Vim Commands - ankit-jha/commands GitHub Wiki

Vim Strong

Vi Commands

Vim cheatsheet

vimrc settings

:set number  "Display line number

:set guifont=Ubuntu\ Mono:h16 "Set your font and font-size

:syntax on "Set syntax highlighting on

:colorscheme desert "Set colorscheme

:set hlsearch "Set highlight search on

:set ruler "Displays column number

:set backspace=indent,eol,start "Ensures normal backspace key usage

command! FormatJson %!python -m json.tool "Json formatting via python

"Mapping very magic mode to /
nnoremap / /\v

:set ignorecase "No case matching

:set smartcase "Only case sensitive when encounters uppercase

:set incsearch "Search as you type

vi commands

s # Deletes the character under the cursor and then enters insert mode

r # Replace the character under cursor in normal mode

x   # Delete current character

s   # Substitute current character

diw # (Delete Inside The Word) Delete the word at the cursor but preserve the space around it.

daw # (Delete A The Word) Delete the word at the cursor and also the spaces around it.

dtX # (Delete Till The Character) Delete forward up to character 'X'.

dfX # (Delete Till The Character) Delete forward up to and including character 'X'.

dTX # (Delete Till The Character) Delete backward up to character 'X'.

dFX # (Delete Till The Character) Delete backward up to and including character 'X'.

di( # (Delete Inside The parentheses) Delete within the current parentheses

di" # Delete the text between the quotes

dw  # Delete current word

dd  # Delete current line

5dd # Delete five lines

d$  # Delete to end of line

d0  # Delete to beginning of line

C   # Delete to end of line and change to insert mode

caw # Delete a word the cursor is currently on and switch to insert mode

yaw # Yank a word the cursor is currently on

2yaw  #Yank a word the cursor in currently on and the next (2 words total)

ya(  #Yank a matched parentheses containing the cursor

yf.  #Yank from the cursor to the next .

y$  #Yank from the cursor to the end of the line

10i* #Insert * 10 times at the current cursor position

v% #To visually select all the text in between opening or closing parenthesis, square bracket or a curly brace

vi( # (Select Inside The parentheses) Select within the current parentheses

q: To access command history

ggVG #Select All

u # Undo

:[v]new # Create vertical/horizontal split windows with new file

Ctrl-r # Redo

:echo expand("%:p") or  :echo %:p   # Shows absolute path of the file

:echo expand("%:p:h")  " absolute path dirname

:cal cursor(1,25) #Moves the cursor to given row and column

:nohl #Turns off the highlighting of searched terms

J  #Join next line  

:%j  #Join all the lines  

:%d  #Delete All lines


: tells vi to go in command mode
% means all the line
d : delete

:8,$d  #Delete lines from line number 8 to last

:.,$d  #Delete lines from current cursor to last

Vi motions

gg # First Line

G # Go to Last line

123G # Go To Line

0 moves to the start of the line.

$ moves to the end of the line.

^ moves to the first non-blank character of the line.

g_ moves to the last non-blank character of the line.

gj moves the cursor to the next screen line (when a buffer line is wrapped across multiple screen lines)

gk moves the cursor to the next screen line (when a buffer line is wrapped across multiple screen lines)

g$ goes to the end of the screen line (when a buffer line is wrapped across multiple screen lines)

O # Open a new line above the current line and switch to insert mode 

o # Open a new line below the current line and switch to insert mode 

I # Move to the beginning of the line and switch to insert mode

A # Move to the end of the line and switch to insert mode

A 'word' is a sequence of all alphanumeric or punctuation signs

w # Move forward to the beginning of the next word

b # Move backward to the beginning of previous word

e # Move forward to the end of the next word

ge # Move backward to the end of the previous word

A 'WORD' is a sequence of any non-blank characters

W # Move to forward to the start of the word

( or ) Jump between next and previous sentences

{ or } Jump between next and previous paragraphs

% #Jump to a matching opening or closing parenthesis, square bracket or a curly brace

