT professionals.

    Project Assumptions

    • Market Demand: There is a growing demand for online food ordering among Drinks 'n Garage’s customer base.
    • Operational Efficiency: Implementing the system will significantly improve operational efficiency and reduce manual errors.
    • Eco-Friendly Practices: Transitioning to a digital system will align with the growing trend toward eco-friendly business practices by reducing paper waste.
    • Customer Satisfaction: The new system will enhance customer satisfaction by providing a seamless and efficient ordering experience.

    Project Objectives and Success Criteria

    • Develop a Secure System: Implement and test measures to mitigate security risks.
    • Enable Multiple Payment Methods: Integrate various online payment options, including GCash, BDO, and BPI.
    • Transfer and Train: Deliver the system to the client and provide necessary training and support.
    • Automated Inventory Alerts: Implement automated alerts for low stock levels.
    • Continuous Improvement: Monitor system performance, gather user feedback, and make iterative improvements post-deployment.


    • Scalability and Flexibility: The system should be scalable and flexible to accommodate future growth and changes.
    • Security: Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive information.
    • User-Friendly Interface: Ensure the system is easy for customers to use for ordering and for staff to manage orders and inventory.
    • Sales Data and Analytics: Provide comprehensive sales data and analytics capabilities.

    This scope statement provides a detailed outline of the objectives, deliverables, and boundaries of the Drinks 'n Garage Online Food Ordering and Stock Management System project, ensuring clarity and alignment with business goals.

    Work Breakdown Structure

    The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a vital project management tool used to divide the Drinks 'n Garage Online Food Ordering and Stock Management System project into smaller, more manageable components. The hierarchical structure of the WBS provides an increasingly detailed view of the project at each level. Accompanying the WBS, the WBS Dictionary offers comprehensive details about each component, including the scope of work, deliverables, responsibilities, and other pertinent information. By utilizing the WBS and WBS Dictionary, responsibilities for each project component can be clearly assigned, ensuring that every aspect of the project is considered, and each team member understands their specific roles. Additionally, the WBS and WBS Dictionary are instrumental in monitoring progress, identifying issues, developing solutions, and ensuring that the project stays on track and within its defined parameters. Overall, the WBS and WBS Dictionary are essential tools for managing the project scope and ensuring the successful implementation of the Drinks 'n Garage Online Food Ordering and Stock Management System.

    Level WBS Code Element Name Definition
    1 1 Widget Management System All work to implement a new widget management system.
    2 1.1 Initiation The work to initiate the project.
    3 1.1.1 Evaluation & Recommendations Working group to evaluate solution sets and make recommendations.
    3 1.1.2 Develop Project Charter Project Manager to develop the Project Charter.
    3 1.1.3 Deliverable: Submit Project Charter Project Charter is delivered to the Project Sponsor.
    3 1.1.4 Project Sponsor Reviews Project Charter Project sponsor reviews the Project Charter.
    3 1.1.5 Project Charter Signed/Approved The Project Sponsor signs the Project Charter which authorizes the Project Manager to move to the Planning Process.
    2 1.2 Planning The work for the planning process for the project.
    3 1.2.1 Create Preliminary Scope Statement Project Manager creates a Preliminary Scope Statement.
    3 1.2.2 Determine Project Team The Project Manager determines the project team and requests the resources.
    3 1.2.3 Project Team Kickoff Meeting The planning process is officially started with a project kickoff meeting which includes the Project Manager, Project Team and Project Sponsor (optional).
    3 1.2.4 Develop Project Plan Under the direction of the Project Manager the team develops the project plan.
    3 1.2.5 Submit Project Plan Project Manager submits the project plan for approval.
    3 1.2.6 Milestone: Project Plan Approval The project plan is approved and the Project Manager has permission to proceed to execute the project according to the project plan.
    2 1.3 Execution Work involved to execute the project.
    3 1.3.1 Project Kickoff Meeting Project Manager conducts a formal kick off meeting with the project team, project stakeholders and project sponsor.
    3 1.3.2 Verify & Validate User Requirements The original user requirements is reviewed by the project manager and team, then validated with the users/stakeholders. This is where additional clarification may be needed.
    3 1.3.3 Design System The technical resources design the new widget management system.
    3 1.3.4 Procure Hardware/Software The procurement of all hardware, software and facility needs for the project.
    3 1.3.5 Install Development System Team installs a development system for testing and customizations of user interfaces.
    3 1.3.6 Testing Phase The system is tested with a select set of users.
    3 1.3.7 Install Live System The actual system is installed and configured.
    3 1.3.8 User Training All users are provided with a four hours training class. Additionally, managers are provided with an additional two hours class to cover advanced reporting.
    3 1.3.9 Go Live System goes live with all users.
    2 1.4 Control The work involved for the control process of the project.
    3 1.4.1 Project Management Overall project management for the project.
    3 1.4.2 Project Status Meetings Weekly team status meetings.
    3 1.4.3 Risk Management Risk management efforts as defined in the Risk Management Plan.
    3 1.4.4 Update Project Management Plan Project Manager updates the Project Management Plan as the project progresses.
    2 1.5 Closeout The work to close-out the project.
    3 1.5.1 Audit Procurement An audit of all hardware and software procured for the project, ensures that all procured products are accounted for and in the asset management system.
    3 1.5.2 Document Lessons Learned Project Manager along with the project team performs a lessons learned meeting and documents the lessons learned for the project.
    3 1.5.3 Update Files/Records All files and records are updated to reflect the widget management system.
    3 1.5.4 Gain Formal Acceptance The Project Sponsor formally accepts the project by signing the acceptance document included in the project plan.
    3 1.5.5 Archive Files/Documents All project related files and documents are formally archived.

    Scope Verification

    The project team will use various techniques for scope verification to guarantee that the Drinks N’ Garage project deliverables satisfy the original scope. The following verification process will be followed:

    1. Deliverables Submission: The project team submits the completed deliverables to the project manager.
    2. Internal Review: The project manager conducts an internal review to ensure all deliverables meet quality standards
    3. Stakeholder Review Meeting: A formal review meeting is held with stakeholders to present the deliverables.
    4. Feedback and Revision: Any feedback is addressed, and necessary revisions are made.
    5. Final Approval: Stakeholders provide final approval and sign-off on the deliverables.
    6. Documentation: All documentation, including the signed acceptance forms, are archived.

    Scope Control

    The scope control process for Drinks N’ Garage Web Application will follow the steps if any changes need to be made to the scope baseline:

    1. Any stakeholder or team member who identifies a need for a change in the project scope will initiate a scope change request. This can include requests for new features, modifications to existing features, or changes to project deliverables.
    2. The Product Owner and Project Adviser will review the submitted change request to assess its impact on the project.
    3. If the change is deemed low impact the Product Owner can approve or deny the request. Decisions on low-impact changes can be reviewed by the Project Adviser and overruled by the Project Sponsor if necessary and if the change is considered high impact the Product Owner will evaluate the request and decide whether to approve or deny it.
    4. If the change request is approved the Product Owner will develop an action plan, update the scope baseline, notify the project team and stakeholders about the change.
    5. If the change request is rejected, the project team will continue with the original scope.

    Cost Management Plan


    The Cost Management Plan for Drinks 'n Garage aims to ensure the effective tracking and control of project expenses throughout the development of an integrated Online Food Ordering and Stock Management System. This plan establishes the standards and procedures for measuring, reporting, and managing the project's costs.

    Cost Management Responsibilities

    • Project Manager: Oversees the overall cost management of the project and serves as the primary point of contact for any cost-related concerns.
    • Finance Team: Monitors the approved budget to ensure alignment with the project’s financial objectives and constraints.

