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Fullstack developer, AI R&D, Master of Computer Science, CTO, Software Architect, Devops, Highload, Blockchain R&D

For Musereum

Fullstack software developer (2000) Artificial Intelligence researcher and developer (2005, 2011, 2016) Master of Computer Science (2006) Drupal developer (2007) CTO (2009) Algotrader (2011, 2017) Software Architect (2013) Software Development Manager (2014) Devops and highload guru (2016) Blockchain researcher and developer (2017)

For Musereum - 2

Wide-range software engineer. Started learning Computer Science from 2000 in Ulyanovsk State University, finished in 2006 with Master of Computer Science degree, with AI specialization. Continiously learning and improving him skills and experience with AI and blockchain technology. Started algorithmic trading from 2011. Worked on positions from line fullstack developer to Software Architect, Product Manager and CTO in such large Russian companies like RIA News, VGTRK, REN-TV (news agencies), VseInstrumenti, Citilink-MERLION (electronic retailers), Luxoft. Lately prefer to drive self- and co-founded startups with AI and blockchain expertise.

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