User testing of ansible 2.10 pre releases - ansible/community GitHub Wiki

We would like your help making sure that the ansible-2.10 release is going to go smoothly. These are some of the things to test and where to report problems.


Report bugs in installation to the repo

  • If you pip install, does it work correctly?
  • Are you pip installing a clean environment or upgrading?
  • Are there system packages for ansible installed as well as pip packages?

The Ansible Framework

Report bugs in this part to the repo.

(TODO: Should we CC someone specifically on bugs that come up here? or apply some label to know if there's a problem that could specifically block the ansible release? Or is that something that the core team will bring up to us?)

  • Did ansible find the modules, filters, and other plugins you use in your playbooks successfully?

Bugs in modules and plugins

Report these problems to the issue tracker for the collections that the modules belong to.

You can determine that by running ansible-doc on the plugin or module, get the fully qualified name of the module there, and then use that to find the collection's information on galaxy. (Which should include information on where to report bugs). For example:

$ ansible-doc -t module ec2 |head -1
> AMAZON.AWS.EC2    (/home/badger/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ansible_collections/amazon/aws/plugins/modules/
$ firefox

Screenshot of highlighting the Issue Tracker button

  • Did one of the modules you rely on stop working?

Known bugs

  • The individual collections that make up the ansible-2.10.0 package can be viewed independently. However, they aren't currently listed by ansible-galaxy. A workaround for this is to explicitly specify where ansible has installed the collections::

    COLLECTION_INSTALL=$(python -c 'import ansible, os.path ; print("%s/../ansible_collections" % os.path.dirname(ansible.file))') ansible-galaxy collection list -p"$COLLECTION_INSTALL"

  • Due to a limitation in pip, you cannot pip install --upgrade from ansible-2.9 or earlier to ansible-2.10 or higher. Instead, you must explicitly pip uninstall ansible before pip installing the new version. The install of the ansible package has been modified to warn you if you attempt to upgrade via pip with instructions to uninstall first.

  • Some redirects to modules do not work yet or currently point to the wrong version