Connecting via webrepl - antonvh/LMS-uart-esp GitHub Wiki
Your WiFi ESP board came flashed and configured with a WebREPL. This means you can type micropython code and upload files (e.g. and to your board, pretty much hassle free from any modern laptop or pc. No FTDI cable needed.
Connecting to the WebREPL
- Download the WebREPL html file here:
- By default your WiFi ESP generates a WiFi access point. Find it in your wifi networks. (If you have connected your esp-wifi board to your wireless lan, find it's name or ip on your router and skip to step 4. Replace the ip number in the topleft window with the ip of your wifi-esp board.)
- Change your wifi access point to that of the esp. The password in
- Open the html file in the zip file you downloaded in step 1.
- Just press the connect button. The ip address is fine.
- The password is just
by default.