    Cost Change Approval

    • Project Manager Approval: All cost changes must receive approval from the Project Manager before being implemented.
    • Project Sponsor Approval: Any cost changes exceeding the budget require consultation with and approval from the Project Sponsor before proceeding.

    Cost Measurement and Reporting

    • Performance Metrics: Monthly measurement and reporting will use the Cost Performance Index (CPI) and Schedule Performance Index (SPI).
    • Monthly Reports: Detailed cost reports will be provided to the Project Sponsor on a monthly basis.

    Budget Format and Standards

    • Clarity and Detail: The budget will be presented in a clear and concise manner using an Excel spreadsheet format.
    • Line Items: The budget will be divided into individual line items, each with detailed cost estimates.
    • Updates and Documentation: Budgets will be updated monthly to reflect any changes, with thorough documentation of all updates.

    Overall, the Cost Management Plan for Drinks 'n Garage is designed to ensure that budgets are aligned, effectively managed, and controlled. This approach aims to facilitate the successful development and deployment of the Online Food Ordering and Stock Management System, thereby improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

    Cost Management Approach

    1. Determining the costs

    This approach will help the project team to establish an estimate for the financial needs for implementation of the Drinks N’ Garage WebApp to the client. Also, it should list all the relevant expenses that will ensure an accurate budget resource.

    2. Budget Development

    After considering the relevant expenses, the project team will now create a budget plan that will suit all the project's financial parameters.

    3. Cost Estimation

    With the anticipated costs and established project budget, it will help the project team to narrow down the activities in order. The team plans to use the bottom-up estimating that would aggregate the low-level of works.

    4. Cost Control

    In this part of approach, it ensures that the project stays within the proposed budget. It includes the monitoring of the budget to determine if there will be a variance, using of metrics for accuracy, and financial review to ensure compliance within the budget.

    5. Reporting

    Effective cost reporting will also be part of this as it provides tranparency and ensuring all stakeholders are informed about the project's financial status. The reports should contain detailed monthly costs that include actual expenses, forecasted values, and variances. With this report, it can make necessary budget adjustments according to the reported data and stakeholders feedback.

    Measuring Project Costs

    The purpose of this section is to outline the methods and tools used to measure and control the project costs throughout its lifecycle. Effective cost measurement ensures the project remains within the approved budget and financial resources are used efficiently. It will output the earned value measurements and what tools will be used to assist with the earned value metrics.

    Drinks N' Garage will constantly update and consider any changes made in project scope, schedule, and resource requirements that may affect the overall project budget. The team will also use EVM measurements to output cost performance across work packages and schedule activities. This will make sure the team is on track with their budget and avoid delaying the project.

    The earned value management approach will utilize and use measurement tools such as schedule variance, cost variance, schedule performance index and cost performance index with these measurements the team will be able to review cost performance over time and budget accordingly to not sway the project of its original objectives.

    Schedule Variance (SV) is a measure used in project management to assess whether a project is ahead of, behind, or on schedule. It compares the actual work performed (known as earned value, EV) with the work planned (known as planned value, PV). If SV is zero, the project is on schedule. If it’s positive, the project is ahead of schedule, and if it’s negative, the project is behind schedule.

    Cost variance (CV) is a project management metric that will measure the budget performance. A positive cost variance indicates that the project is under budget, a negative cost variance signifies that the project is over budget, with more money being spent than planned. Zero cost variance means the project is exactly on budget.

    The Schedule Performance Index (SPI) is a project management tool that measures how well a project is following its planned schedule. An SPI greater than 1 indicates the project is ahead of schedule, an SPI less than 1 means the project is behind schedule, and an SPI of 1 signifies the project is on schedule.

    The Cost Performance Index (CPI) is a metric used in project management to measure the efficiency of cost performance by comparing the value of work completed to the actual cost spent. A CPI greater than 1 indicates that the project is under budget, a CPI less than 1 suggests that the project is over budget, with less work completed for every unit of actual cost spent. A CPI of 1 means the project is exactly on budget.

    Reporting Format

    Reporting on cost management will be included in the monthly project status report. The Monthly Project Status Report will include a section labeled, “Cost Management”. This section will contain the Earned Value Metrics identified in the previous section. All cost variances outside the thresholds identified in this Cost Management Plan will be reported on including any corrective actions planned. Change Requests which are triggered based upon project cost overruns will be identified and tracked in this report.

    Factors that should be included are as follows:

    • Cost Category (e.g., Labor, Materials, Equipment)
    • Budget at Completion (BAC)
    • Actual Cost to Date (ACTD)
    • Earned Value (EV)
    • Cost Variance (CV) = ACTD - EV
    • Schedule Variance (SV) = EV - BAC

    Cost Variance Response

    This section of the Cost Management Plan outlines the response process for managing cost variances when control thresholds are triggered. The process ensures that appropriate actions are taken to bring the project back on budget.

    Control Thresholds

    Control thresholds are predefined limits on cost variances. When these thresholds are exceeded, the following response process is initiated:


    Identification and Analysis

    • The Project Manager identifies the cost variance through regular monitoring and reporting.
    • The Project Manager analyzes the cause of the variance to understand its impact on the project budget and schedule.



    • The Project Manager promptly notifies the Project Sponsor of the variance, providing a detailed report that includes the analysis and potential impacts.


    Presentation of Corrective Actions

    • The Project Manager presents options for corrective action to the Project Sponsor. These options may include:
    • Increasing the Budget: Request additional funds to cover the cost overrun.
    • Reducing Scope: Eliminate or defer lower-priority tasks to reduce costs.
    • Adjusting Quality: Lower the quality standards in some areas to reduce expenses.
    • Resource Reallocation: Reassign resources to more critical tasks to optimize budget use.
    • Schedule Adjustment: Extend project timelines to spread costs over a longer period.


    Approval and Implementation

    • The Project Sponsor reviews the proposed corrective actions and approves the most appropriate option.
    • The Project Manager implements the approved corrective action and adjusts the project plan accordingly.


    Monitoring and Reporting

    • The Project Manager continuously monitors the effectiveness of the corrective action.
    • Regular reports are provided to the Project Sponsor, highlighting the status of cost control and any further variances.


    • All steps in the cost variance response process are documented, including the analysis, proposed actions, approvals, and implemented changes.
    • Documentation ensures transparency and provides a reference for future project evaluations.

    By following this cost variance response process, Drinks 'n Garage ensures that any deviations from the budget are promptly addressed, maintaining control over project costs and supporting successful project completion.

    Cost Change Control Process

    The cost change control process will include the following steps:

    • Identifying cost changes: The Project Manager will recognize and document any proposed adjustments to the project budget or expenses using a designated form for cost change requests.
    • Analyzing cost changes: The project team will carefully examine the suggested modifications to assess how they might impact the project schedule, resources, and overall budget.
    • Approval of the cost change: The cost change request will be reviewed and approved by the project sponsor and other relevant stakeholders.
    • Implementing cost changes: Once approved, the Project Manager will ensure the smooth execution of the cost changes according to the project schedule and budget.
    • Tracking and monitoring cost changes: The project team will actively monitor and track the effects of the cost changes on the project schedule and budget, making necessary adjustments to keep the project on the right track.
    • Reporting on cost changes: The Project Manager will include information about the cost changes, along with relevant financial details and any corrective actions taken, in the regular project status reports.

    Project Budget

    The budget for this project is detailed below. Costs for this project are presented in various categories

    Drinks N’ Garage’s Website Application
    Budget: PHP 1,281,000
    Project Duration: 12 Months
    Project Cost Management
    Workforce Cost Estimate
    Roles Average Monthly Salary Total Salary Annually Total Cost (12 Months)
    Junior Developer PHP 35,000 PHP 420,000 PHP 420,000
    Junior UI/UX Developer PHP 32,000 PHP 384,000 PHP 384,000
    QA Tester PHP 30,000 PHP 360,000 PHP 360,000
    Contingency Cost
    Estimated Contingency Cost PHP 15,000
    Regular Inspections PHP 60,000
    Repairs PHP 8,000
    Web Hosting PHP 42,000

    Schedule Management Plan


    This Schedule Management Plan outlines the approach for developing, maintaining, and controlling the project schedule for Drinks ‘n Garage Web Application. It establishes expectations and procedures for all project stakeholders regarding the creation, monitoring, and communication of project timelines.