Ctrl-y #  Moves screen up one line

Ctrl-e #  Moves screen down one line

Ctrl-f # Move (f)orward one page, cursor to first line

Ctrl-b # Move (b)ack one page, cursor to last line

Ctrl-u # Moves cursor & screen (u)p half a page

Ctrl-d # Moves cursor & screen (d)own half a page

H #Move the cursor to the (H)igh/top of the screen

M #Move the cursor to the (M)iddle of the screen

L #Move the cursor to the (L)ow/bottom of the screen

zt #Move the current line (where cursor is located) to the top of the screen

zz #Move the current line to the middle of the screen

zb #Move the current line to the bottom of the screen

Ctrl-w +  h/j/k/l # Move between split windows

Mnemonic for scrolling
^                               |
|c-e (keep cursor)              |
|H(igh)             zt (top)    |
|                   ^           |
|           ze      |      zs   |
|M(iddle)  zh/zH <--zz--> zl/zL |
|                   |           |
|                   v           |
|L(ow)              zb (bottom) |
|c-y (keep cursor)              |
v                               |

Code Indenting

Normal mode
>> #Indents the current line
<< #Unindents the current line 

Insert mode
Ctrl-T #Indents the current line
Ctrl-D #Unindents the current line 

Repeat last change

The "." command repeats the last change made in normal mode. For example, if you press dw to delete a word, you can then press . to     delete another word (. is dot, aka period or full stop).

The "@:" command repeats the last command-line change (a command invoked with ":", for example :s/old/new/). After the first repeat further repeats can be done with @@.

Switching to normal mode

Esc # Switch to normal mode

Ctrl-[  # Switch to normal mode

Ctrl-o  # Switch to insert normal mode. Allows you to switch from insert to normal mode for one normal mode command.

For opening and switching tabs in vim terminal

Open tab: tabnew

Next tab: g t

Prior tab: g T

Numbered tab: nnn g t

Relocating and moving tabs in vim terminal

tabm i #Move tab to position where i is a number denoting the position (starting from zero)

tabm +i #Move tab i positions to the right

tabm -i #Move tab i positions to the left

For Accessing clipboard

In Windows, + and * are equivalent. In unix there is a subtle difference between + and *

Reload vimrc

:source ~/.vimrc

Switching case of characters

~              - Toggle case of the character under the cursor, or all visually-selected characters

g~w            - Toggle case from cursor to end of word

g~iw           - Toggle case of entire word

gU             - Change to upper case "HellO" to "HELLO"

gu             - Change to lower case "HellO" to "hello"

gUU            - Change the current line to uppercase

guu            - Change the current line to lowercase

Using Buffers

:ls              - List all the buffers

:buf 4           - Go to buffer number 4

:bp              - Go to the previous buffer visited

:bn              - Go to the next buffer 

:b#              - Go to the last buffer

Ctrl ^           - Go to the last buffer visited (Keyboard shortcut)

:bd              - Delete the current buffer 

:bd 4            - Delete the buffer 4

:sb 4            - Open buffer 4 in horizontal split window

:vert sb 4       - Open buffer 4 in vertical split window

:on[ly]/Ctrl-W o - Make the current buffer/window the only one on the screen.

Using Markers in the files

ma            - Mark current position with a

'a             - Move to line with mark a

`a             - Move to line and column with mark a

'a-z           - Use marker a-z to move in the same file

'A-Z           - Use marker A-Z to move in between files

`.             - Moves the cursor to the line and column where the last edit was made.

'.             - Moves the cursor to the line where the last edit was made.

Ctrl-o         - Moves the cursor to the last(older) jump.

Ctrl-i         - Moves the cursor to the previous jump.

Tips Markers

Using tags in vim

 Install universal-ctags
 Create tags file at the root of the project  
 ctags -R 
 ctags -R -f ./.git/tags

 Ctrl-[        - Jump to the tag underneath the cursor

 Ctrl-t        - Jump back in the tag stack

 :ts <tag> <RET> Search for a particular tag
 :tn Go to the next definition for the last tag
 :tp Go to the previous definition for the last tag
 :ts List all of the definitions of the last tag

Tips tags

Browsing Programs With tags

Using terminal inside vim

 :term #Opens a new terminal in a new split window

 :term cat build.log #Opens up a buffer with all the terminal codes interpreted(Colored Log Ouput)

 ctrl+w :q #Close the terminal

Using folds

:set foldmethod=indent  - Setup folding using indents. Works with python language

