Editing tables in Dynamo DB - angelampc/user-assistance-angela GitHub Wiki

How to edit tables in Dynamo DB


In this document you will find instructions on how to edit tables in Dynamo DB in staging and in production.


You will need to have access to https://console.aws.amazon.com/ Make sure you have an account ID or an account alias. You also need an IAM user name and the corresponding password.


Editing tables in staging:

  1. Go to Services -> Database -> Dynamo DB.
  2. Choose the XXX region, for staging.
  3. Select “Tables” and the table you would like to edit.
  4. In the selected table, go to the tab “Items”.
  5. From the drop down menu, you select "Scan" to search for the table item you want to edit.
  6. Bellow, you click on “Add filter” and on the Filter field, you write the attribute “text” and on the string value you type the word/text you are searching for.
  7. You can now click on "Start search".
  8. The result of your search will be presented on a table and you can now edit the column that you need to change.
  9. Save after you have completed the changes.

Editing tables in production:

  1. Do steps 1 and 2 from the list above.
  2. Choose the region XXX for production.
  3. Select "Tables" and the table you would like to edit.
  4. In the selected table, go to the tab “Items”.
  5. From the drop down menu, you will now select "Query" to search for the table item you want to edit.
  6. You need to generate an hash of the sentence/word you want to edit. (You can generate the hash here: https://www.xorbin.com/tools/sha256-hash-calculator).
  7. Copy the hash to the the field value of "String =" but don't forget to write def_ before the hash.
  8. The result of your search will be presented on a table and you can now edit the column that you need to change.
  9. Save after you have completed the changes.


Once you have followed the above steps, you can test in the staging and in the production app if the correct changes were made.