Galaxy - ansible/community GitHub Wiki

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Galaxy Ecosystem Working Group

The Galaxy Ecosystem Working Group focuses on delivering software to enable and enhance the development, management and sharing of Ansible content.

This Working Group covers multiple projects related to this stated purpose.

  • Galaxy - The code behind, a hub to make it easier to find and share Ansible content.
  • GalaxyNG - The code behind, a future replacement for
  • Pulp Ansible - The primary dependency for galaxy_ng.
  • Galaxy Importer - The code behind, a hub to make it easier to find and share Ansible content.
  • ansible-lint - Ansible linter

Upstream documentation for galaxy_ng is hosted at


There are currently no regular meetings held. The #ansible-galaxy IRC channel is the main and official place to contact the members. For specific issues and feature requests, follow the standard Ansible issues/PRs workflow.


Apart from IRC, the Galaxy Working Group collaborates via tickets and pull requests in the appropriate project repository.


Name GitHub (+ IRC) Role Affiliation
David Newswanger newswangerd ? Red Hat/Ansible
Andrew Crosby awcrosby ? Red Hat/Ansible

Add yourself to this list as a Reviewer (help review PRs) or as a Member (discuss issues/roadmap).
