reset - anconaesselmann/CLSPM GitHub Wiki


The reset command can be used to reset config, dependencies and spmfile files.

Options explained


Deletes the config file. By default the projects config file is deleted. Pass in --global to reset the global config file, pass in --local --global to delete both the local and the global config file


// deletes both the local and global config files
clspm --config --local --global


Deletes the dependencies. As of this writing there is only a global dependencies file so to have an effect --global has to be passed in.


clspm --dependencies --global


Deletes the spmfile. There are no global dependency files so the --global flag will have no effect.


clspm --spmfile


Deletes config, dependencies and spmfile. No scope flag or --local flag will delete the local config and spmfile files. With --global the global config and dependencies files will be deleted. With both scope flags the local and global files will be deleted.


// Deletes local and global `config`, `dependencies` and `spmfile` files
clspm --all --local --global


Scope flags determine what directory scope will be affected. --local affects files in the Project's directory


Scope flags determine what directory scope will be affected. --global affects files in ~/.swiftclpm

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