    Schedule Management Approach

    The schedule management approach will outline a general framework for scheduling in creating task duration and managing project schedules for the Drinks N’ Garage web application. The project schedule will mainly follow the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) that will help the project team to identify tasks and categorize them according to their relevance to the project. Prioritization will help determine and guide the project team to have a perspective on each task's duration. After that, the project team must agree on the proposed schedules or must approve the proposed work package assignments, durations, and schedule.

    Schedule Control

    This section discusses how the team will monitor and adjust the project schedule throughout its lifecycle to ensure it stays on track and communicate its updates to the stakeholders. Below are the key areas covered in the schedule control:

    Schedule Updates

    • Frequency – The team and its members regularly update and discuss their schedule every week although this may be subject to changes.
    • Process – Team members may contact each other through email and MS Teams channels ahead of time and may discuss it further through other channels.
    • Responsibility – Mainly the team leader and project manager are responsible for communicating the schedule updates to other stakeholders.

    Schedule Reviews

    • Frequency – The schedule and schedule updates will be reviewed every day by the members as they will be posted on the MS Teams channels. Meetings and discussions will be held regarding schedule changes depending on the availability of the members.
    • Participants – Stakeholders concerned with the schedule updates must be present at the discussions, team leaders and project managers. The presence of the team’s adviser and client are optional.
    • Purpose – Schedule reviews are generally to inform the stakeholders of the schedule updates and discuss whether further action will be required.


    • Dissemination – Schedules will be communicated with the stakeholders through email and respective MS Teams channels.
    • Changes – The team will hold a meeting involving the stakeholders regarding the current schedule and its activities and compare it to proposed changes by a member or stakeholder.

    Performance Measurement

    • Metrics – Metrics on the measurement of the team's performance are to be discussed and decided by the project manager and the client.
    • Reporting – Schedule performance will be reported generally at the end of each sprint week. This will be done with the data from the metrics above and through the Gantt charts and other reports from the team sites.

    Schedule Changes and Thresholds

    If any member of the project team identifies a necessary schedule change, the project manager and team will meet to review and evaluate the change. They must determine which tasks will be impacted, the variance due to the potential change, and any alternative solutions or variance resolution activities. This analysis will assess the effects on scope, schedule, and resources.

    If the project manager concludes that the change will exceed established boundary conditions, a schedule change request must be submitted. Submission to the project sponsor for approval is required if either of the following conditions is met:

    • The proposed change is estimated to reduce or increase the duration of an individual work package by 10% or more.
    • The change is estimated to reduce or increase the duration of the overall baseline schedule by 10% or more.

    Change requests not meeting these thresholds may be submitted to the project manager for approval. Once reviewed and approved, the project manager is responsible for adjusting the schedule and communicating all changes and impacts to the project team, project sponsor, and stakeholders. Additionally, the project manager must ensure all change requests are archived in the project records repository.


    Scope Change

    Any adjustments to the project scope, approved by the project sponsor, will require the project team to examine how the adjustments will affect the current schedule. If the project manager finds that the adjustments will have a significant effect on the current project schedule, he/she may ask for the schedule to be re-baselined in light of any changes that need to be made as part of the new project scope. The project sponsor must review and approve this request before the schedule can be re-baselined. The process will include the following steps:

    1. Identification of the adjustments to the scope
      • The project team will identify any new deliverables or requirements that need to be added to the project.
    2. Impact assessment
      • Impact project team will assess the impact of the adjustments to the scope on the project schedule and resources.
      • This will include evaluating the additional time and resources required to complete the new deliverables or requirements, and any potential delays to the project schedule.
    3. Schedule and resource analysis
      • The project team will analyze the project schedule and resources to determine how the adjustments to the scope will affect the project moving forward.
    4. Approval process
      • The adjustments to the scope will be reviewed and approved by the project sponsor and key stakeholders.
      • The project sponsor will decide whether to proceed with the adjustments to the scope.
    5. Implementation
      • Once the adjustments to the scope are approved, the project team will integrate the new deliverables or requirements into the project schedule and resources.
    6. Monitoring and control
      • The project team will monitor the progress of the adjustments to the scope and make any necessary adjustments to the project schedule and resources to ensure that the project remains on track.
    7. Closeout
      • The adjustments to the scope will be closed out once all new deliverables or requirements have been completed and the project schedule and resources have been updated accordingly. It is important to note that adjustments to the scope can have a significant impact on the project schedule and resources and must be managed carefully to ensure that the project stays on track and within budget.

    Human Resources Management


    The Human Resource Plan is a comprehensive document that outlines how we will manage and support the human resources needed to successfully complete our project. This plan ensures that the right people with the right skills are available at the right times to meet the project's objectives. It includes strategies for recruiting, training, and managing the project team, as well as defining roles and responsibilities, performance expectations, and methods for addressing any staffing issues that may arise.

    Roles and Responsibilities

    This section contains information about the work and tasks assigned to each member of the team and other stakeholders.


    Acknowledgement and approval of the project’s goals and objectives, securing resources and funding, and keeping track of the project team’s progress throughout the lifecycle of the project.

    Project Manager

    Guide the project team on decisions for their project, assist in resolving issues, share best practices and other valuable knowledge, and review project deliverables to provide feedback.

    Project Team

    • Project Manager

      Leads the team in making decisions, develops and maintains the project plan, assesses and manages risks and issues, and communicates project status to stakeholders and the rest of the team.

    • Developers

      Develop clean and efficient code, implement product functionalities according to specifications, fix bugs, and coordinate the program with other team members.

    • Quality Assurance Tester

      Ensure quality of project deliverables, identify and document system defects, collaborate with developers to resolve defects, and verify that the product meets quality standards.

    • Document Specialist

      Create and update project documents, coordinate with other members, developers, and subject matter experts to gather information, and adhere to formatting guidelines for the deliverables.

    Project Organizational Chart


    Staffing Management Plan

    Project Organizational Charts

    This organizational chart shows the relationships of the stakeholders and the processes in between depending on their roles.

    Fig. 1. Project Organizational Chart

    Staffing Management

    Aside from the available resources mentioned in this document beforehand, other resources may be added to the project. Hence, this section is for the strategies in which the team will follow for future reference:

    Staffing Needs

    Table 1. Staffing needs table

    Role Responsibilities Number Needed
    Project Manager Oversee entire development process, keep project on track, manage budget and schedules, and manage resources, communication, and risks. 1
    UI/UX Designer Creates the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to ensure the web application is easy to use, navigate, and visually appealing. 1
    Front-End Developer Writes the code that users see and interact with on the web browser. This includes things like menus, buttons, and interactive elements. 1
    Back-End Developer Writes the code that runs behind the scenes on the server. This involves managing data, handling user requests, and interacting with databases. 1
    Quality Assurance Tester Tests the web application to identify and fix bugs before launch. Ensures the application functions as intended and is free of errors. 1
    Documentation Specialist Manages documentation of the project. This includes meeting minutes, user manuals, and request forms. 1

    Staffing Strategies

    Resource Acquisition

    The project manager may acquire additional resources through job postings and scouting on employment sites e.g., LinkedIn, Indeed, etc. The selection and interview process will be decided by the project manager.

    Training and Development

    New resources will be trained and assisted by the project team if needed.

