VMware: Guest Customisation related issues - ansible/community GitHub Wiki

Here is a list of issues, we would like to target for v2.9 release and are related to Guest operating system customization

Ansible issues

  • VMware: vmware_guest module errors out while creating a VM (windows 2008R2) - #47646 - PR #55281 merged
  • vmware_guest disconnect NICs when cloning from template (ref #38143) - #40564 - PR #55375 merged
  • vmware_guest - Create vm from template with custom IP settings clean the DNS settings - #32044 - will add DNS related parameters check as VC does

Not Ansible issues

  • VMware: Assign network adapter in promisc mode - #35657 - closed, as no functionality provided by SDK (VMware guest OS customization function not support this config)
  • vmware_guest - Create VM from template with IP settings - #37198 - unassigned, possible candidate for close as there is workaround for Debian
  • [vmware_guest] VM won't start with connected Device/Network - #41133 - unassigned, possible candidate for close as there is workaround of open-vm-tools
  • vmware_guest not setting ip of Centos7 template. - #46175 - unassigned, possible candidate for close as it might not an Ansible issue
  • vmware_guest - after cloning nic is not connected to network - #45834 - unassigned, customization failed not Ansible issue


  • vmware_guest: Create from template - network with underscore in name does not work - #41577 - unassigned, can not reproduce
  • Duplicate Ethernet Entry | Cloning through vmware_guest - #45129 - unassigned