Outreach: Workshops - ansible/community GitHub Wiki

Workshops and demos


When organizing an Ansible workshop or giving a demo, there are a couple of things to consider:

  • Be prepared!
  • Do you need an internet connection?
  • Do you really need an internet connection?
  • Can you do without an internet connection?
  • What is the level of the audience?
  • Keep the audience interested, you lose them all too quickly.
  • Communicate what is needed to attend the workshop (laptop, etc.)

As you can see I'm rather hammering on the presence or absence of an internet connection. Always be prepared for a not working or not performing internet connection. I have seen the most crappy connections with a throughput nearing 0.0bps being advertised as 'Broadband Internet Connection'. Do not depend on the connection being up and running.

Starting points

Ansible provides a good starting project for basic Ansible workshops called Project Lightbulb:

For those planning to give the workshop and are developing their own, some starting points:

When you are planning to give a live demo, during a presentation, make sure that you are self-supporting.

Some of the demos given in real time live:

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