Blockchain. Hashing - andreydiveev/wiki GitHub Wiki


  //This reverses and then swaps every other char
  function SwapOrder($in){
      $Split = str_split(strrev($in));
      for ($i = 0; $i < count($Split); $i+=2) {
          $x .= $Split[$i+1].$Split[$i];
      return $x;
  //makes the littleEndian
  function littleEndian($value){
      return implode (unpack('H*',pack("V*",$value)));
  $version = littleEndian(1);
  $prevBlockHash = SwapOrder('00000000000008a3a41b85b8b29ad444def299fee21793cd8b9e567eab02cd81');
  $rootHash = SwapOrder('2b12fcf1b09288fcaff797d71e950e71ae42b91e8bdb2304758dfcffc2b620e3');
  $time = littleEndian(1305998791);
  $bits = littleEndian(440711666); 
  $nonce = littleEndian(2504433986); 
  //concat it all
  $header_hex = $version . $prevBlockHash . $rootHash . $time . $bits . $nonce;
  //convert from hex to binary 
  $header_bin  = hex2bin($header_hex);
  //hash it then convert from hex to binary 
  $pass1 = hex2bin(  hash('sha256', $header_bin )  );
  //Hash it for the seconded time
  $pass2 = hash('sha256', $pass1);
  //fix the order
  $FinalHash = SwapOrder($pass2);
  echo   $FinalHash;