    Budget and Costs

    There is currently no budget for additional labor as the workforce is estimated to be enough for the project’s development. Labor costs will change accordingly depending on the additional workers’ wages. Unit costs will also increase as additional resources will be considered.

    Communication Plan

    The team will follow the guidelines indicated in the Communication Management Plan for communication involving the additional resources. They will be considered accordingly in the communication flowchart depending on their role i.e., a developer will be considered a project team member, and an adviser will be considered as a project adviser.

    Monitoring and Evaluation

    The project manager will be the one tasked with monitoring all the teams assigned tasks, progress, schedule, etc. He may also issue a change request as needed. More information about change requests can be found in the Change Management Plan document.

    Risks and Mitigation Strategies

    The team will follow guidelines in the Risk Management Plan document for risks involving the additional resources.

    Change Management Plan

    The Change Management Plan for the Drinks N' Garage system outlines the approach to managing changes, defines what constitutes a change, explains the role of the change control board, and details the overall change management process. All stakeholders are required to submit or request changes to the Drinks N' Garage system in accordance with this plan, following the specified process.

    Change Management Approach

    The Change Management approach for the Drinks N' Garage system ensures that all proposed changes are:

    • Defined, Reviewed, and Agreed Upon: Properly documented, evaluated, and approved before implementation.
    • Within Project Scope: Only changes that align with the project scope are approved and implemented.
    • Beneficial to the Project: Focused on enhancing the project without exceeding its limitations.

    This approach consists of four key areas:

    • Scope and Benefit Assessment: Ensuring changes are beneficial and within the project’s scope.
    • Limitation Compliance: Ensuring changes do not exceed project limitations.
    • Implementation Planning: Determining how the change will be executed.
    • Change Management: Overseeing the implementation of changes.

    The Change Management process ensures adherence to this approach, preventing unnecessary changes and focusing resources on beneficial, in-scope changes.

    Definitions of Change

    Several types of changes may be requested and considered for the Drinks N' Garage system. These changes may necessitate updates to project documentation and communication to all stakeholders. Types of changes include:

    • Scheduling Changes: Impact the approved project schedule and may require fast-tracking, crashing, or re-baselining the schedule.
    • Budget Changes: Impact the approved project budget and may involve requesting additional funds, releasing unnecessary funds, or altering project reserves. These changes may require updates to the cost baseline.
    • Scope Changes: Necessary adjustments impacting the project scope due to unforeseen requirements. These changes may also affect the budget and schedule and may require revisions to the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), project scope statement, and other documentation.

    Change Management Process

    The Change Management process includes:

    1. Change Request Submission: Stakeholders submit change requests according to the defined process.
    2. Evaluation and Approval: The change control board reviews and approves changes that align with the project’s scope and benefit the project.
    3. Documentation and Communication: Approved changes are documented in project documentation and communicated to all stakeholders. This includes updates to the project plan, scope statement, schedule, and budget as necessary.
    4. Implementation: Changes are implemented according to the planned approach, ensuring compliance with project standards.

    The project manager is responsible for:

    • Communicating Approved Changes: Ensuring all approved changes are communicated to the project stakeholders.
    • Updating Documentation: Capturing changes in project documentation and communicating these updates to the project team and stakeholders.

    By following this Change Management Plan, the Drinks N' Garage project team will ensure that only beneficial changes within the project scope are implemented, thereby maintaining project integrity and resource allocation.

    Change Control Board

    The Change Control Board (CCB) holds the authority to approve proposed changes to the Drinks N’ Garage web application. The CCB's primary focus is to analyze the impact of these proposed changes on various aspects of the project, including development, risk, and costs. This plan will include the following members of the board:

    Role Name Position
    Jared de Leon Project Manager/Team Leader CCB Chair
    John Cedric Molina Assistant Team Leader/UI/UX Designer CCB Co-Chair
    Jasper Abogado Head Developer CCB Co-Chair
    Adan Cabildo Front-end Developer CCB Member
    Vieron Jhomel Garcia Back-end Developer CCB Member
    Jeff Enzo Espiritu Quality Assurance Tester/Document Specialist CCB Member

    Roles and Responsibilities

    The following are the roles and responsibilities for all change management efforts related to the project:

    Project Manager:

    • Seek clarification from change requestors on any open issues or concerns
    • Review documentation revisions/edits as necessary for all approved changes
    • Manage change requests
    • Address questions regarding change requests
    • Provide necessary feedback on proposed changes
    • Provide information and details on change request forms

    Project Adviser:

    • Give feedback and suggestions regarding changes on the project
    • Review change request forms with project team

    Change Control Process

    The change control process is an essential aspect of effective project management, designed to ensure that all changes are systematically and comprehensively managed from initiation to closure. By adhering to a standardized and repeatable process, organizations can maintain control over project scope, schedule, budget, and quality. This structured approach ensures that changes are carefully evaluated, communicated, and documented, aligning with the organization's overall change management strategy. Following each step in the process enables the project team to successfully incorporate approved changes, keep all stakeholders informed, and maintain updated project documentation, thereby enhancing project success and organizational efficiency.

    Change Control Process (High Level)

    Process Step Description Change Log Status
    Change Request Submission Any stakeholder submits a completed change request form to the project manager, detailing the nature, justification, benefits, and potential impacts. Submitted
    Initial Review and Logging The project manager or CCB member conducts an initial review, ensures completeness, logs the request into the system, and assigns a unique identifier. In Review
    Impact Analysis The project team and stakeholders perform an impact analysis to evaluate the change’s effects on scope, schedule, budget, resources, quality, and risks. In Review
    Review and Decision The CCB reviews the request and analysis, then decides to approve, reject, or request more information based on alignment with project goals and feasibility. Approved or Denied
    Implementation Planning If approved, the project manager and team develop a plan outlining implementation step, responsibilities, timelines, resources, and a communication plan. In Progress
    Change Implementation The change is implemented according to the plan, with the project manager monitoring progress and maintaining documentation of the process. In Progress
    Documentation and Communication Project documentation is updated, and a communication update is sent to stakeholders to inform them of the completed change and any new adjustments. In Progress
    Post-Implementation Review A review is conducted to ensure the change achieved desired outcomes, feedback is gathered, and lessons learned are documented for future reference. Verifying
    Change Request Closure The Change Coordinator marks the change as finished and closed. Closed

    Change Request Process

    Status Description
    Submitted A member of the project development team or key stakeholders submitted a change request log and it is pending review.
    In Review Impact analysis is being performed.
    Approved Change request is approved and will be moved to implementation.
    Denied Change request is denied.
    In Progress Action plan to execute the change request is being implemented.
    Verifying Review of proper implementation of change request.

    Communications Management Plan


    The Communications Management Plan defines Drinks N’ Garage’s communication requirements for the project and how information will be distributed. The Communications Management Plan defines the following:

    • The project will communicate a variety of information, including project updates, milestones, deliverables, risks, issues, key decisions and format.
    • Communication methods will include face-to-face meetings, emails, phone calls, video conferences, and the use of project management software and web portals.
    • Stakeholders will get weekly status reports. Meetings for urgent matters will be scheduled.
    • The responsibility for communication will be tailored among the team member roles. The Project Manager will ensure communication between the stakeholder and the team is kept and flows smoothly.
    • The communication needs of all stakeholders, includes the Project Sponsor, Project Manager, project team, clients/customers, vendors, and regulatory bodies will have their own specific communication plans for their needs and preferences.
    • The resources used to support effective communication will include dedicated tools such as project management software, email systems, budgets for communication activities, and time allocated for meetings and reporting.
    • Sensitive or confidential information will be communicated through secure channels and authorization for this information will be required from the Project Manager to ensure its protection.
    • Changes in communication methods will be managed through a formal change request process.
    • The flow of communications will follow a hierarchical structure with clear lines for direct communication on issues and feedback to ensure that the information is efficiently received or sent to the appropriate parties.
    • The communication plan will consider various constraints such as organizational policies, regulatory requirements and technological limitations.
    • Standardized templates and formats will be used to ensure consistency and clarity in communications.
    • The plan will resolve communication-related conflicts or issues. This will outline the steps for raising and addressing concerns to ensure swift and effective resolution.

