ctakes ytex web - apache/ctakes GitHub Wiki
ctakes-ytex-web is a web application that provides the following:
- searching the annotated corpus by concepts (implemented by queries to ytex tables)
- computing the semantic similarity of concept pairs
- provides Web & Restful services for computing semantic similarity
ctakes-ytex-web just relies on ctakes-ytex and is independent of the rest of ctakes. Although this produces a war file (as it should), we don't actually deliver a WAR file with the ctakes distro. We package and install a ctakes-ytex-web.jar (notice the extension) file with the classes from this project. We deliver the exploded web-app in the ctakes distro under desc/ctakes-ytex-web. All non-web app specific resources (properties files, spring config files) are in ctakes-ytex project/resources directory of ctakes.
To build and run the web app run the following (command line/eclipse):
mvn clean install jetty:run
This relies on you having correctly built and configured the ctakes-ytex.