:set foldnestmax=2      - Setup maximum nested folds to 2. With python this only folds Classes and methods

Using folds for Json filetype

:set filetype=json      
:syntax on
:set foldmethod=syntax  - Setup folding using syntax. Works with json

For basic searching inside the current buffer:

n              - repeat forward search

N              - repeat backward

*              - forward search for word currently under cursor

#              - backward search for word currently under cursor

For basic searching inside the current buffer after entering search mode by hitting /

/pattern       - search forward for pattern

?pattern       - search backward

/\<dev\>       - searches for exact word dev not dev_ or develop

Ctrl-g/Ctrl-t  - Used to jump to next/previous search while the focus is still in search box i.e /

Ctrl-r + "   -  Ctrl R plus register to paste from (default register is ")

Ctrl + r + Ctrl + w   -  Search the word under cursor

q/             - To access search history 

For advance searching inside the current buffer after entering search mode by hitting /

/\vword1|word2|word3       - searches for all three words 

/word1\|word2\|word3       - searches for all three words 

Searching unicode characters

/<ctr-v>u201C              - searches for unicode character “ . Check more on vim help :help unicode

ga or :as                  - get the ASCII or Unicode value of the character under the cursor by pressing ga in command mode or :as /:ascii on the command line. This displays the value of the current character in decimal, hex and octal. (Think "get ascii.")     


/           - start search

<Ctr-v>u    - init utf-8 code input

201C        - hex code combine character

For basic searching in the current line:

fx       - search forward and move to character x

Fx       - search backward and move to character x

;        - repeat forward search

,        - repeat search in opposite direction

Search and Replace:

:%s/search/replace/g #Search entire file and (g flag to) replace all occurences

:8,10 s/search/replace/g #Search from line 8 to 10 file and replace all occurences

:%s/,/\r/g #Search for commas and replace it with carriage return (move to the beginning of the new line)

:%s/\n/,/g #Search for new line and replace it with comma

:%s//,/g #Search for the last search pattern (if present) and replace it with comma

:%s//\r&/g #Search for the last search pattern (if present) and replace it with (\r) newline and the (&) search hit

:%s/print\( .*\)/\(\1\)/gc #Search for print statements and replace with \1 is reference to the group captured inside (.*)

More Examples

Search and Replace Using Text Object:

Execute a regular search like /pattern

Use the keystroke cgn on the first result to replace it

Type n or N to go to the next result

Use . to replace the occurrence with the same replacement (or go to the next result if you want to keep it)

Count all the occurences of a word

:%s/pattern//gn  #Shows the number of times that pattern matches text in the current buffer


    search the whole file
    search globally
    do not subsitute

:%s/pattern//n  #Shows the number of lines that pattern matches text in the current buffer

Search And List All Occurences (The grep tool was named after this command sequence)



:g/^$/d #Delete All Empty Lines


    search globally
    regex pattern for empty lines
    delete the line

:v/pattern/d #Delete All Lines except the ones that match the pattern

Using vimgrep

:vimgrep calc * #Search calc in all the files in the current working directory

:vimgrep calc  a.txt b.txt c.txt #Search calc in all the given files

:vimgrep calc *.py #Search calc in all the python files in the current working directory

:vimgrep calc **/* #Search calc in all the files recursively in the current working directory

:vimgrep calc **/*.py #Search calc in all the python files recursively in the current working directory

Copy all matches of a pattern to register


:%s/pattern/\=setreg('A', submatch(0), 'V')/n


    	                    Clear register a
    	                    Substitute the pattern
\=setreg('A', submatch(0), 'V')
                                Appends the register 'a' linewise 'V' with matched pattern values 
                                The n flag will run the command in a sandbox so nothing will actually get replaced but the side effects of the statement will happen. 

Copy all lines matching a pattern to register

qaq:g/pattern/y A


    	Clear register a
    	Search the pattern
y A
    	y A is an Ex command.It yanks the current line into register A (append to register a).

Copy lines above and below the matched pattern to a register

:g/pattern/-1,+3y A


    	Clear register a
    	Search the pattern
        current line , -1 one line above and +3 lines below 
y A
    	y A is an Ex command.It yanks the current line into register A (append to register a).