    Communications Management Approach

    The project team looks forward to discussing how to manage communication during the project duration to achieve a successful outcome for the Drinks N’ Garage web app.

    For the Project Team, they will be using the following mediums for communication:

    • MS Teams – for daily sprint meeting as it follows the Agile methodology requirements.
    • Messenger – for constant communication regarding project updates.
    • Discord – for collaboration when working on deliverables since it is the preferred platform of the team.

    For the communicating the Project Adviser, team will be using the following:

    • MS Teams – the weekly meetings for consultation will occur in MS Teams and must be recorded.
    • Outlook – used for scheduling the weekly meetings.

    For the external client, to communicate the following medium will be use:

    • Google Meet & Gmail – used for meetings presenting system updates.
    • Messenger – for constant communication regarding feedback and reports about the project.

    Communications Management Constraints

    In this part of the paper, it will cover the limitations and constraints that could leave an impact to the development phase of the Drinks N’ Garage web application. The team will identify the possible hindrance that they would highly address to mitigate the risk of delaying the project. For the readers to further understand the factors, it will be listed in the following:

    • Limited use of Microsoft applications or platforms. This is because the project team at Asia Pacific College provides an account of Office 365 for the student. Therefore, the subscription would end after graduation, unless the team members want to subscribe under their personal accounts.
    • Limited access to the client. The client’s shop is in Cavite, which is far to visit, hence, the updates will be done online using Google Meet as a platform. The client might have different schedules than the project team, however, to mitigate the risk of not communicating with the client, the project team would ask the client to allocate 30 minutes – 1 hour of their time every week. The meeting with the client only happens once a week.
    • Limited availability of team members. Team members may have other commitments or responsibilities that limit their availability for communication.
    • Confidentiality. Certain project-related information, such as addresses, contact details, and account information, may be confidential and require special handling and communication protocols.

    Stakeholder Communication Requirements

    This table shows communication requirements for each stakeholder on the information needed to be relayed, communication channels preferred for contact, frequency of updating information and deliverables, and their response and impact on the project.

    Stakeholder Group Information Needs Communication Channel Frequency Response Expectation
    Project Team Project updates MS Teams, Outlook, Messenger, Discord Daily Daily communications of members, Participation in meetings
    Project Adviser Project updates, Consultation / Meetings MS Teams, Outlook Weekly Feedback on reports, Guidance
    Client Project updates, Status reports Google Meet, Gmail, Messenger, Discord Every end of the sprint Confirmation on project updates, Feedback on reports

    Not that some of the information in the table may be changed depending on the circumstances, especially for frequency wherein emergency updates may be needed to be communicated.


    Client – Mr. Mervin Etino

    The client is the owner of Drinks ‘n Garage. His main role is to acknowledge and confirm the operations of the project and make appropriate business decisions with the project team. The client is expected to oversee the retrospective meeting and give feedback accordingly.

    Project Manager – Mr. Jared B. De Leon

    The project manager holds the overall responsibility for the team. As for communications, the project manager will be the one who organizes, leads, and makes announcements for team discussions and meetings with the other stakeholders. He will also be the first to contact project advisers, sponsors, and the client when needed.

    Project Team

    The Project Team comprises all people who have a role performing work on the project. The project team needs to have a clear understanding of the work to be completed and the framework in which the project is to be executed. Since the Project Team is responsible for completing the work for the project, they played a key role in creating the Project Plan including defining its schedule and work packages. The Project Team requires a detailed level of communication which is achieved through day-to-day interactions with the Project Manager and other team members along with weekly team meetings.

    Project Adviser – Mr. Jojo F. Castillo

    The project adviser gives feedback on the project operations and gives the project team clear guidance through MS Teams and Email. The project adviser may participate in daily and weekly team meetings with the project team so they may effectively communicate.

    Project Team Directory

    The following table presents contact information for all persons identified in this communications management plan. The email addresses and phone numbers in this table will be used to communicate with these people.

    Role Name Title Affiliation Email
    Project Manager Jared B de Leon Project Manager APC-SoCIT [email protected]
    Project Client Mervin Etino Company Owner External [email protected]
    Project Team Adan Cabildo Back-End Developer APC-SoCIT [email protected]
    Project Team Jasper Daniel Abogado Front-End Developer, Quality Assurance Tester APC-SoCIT [email protected]
    Project Team Jeff Enzo Espiritu Document Specialist APC-SoCIT [email protected]
    Project Team John Cedric Carl Molina Quality Assurance Tester, Document Specialist APC-SoCIT [email protected]
    Project Team Vieron Jhomel Garcia Main Developer APC-SoCIT [email protected]

    Communication Methods and Technologies

    Communication Methods

    This project will utilize a variety of communication methods and technologies to ensure all stakeholders are informed and engaged.

    • For regular daily communication of the project team, they will use MS Teams, Messenger, and Discord.
    • For meetings involving the client, they will use Google Meet and Discord.
    • For general announcements and sending/receiving of files, the team and stakeholders will utilize MS Teams, Outlook, and Gmail.


    For ease of communication and organization of project documents and files, the following technologies below will be used:

    • Team chat Platforms: MS Teams, Messenger, and Discord
    • Video Conferencing: MS Teams, Google Meet, and Discord
    • Cloud-based Documentation Management Systems: MSOffice 365
    • Project Management Software: Jira, Open Project, MS Teams, GitHub
    • Email Systems: Outlook, Gmail

    Communications Matrix

    The following table identifies the communications requirements for this project.

    Channel From To Type Frequency Format Used Delivery Media
    Project Planning Project Manager Stakeholders Meeting Once during the beginning of the project Formal Microsoft Teams
    Release Planning Project Team Stakeholders Meeting Once during the beginning of the project Formal Microsoft Teams
    Sprint Planning Project Manager Project Team Meeting Once a week Formal Microsoft Teams
    Management Processes Project Team Stakeholders Artifact Once during the beginning of the project Written Document Microsoft Teams
    Project Deliverables & Updates Project Manager Project Team Meeting Twice a week Formal Microsoft Teams
    Project Backlogs Product Manager Project Team Meeting Twice a week Formal Microsoft Teams

    Guidelines for Meeting

    This section will serve as guidelines in every general meeting of the project team, from planning and preparation, to conducting and after the meeting.

    Before the meeting:

    • Meeting Agenda – The project manager will prepare and set agendas for each meeting to have a clear direction of topics that will be discussed in the meeting.
    • Meeting Objectives – Objectives for the meeting will also be set before and will be announced once the meeting starts.
    • Preparation – Project manager will prepare the necessary presentation slides, documents, share tabs, and other necessary files for the meeting and send reminders to the team before the meeting starts.
    • Meeting Invitations – Invitations to the team members and other stakeholders involved will be sent at least a day before the meeting starts.

    Meeting Conduct

    • Start and End Time – Meeting time will follow the start and end on time as much as possible.
    • Participation – Active participation from the team members is expected.
    • Focus – The team must stay on track with the topics and agenda set and avoid getting off track to ensure smooth flow of the meeting.
    • Decisions – The project manager and team members must be active and acknowledge decisions regarding the project.
    • Time Management – The project manager and meeting organizer are responsible for keeping the discussion on track and managing time effectively.

    Meeting Tools and Technologies

    • MS Teams – Typically used for formal and recorded team meetings and project adviser meetings.
    • Google Meet – The preferred channel of the client for meetings.
    • Discord – The preferred communication and video conferencing channel of the team used for collaborating in deliverables.

