Differences between 4.0 and 5.0 - apache/ctakes GitHub Wiki
There are many major and minor changes between cTAKES 4.0.0 and cTAKES 5.0.0
New Tools:
New Modules:
ctakes-fhir - Read and write primitive Fast Healthcare Interchange Resource (FHIR) files (v3).
ctakes-models - Machine Learning -built models used by cTAKES. Refactored from older -resources modules.
ctakes-dockhand - The Standard Pipeline Installation Facility.
ctakes-tiny-rest - Small REST service, similar to but simpler than ctakes-web-rest.
ctakes-user-resources - Container for user-editable resources for maven projects using cTAKES as a dependency.
ctakes-web-rest - General REST service for cTAKES pipelines.
Removed Modules:
All -res modules have been removed.
Files that are meant to be edited by the user have been moved to the ctakes-user-resources for binary builds, or
applicable ctakes-{module}/src/user/resources/ locations within the source code.
e.g. ctakes-core/src/user/resources/
ctakes-dict-lookup has been deprecated
New Collection Readers:
New Annotation Engines:
New output Writers:
New API interfaces: