ctakes context tokenizer - apache/ctakes GitHub Wiki
This annotator creates annotations from one or more tokens, using surrounding tokens as clues.
- DateAnnotation
- FractionAnnotation
- MeasurementAnnotation
- PersonTitleAnnotation
- RangeAnnotation
- RomanNumeralAnnotation
- TimeAnnotation An example of an annotation created from multiple tokens is a range that includes 2 numbers and a dash (e.g. 2-3).
Finds tokens based upon context. Time, Date, Roman numeral, Fraction, Range, Measurement, Person title.
Source class: ContextDependentTokenizerAnnotator
Source package: org.apache.ctakes.context.tokenizer.ae
Parent class: org.apache.uima.fit.component.JCasAnnotator_ImplBase
Dependencies: Sentence, Base Token
No available configuration parameters.