    After the Meeting

    • Assignments – The team must be reminded of the assignments set to them in the meeting.
    • Follow-up – Stakeholders may discuss topics outside of the meeting agenda and/or recap the meeting topics.
    • Feedback – Stakeholders may give feedback and suggestions regarding the meeting.

    Communication Standards

    The communication standards for Drinks N’ Garage’s E-Commerce Web Application project are included in the following:

    • Standardized Templates: Using the same templates for project documents keeps everything looking consistent. This includes meeting minutes, agendas, reports, and other project files to make it easier for people to understand and navigate the project's documentation.
    • Video Conferencing: Using video calls for meetings when team members and stakeholders are out of reach due to location instances. Tools like Microsoft Teams or Discord will help us have discussions and share updates.
    • File Naming Convention: Having a standardized way of naming files ensures they are easy to locate and access when needed. Each file name should include the project name, date, and a brief description of the content. This makes sure that the files are organized and easily located when needed.
    • Communication Protocols: Deciding on the communication methods to communicate and handle sensitive information. This includes who talks to who, when to use emails or instant messaging, and how to keep everyone in the loop. Having clear rules makes sure everyone knows what to do and when.

    Communication Escalation Process

    The Communication Escalation Process of Drinks N’ Garage ensures that issues are addressed promptly and effectively when initial communication efforts do not resolve them. The steps are written in the following:

    1. Identifying the Issue: If the team notices that there is a conflict that can't be fixed through normal communication recognize that it needs attention and should be identified quickly before it escalates.
    2. Initial Attempt to Resolve: The team should solve the issue by talking directly to the people involved. This could be through a chat, email, or meeting.
    3. Report to Immediate Supervisor: If the problem still can't be fixed, tell your immediate supervisor or project lead about it. You can use email or have a direct meeting to explain the issue.
    4. Escalate to Project Manager: If the supervisor can't solve the problem, they will escalate it to the Project Manager. They will send an email to the Project Manager, explaining the problem and what has been tried so far.
    5. Project Manager's Assessment: The Project Manager will investigate the issue, gather more information if needed, and try to solve it. They will set up a meeting or phone call with the people involved.
    6. Final Resolution: Senior Management will review the issue and decide how to solve it. They will meet and document the resolution.

    Glossary of Communication Terminology

    Term Definition
    Stakeholder Individual who plays an important role in the project development
    Communication Method Media or channels that the stakeholder use to convey information with each other
    Communication Frequency How often and how much information are distributed between the stakeholders
    Communication Flowchart Visual Representation of how information is passed to each stakeholder
    Communication Tools Technology and tools for communication e.g., MS Teams, Outlook, and Discord

    Quality Management Plan


    The Quality Management Plan for the Drinks N' Garage system will establish the activities, processes, and procedures necessary to ensure a quality product upon the project's completion. The purpose of this plan is to:

    • Ensure Quality is Planned: Outline the strategic approach for integrating quality into every phase of the project.
    • Define How Quality Will Be Managed: Specify the management framework and responsibilities for maintaining quality throughout the project.
    • Define Quality Assurance Activities: Detail the proactive activities and audits to be performed to ensure quality standards are met.
    • Define Quality Control Activities: Describe the monitoring and inspection processes to identify and address any deviations from quality standards.
    • Define Acceptable Quality Standards: Establish the criteria and benchmarks that the system must meet to be considered of high quality.

    Quality Management Approach

    The quality approach for Drinks N' Garage project will use a combining Scrum and Waterfall methodologies. This strategy ensures the development will provide a quality that will meet the quality standards of the stakeholders. To conclude, the approach focuses on delivering high-quality products and meeting client requirements through a systematic, step-by-step process.

    This step-by-step process involves the following:

    • Quality Standards – The team must identify the quality standards to achieve in the project.
    • Quality Preparation – The project team should work with the stakeholders to prioritize the requirements needed. It is important to ensure that the development must follow the standards.
    • Quality Control and Assurance – During development, the members who are assigned as quality assurance testers must conduct testing after the sprint, this will allow the possible bugs, problems, and issues that client might experience. The testing should follow proper testing procedures that evaluate a measurement for preventing these risks.
    • Quality Monitoring – The project team must assess and monitor the project for it to be reliable and functional. This will be done with the stakeholders as they will give feedback to the project team and make necessary adjustments to the areas that require improvement for the project's overall quality.

    Quality Requirements / Standards

    The project team and quality group will establish the product quality standards and requirements for the Drinks N' Garage system. These standards will be primarily based on the company’s documented standards for ordering and inventory systems. Key points include:

    • Standards Based on Existing Documentation: Utilization of the company’s current standards for ordering and inventory systems.
    • Identification of New Standards: Recognition and review of product-specific quality standards not currently documented.
    • Incorporation into Documentation: Integration of approved new standards into organizational documentation.
    • Project Plan Updates: Recording of newly identified quality standards in the Drinks N' Garage project plan.
    • Stakeholder Communication: Ensuring all stakeholders are informed of the new quality standards.
    • Trial Product Evaluation: Measuring trial products at pre-determined intervals.
    • Quality Compliance: Achieving ten consecutive trial runs that are 100% within acceptable quality control margins to confirm compliance.

    Process Quality

    The project team and quality group will also define the process quality standards and requirements for the Drinks N' Garage system. While many of these standards will be based on the company’s existing process standards, unique steps specific to the implementation of the Drinks N' Garage system may require new quality standards. Key points include:

    • Standards Based on Existing Processes: Utilization of the company’s current process standards.
    • Identification of Unique Steps: Recognizing unique steps in the implementation of the Drinks N' Garage system.
    • Establishment of New Standards: Collaborating with the quality group to create and document new standards.
    • Incorporation into Documentation: Including new standards in both organizational process documents and the Drinks N' Garage project plan.
    • Stakeholder Communication: Ensuring all stakeholders are informed of the new process standards.
    • Process Metrics Evaluation: Measuring and analyzing process metrics as trial products are created.
    • Process Compliance: Achieving process compliance once all metrics fall within acceptable quality assurance margins and the system meets quality compliance.

    Quality Assurance

    The quality assurance for the Drinks N' Garage system focuses on the processes used in the management of ordering and inventory. To ensure quality, an iterative quality process will be employed throughout the project life cycle. This iterative process includes:

    • Measuring Process Metrics: Regularly collecting data on various process parameters.
    • Analyzing Process Data: Evaluating the collected data to identify trends and areas for improvement.
    • Continuous Improvement: Making ongoing adjustments to enhance process efficiency and effectiveness.

    The Drinks N' Garage Project Manager and the project team will perform assessments at planned intervals to ensure all processes are being correctly implemented and executed. The quality manager will:

    • Daily Quality Management: Oversee the project's daily quality aspects.
    • Weekly Process Audits: Conduct regular audits to monitor adherence to quality standards.
    • Monitor Process Performance Metrics: Keep track of key performance indicators to ensure processes are on track.
    • Ensure Compliance: Verify that all processes comply with project and organizational standards.

    If discrepancies are found, the quality manager will:

    • Review Discrepancies: Meet with the Project Manager to discuss the identified issues.
    • Conduct Regular Reviews: The Project Manager will schedule regular reviews to discuss project processes, any discrepancies, and audit findings.
    • Initiate Process Improvements: Ensure that quality assurance reviews, findings, and assessments lead to process and product improvements.

    All process improvement efforts must be:

    • Documented: Clearly recorded for future reference.
    • Implemented: Put into practice promptly.
    • Communicated: Shared with all stakeholders as changes are made.