Using Your Buffer as Input to a Command

:[range]write !{cmd}

:'<,'>write !python

:h w_c

Using filters


:sort u #Sort and remove duplicate lines

:%!uniq #Remove duplicate lines without sorting

:h !

Using simple macros

A sequence of commands recorded to a register 

q<letter><commands>q #Enter a macro

<number>@<letter> #Execute the macro <number> times (once by default)

qd                     start recording to register d
...                      your complex series of commands
q                      stop recording
@d               	   execute your macro
@@               	   execute your macro again
:%normal @d            execute macro on the whole buffer
VG + :'<,'>normal @d   execute macro only on the selection 


Execute macro in all the open buffers

:bufdo execute "normal @a" | write 

Add line number in front of every line

:%s/^/\=printf('%04d', line('.')) #Prints the line number in front of every line. This is useful if we want the line number reference of the copied pattern


         			matches the start of every line

         			replacement is the result of evaluated expression

printf('%04d', line('.'))
         			formats the number of the current line: %04d inserts leading zeroes. 

Copy & Paste The Line Below or Above The Cursor

yy p/P


    Yank (Copy) the line
    Paste the line below
    Paste the line above

Paste content from vim's registers in normal and visual mode

"x p/P


    Get the content from register x
    Paste the line below
    Paste the line above

Use vim for calculations

While in insert mode hit Ctrl-r= this will open an expression register in form of a = sign on the command line.
Enter expressions to calculate e.g. =35*6 and hit Enter. This will insert calculated value at the insert cursor position.

Use vim to edit bash commands

Ctrl-x+Ctrl-e then you edit the command, save and quit, you're back to the prompt with the edited command

Open File And Execute A Command

vi -c "command" fileName

vi -c "%s/old/new/" functions #Opens vim and substitute word "old" with "new"

Open File And Go To Specific Line Number Or Line With A Specific Pattern

vi +LineNumber fileName #vi +546 functions

vi +/searchTermHere fileName

vi +/proc functions.txt #Searches for word proc when opening the file

vi +/"kill proc" functions.txt #Searches for "kill proc" when opening the file

Sort the file without opening vim

vi "+sort" "+wq" file.txt 

Diff multiple files from command line

vim -d a b c Starts vim in diff mode with several files in horizontal splitted windows

Open multiple files from command line

vim -o a b c Starts vim with several files in horizontal splitted windows

vim -O a b c Starts vim with several files in vertical splitted windows

vim -p a b c Starts vim with several files in a tabs

Open multiple files from inside vim

:args file1 file2 file3 |tab sall 


Open files directly from a url via standard input inside vim

curl | vi -

Open files directly from a url inside vim

:r !curl -s

Open files directly from the current directory

:Ex or :Explore 
:Sex (Split Horizontally and show files in the current directory) 
:Vex (Split Vertically and show files in the current directory) 
:Tex (Open a new tab and show files in the current directory) 

Display File Info

:CTRL-G #Displays the full name of the current file in the buffer

:1 CTRL-G #Displays the full path of the current file in the buffer

Autocomplete With Omni completion In Insert Mode

Ctrl-x + Ctrl-n/p # Keyword local completion

Ctrl-x + Ctrl-n/p # Select next/previous local completion

Ctrl-x + Ctrl-o # Omni completion completion

Ctrl-x + Ctrl-] # Tags file completion

Ctrl-x + Ctrl-d # Definition completion

Ctrl-x + Ctrl-f # Filename completion (based on files in $PWD)

Ctrl-x + Ctrl-i # Path pattern completion

Ctrl-x + Ctrl-k # Dictionary completion

Ctrl-x + Ctrl-l # Whole line completion

Ctrl-x + Ctrl-v # Command line completion

Setting the working directory

:cd%:p:h #Sets the working directory to directory of the current file in the buffer (global current directory)

:lcd%:p:h #Sets the working directory of the current window only to directory of the current file in the buffer (local current directory)


cd/lcd change directory/local change directory

% gives the name of the current file

%:p gives its full path

%:p:h gives its directory (the "head" of the full path)

:lcd- #Sets the working directory to last working directory value

:lcd! #Sets the working directory to global current working  directory

Copy & The Paste Multiple Lines Below/Above The Cursor

Shift + v + J/K + p/P


Shift + v
    Enter Visual Line Mode
    Select line by moving up (J) or down (K)
    Paste the lines below (p) or above (P) the cursor

Copy To Clipboard

You should yank the text to the * or + registers:

gg "*y G


    gets the cursor to the first character of the file
    Starts a yank command to the register * from the first line, until...
    go the end of the file

Use below command to yank all lines.