    Quality Control

    The quality control for the Drinks N' Garage system focuses on ensuring the ordering and inventory system meets acceptable standards and performance criteria. The quality performance standards for the Drinks N' Garage system align with the organizational standards for similar systems. Key points include:

    • Performance Standards Compliance: Adhering to organizational performance standards specific to ordering and inventory management.
    • Trial System Testing: The project team will conduct all tests on their trial systems to ensure compliance.
    • Results Analysis: The characterization group will perform necessary tests and provide results to the project team within 3 business days of sample submission.
    • Quality Assurance: The quality group will ensure all performance standards are met for each trial, conduct audits, and assist the project team in creating or updating all product quality documentation.

    The Project Manager will schedule regular reviews to include:

    • Product Review: Assessment of the products to ensure they meet established standards.
    • Discrepancy Review: Evaluation of any discrepancies and audit findings presented by the quality manager.
    • Product Improvement Initiatives: Discussion on potential improvements based on review findings.

    Meeting all established physical and performance standards is critical to the project's success. By ensuring these standards are met, the Drinks N' Garage project team will achieve high customer satisfaction and ensure that future operations stay within budget and resource allocations.

    Quality Control Measurements

    All Drinks N' Garage system products and processes must be measured and fall within the established standards and tolerances. Quality control logs should include the following details:

    • Trial Number
    • Data
    • Process Measured
    • Required Value
    • Actual Measured Value
    • Acceptance Status
    • Recommendations
    • Resolve Date

    The development head and project manager are responsible for maintaining and resolving quality control measurement logs.

    Risk Management Plan


    Risk management is a critical component of project management, aimed at identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks that could hinder the successful completion of a project. Risks exist due to uncertainties and variables that can impact the project's schedule, cost, scope, and quality. Effective risk management ensures that these uncertainties are proactively addressed to minimize their impact. Before risk management can begin, it is essential to establish a risk management framework, assign roles and responsibilities, and ensure clear communication channels among all stakeholders.

    Top Three Risks

    Identifying and highlighting the top three risks provides management with a clear understanding of the most significant threats to the project's success. For the Drinks 'n Garage Web Application project, the top three risks are:

    1. Technical Risks: These involve potential technical challenges such as software bugs, system crashes, and compatibility issues, which could impede the development and functionality of the web application.

    2. Schedule Risks: Delays caused by unforeseen circumstances, such as team members falling ill or technical issues taking longer to resolve, could impact the project's timeline and delivery.

    3. Financial Risks: The risk of exceeding the project budget due to unexpected expenses or scope changes, which could affect the overall financial viability of the project.

    Risk Management Approach

    The risk management approach for the Drinks 'n Garage Web Application project involves a structured process to identify, assess, and mitigate risks throughout the project lifecycle. This approach includes:

    • Risk Identification: Regularly identifying potential risks through team meetings, stakeholder consultations, and analysis of project activities.
    • Risk Assessment: Evaluating the identified risks based on their likelihood and potential impact on the project. This involves prioritizing risks to focus on the most critical ones.
    • Risk Mitigation Planning: Developing strategies to mitigate the identified risks, including preventive measures and contingency plans to address risks if they materialize.
    • Risk Monitoring and Control: Continuously monitoring the project for new risks and the status of existing risks. This includes updating risk assessments and mitigation plans as necessary and ensuring effective communication among team members and stakeholders.

    By implementing this comprehensive risk management approach, the project aims to minimize the adverse effects of risks and enhance the likelihood of achieving project objectives within the defined scope, time, and budget.

    Risk Identification

    This section discusses how the project team identifies and manages risks that come with the project and the steps on the action taken in the process. Below are the factors considered in risk identification:

    • Project Area: Identifies the specific area of focus for risk identification and assessment
    • Date: The time and date the specific issue was first documented and finished
    • Risk ID: A unique identifier assigned to each risk for easy reference.
    • Risk Description: A brief statement that describes the potential risk event.
    • Potential Cause(s): The factors that could trigger the risk to occur.
    • Potential Impact: The possible consequences of the risk happening, including financial loss, project delays, reputational damage, etc.
    • Likelihood (High, Medium, Low): An assessment of the probability of the risk occurring.
    • Current Controls: Any existing measures or procedures in place to lessen the risk.
    • Risk Rating (Before Mitigation): A preliminary severity level of the risk based on its likelihood and impact.
    • Mitigation Strategies: Plans to address the risk, such as avoidance, reduction, transfer, or acceptance.
    • Risk Rating (After Mitigation): The risk severity level after considering mitigation strategies.
    • Owner: The person or team responsible for monitoring and managing the risk.

    Some potential risks identified for the Drinks n’ Garage Web Application include:

    • Lack of Stakeholder Involvement: The project’s main client and their business is in Cavite, which is physically far from the project team. Thus, they can only meet and communicate in online platforms and will have difficulty assessing the current state of the business which will be a factor in developing the system.
    • Incoming Deadlines and Other Ongoing Projects: The project team is currently undergoing several projects at once and may hinder the progress of the development of the web application.
    • Communication and Collaboration Challenges: The team faces challenges in collaboration due to the difference in schedules. This leads to slow progress and miscommunication in doing tasks individually.

    Risk Qualification and Prioritization

    To effectively manage risks in the Drinks ‘n Garage Web Application project, a probability-impact matrix will be employed to assess and prioritize the risks listed in the risk register. The project team will place emphasis on risks with a high likelihood of occurrence and significant impact on the project. Regular review and updates of the risk register will ensure appropriate prioritization of risks.

    Using a probability-impact matrix, the risks were categorized into five levels: Extreme, High, Medium, Low, and Negligible. The probability of risks occurring and their impact on the project are described as follows:

    • Extreme: Risks with a very high probability of occurrence and severe impact on the project.
    • High: Risks with a high probability of occurrence and significant impact on the project. These risks require immediate attention, and mitigation strategies should be developed.
    • Medium: Risks with a moderate probability of occurrence and moderate impact on the project. These risks should be closely monitored, and mitigation strategies need to be prepared if they occur.
    • Low: Risks with a low probability of occurrence and minor impact on the project. These risks can be periodically monitored, and mitigation strategies can be developed if needed.
    • Negligible: Risks with a very low probability of occurrence and negligible impact on the project. These risks can be disregarded.

    The identified risks and their prioritization based on probability and impact are as follows:

    Probability \ Impact Rare (1) Unlikely (2) Possible (3) Likely (4) Almost Certain (5)
    Insignificant (1) N N N N L
    Minor (2) N N L L M
    Significant (3) N L L M H
    Disastrous (4) N L M H E
    Catastrophic (5) L M H E E

    Risk Mitigation and Avoidance

    Once risks have been qualified, the team must determine how to address those risks which have the greatest potential probability and impact on the project. The considerations and options available to the project manager in managing these risks include:

    1. Risk Avoidance: Changing the project plan to eliminate the risk or to protect the project objectives from its impact. This may involve altering the project scope, objectives, or timeline. For example, choosing a more reliable technology stack to avoid compatibility issues.
    2. Risk Mitigation: Taking proactive steps to reduce the probability or impact of the risk. This could involve:
      • Implementing robust testing procedures to identify and resolve software bugs early.
      • Ensuring team members have backup roles to cover for potential absences.
      • Securing additional funding as a contingency for potential budget overruns.
    3. Risk Transfer: Shifting the impact of a risk to a third party, typically through insurance, outsourcing, or contracts. For instance, purchasing cyber insurance to cover potential security breaches.
    4. Risk Acceptance: Acknowledging the risk and choosing to accept it without taking any action, often used for risks with low impact or low probability. This includes setting aside a contingency budget or time buffer to handle potential issues as they arise.

    Each identified risk will be assessed to determine the most appropriate strategy based on its probability, impact, and the cost-effectiveness of the mitigation or avoidance actions. This proactive management will help ensure that the project remains on track and achieves its objectives despite potential challenges.