% to refer the next command to work on all the lines
y to yank those lines
+ to copy to the system clipboard


:redir @+
" any other commands
:redir END

Set Unwrap\Wrap

:set nowrap

:set wrap

Set Paging

:set more

Show executed commands

:set showcmd

:set noshowcmd

Execute a command directly from the editor :! command

:! wc % Runs word count on the current file

Execute commands to bulk rename multiple files

:ls | vim - #This will get the list of all files in the current folder

:%s/.*/mv -i '&' \L'&'/g #Substitute command will change each line to mv based rename command

'&' refers to the searched pattern
\L  changes all characters to lower case

:w !sh #Vim will write(execute) each command line one by one and rename all files

Inserts text from a specified file into the current buffer

:r textfile

You can also read in the output of shell applications

:read !{cmd}

:r !ls -1 /home/user

:r !date

Manage split windows in vim

Ctrl-w H/J/K/L will move the current window to the far left, bottom, top or right respectively like normal cursor navigation.

Ctrl-w | will zoom in the current window for vertical splits

Ctrl-w _ will zoom in the current window for horizontal splits

Ctrl-w = will zoom out the current window for vertical and horizontal splits

Scrolling Synchronously

:vs otherfile (open otherfile in vertical split screen)

:set scrollbind (turn on scrollbind  mode in original file)

Ctrl+w l/h  (switch to newly opened file)

:set scrollbind (turn on scrollbind  mode in opened file)

:set scb!  (Enter scb as an abbreviation for scrollbind, and the ! flag causes :set to toggle a boolean option)

Diff between two files

:vs otherfile (open otherfile in vertical split screen)

:diffthis (turn on diff mode in original file)

Ctrl+w l/h  (swap to newly opened file)

:diffthis (turn on diff mode in opened file)

:diffoff in each pane to turn off diff

:vert diffsplit otherfile (Diff file in single step)

Diff between portion of (different or same) files

$vimdiff <(sed -n '3,33p' <(sed -n '30,60p'

Uses combination of vimdiff and sed for comparing parts of two different or same files

Diff and Merging

]c         – Jump to the next difference
[c         – Jump to the previous difference
do         – (diff obtain) bring changes from the other file to the current file
dp         – (diff put) send changes from the current file to the other file
du         - (diff update) updates the current diff view
zo         - open a folded section
zc         - fold a section
zM         - Close all folds (Fold More)
zR         - Open all folds (Fold Reduce)

Remote editing of files

Opening file outside the vim editor

$vim scp://[email protected]/filepath
e.g. $vim scp://[email protected]//tmp/message.txt

Opening file inside the vim editor

:e scp://[email protected]/path/to/file
e.g. scp://[email protected]//tmp/message.txt
:Nread scp://jarvis@localhost//tmp/message.txt # Using net read

Saving the file

:set bt=acwrite # Setting buffer type to write
:w # Save the file
:Nwrite scp://jarvis@localhost//tmp/message.txt # Using net write

Unix uses 0xA for a newline character. Windows uses a combination of two characters: 0xD 0xA. 0xD is the carriage return character. ^M happens to be the way vim displays 0xD. You c an remove all the ^M characters by running the following:


Where ^M is entered by holding down Ctrl and typing v followed by m, and then releasing Ctrl


visual block select with Ctrl-V then I# (insert # in the begining).
Then press Esc (give it a second), and it will insert a # character on all other selected lines.


visual block select with Ctrl-V then x (delete the first symbol on the line)

Delete a Block Of Text use visual line mode:

Put your cursor on the top line of the block of text/code to remove.
Press V (That's capital "V" : Shift + v )
Move your cursor down to the bottom of the block of text/code to remove.
Press d.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️