    Work Breakdown Structure

    Outline View

      1. Drinks N' Garage
        1.1 Initiation
          1.1.1 Evaluation & Recommendations
          1.1.2 Client Interview
          1.1.3 Final Project Documentation
          1.1.4 System Analysis and Design
        1.2 Planning
          1.2.1 Adviser Request Form
          1.2.2 Use Case Diagram
          1.2.3 Use Case Description
          1.2.4 Meeting With Client
          1.2.5 Adviser Meeting
          1.2.6 Context Diagram
          1.2.7 Entity Relationship Diagram
          1.2.8 Data Flow Diagram
          1.2.9 Data Dictionary
        1.3 Execution
          1.3.1 Gathering System Requirements
          1.3.2 Front-End Development
          1.3.3 Back-End Development
          1.3.4 Fixes and Refinement
        1.4 Control
          1.4.1 Project Management
          1.4.2 Project Status Meetings
          1.4.3 Risk Management
          1.4.4 Update Project Management Plan
        1.5 Closure
          1.5.1 Audit Procurement
          1.5.2 Document Lessons Learned
          1.5.3 Update Files/Records
          1.5.4 Gain Formal Acceptance
          1.5.5 Archive Files/Documents

        Hierarchical Structure View

        Level WBS Code Element Name
        1 1 Widget Management System
        2 1.1 Initiation
        3 1.1.1 Evaluation & Recommendations
        3 1.1.2 Develop Project Charter
        3 1.1.3 Deliverable: Submit Project Charter
        3 1.1.4 Project Sponsor Reviews Project Charter
        3 1.1.5 Project Charter Signed/Approved
        2 1.2 Planning
        3 1.2.1 Create Preliminary Scope Statement
        3 1.2.2 Determine Project Team
        3 1.2.3 Project Team Kickoff Meeting
        3 1.2.4 Develop Project Plan
        3 1.2.5 Submit Project Plan
        3 1.2.6 Milestone: Project Plan Approval
        2 1.3 Execution
        3 1.3.1 Project Kickoff Meeting
        3 1.3.2 Verify & Validate User Requirements
        3 1.3.3 Design System
        3 1.3.4 Procure Hardware/Software
        3 1.3.5 Install Development System
        3 1.3.6 Testing Phase
        3 1.3.7 Install Live System
        3 1.3.8 User Training
        3 1.3.9 Go Live
        2 1.4 Control
        3 1.4.1 Project Management
        3 1.4.2 Project Status Meetings
        3 1.4.3 Risk Management
        3 1.4.4 Update Project Management Plan
        2 1.5 Closeout
        3 1.5.1 Audit Procurement
        3 1.5.2 Document Lessons Learned
        3 1.5.3 Update Files/Records
        3 1.5.4 Gain Formal Acceptance
        3 1.5.5 Archive Files/Documents

        Tabular View

        Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
        1.0 Widget Management System 1.1 Initiation 1.1.1 Evaluation & Recommendations
        1.1.2 Develop Project Charter
        1.1.3 Deliverable: Submit Project Charter
        1.1.4 Project Sponsor Reviews Project Charter
        1.1.5 Project Charter Signed/Approved
        1.2 Planning 1.2.1 Create Preliminary Scope Statement
        1.2.2 Determine Project Team
        1.2.3 Project Team Kickoff Meeting
        1.2.4 Develop Project Plan
        1.2.5 Submit Project Plan
        1.2.6 Milestone: Project Plan Approval
        1.3 Execution 1.3.1 Project Kickoff Meeting
        1.3.2 Verify & Validate User Requirements
        1.3.3 Design System
        1.3.4 Procure Hardware/Software
        1.3.5 Install Development System
        1.3.6 Testing Phase
        1.3.7 Install Live System
        1.3.8 User Training
        1.3.9 Go Live
        1.4 Control 1.4.1 Project Management
        1.4.2 Project Status Meetings
        1.4.3 Risk Management
        1.4.4 Update Project Management Plan
        1.5 Closeout 1.5.1 Audit Procurement
        1.5.2 Document Lessons Learned
        1.5.3 Update Files/Records
        1.5.4 Gain Formal Acceptance
        1.5.5 Archive Files/Documents

        Tree Structure View

        The Tree Structure view provides an intuitive and easy-to-understand visual representation of the project's hierarchical structure, showing how each element contributes to the project as a whole.

        Image link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oiRtnfWkArIzCWhWfFQtYKb29AhVXP7s/view?usp=sharing

        WBS Dictionary

        Level WBS Code Element Name Definition
        1 1 Drinks N’ Garage All work to implement a new widget management system.
        2 1.1 Initiation The work to initiate the project.
        3 1.1.1 Evaluation & Recommendations Working group to evaluate solution sets and make recommendations.
        3 1.1.2 Develop Project Charter Project Manager to develop the Project Charter.
        3 1.1.3 Deliverable: Submit Project Charter Project Charter is delivered to the Project Sponsor.
        3 1.1.4 Project Sponsor Reviews Project Charter Project sponsor reviews the Project Charter.
        3 1.1.5 Project Charter Signed/Approved The Project Sponsor signs the Project Charter which authorizes the Project Manager to move to the Planning Process.
        2 1.2 Planning The work for the planning process for the project.
        3 1.2.1 Create Preliminary Scope Statement Project Manager creates a Preliminary Scope Statement.
        3 1.2.2 Determine Project Team The Project Manager determines the project team and requests the resources.
        3 1.2.3 Project Team Kickoff Meeting The planning process is officially started with a project kickoff meeting which includes the Project Manager, Project Team and Project Sponsor (optional).
        3 1.2.4 Develop Project Plan Under the direction of the Project Manager the team develops the project plan.
        3 1.2.5 Submit Project Plan Project Manager submits the project plan for approval.
        3 1.2.6 Milestone: Project Plan Approval The project plan is approved and the Project Manager has permission to proceed to execute the project according to the project plan.
        2 1.3 Execution Work involved to execute the project.
        3 1.3.1 Project Kickoff Meeting Project Manager conducts a formal kick off meeting with the project team, project stakeholders and project sponsor.
        3 1.3.2 Verify & Validate User Requirements The original user requirements is reviewed by the project manager and team, then validated with the users/stakeholders. This is where additional clarification may be needed.
        3 1.3.3 Design System The technical resources design the new widget management system.
        3 1.3.4 Procure Hardware/Software The procurement of all hardware, software and facility needs for the project.
        3 1.3.5 Install Development System Team installs a development system for testing and customizations of user interfaces.
        3 1.3.6 Testing Phase The system is tested with a select set of users.
        3 1.3.7 Install Live System The actual system is installed and configured.
        3 1.3.8 User Training All users are provided with a four hours training class. Additionally, managers are provided with an additional two hours class to cover advanced reporting.
        3 1.3.9 Go Live System goes live with all users.
        2 1.4 Control The work involved for the control process of the project.
        3 1.4.1 Project Management Overall project management for the project.
        3 1.4.2 Project Status Meetings Weekly team status meetings.
        3 1.4.3 Risk Management Risk management efforts as defined in the Risk Management Plan.
        3 1.4.4 Update Project Management Plan Project Manager updates the Project Management Plan as the project progresses.
        2 1.5 Closeout The work to close-out the project.
        3 1.5.1 Audit Procurement An audit of all hardware and software procured for the project, ensures that all procured products are accounted for and in the asset management system.
        3 1.5.2 Document Lessons Learned Project Manager along with the project team performs a lessons learned meeting and documents the lessons learned for the project.
        3 1.5.3 Update Files/Records All files and records are updated to reflect the widget management system.
        3 1.5.4 Gain Formal Acceptance The Project Sponsor formally accepts the project by signing the acceptance document included in the project plan.
        3 1.5.5 Archive Files/Documents All project related files and documents are formally archived.
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