Frequently Asked Questions - analogdevicesinc/lnxdsp-adi-meta GitHub Wiki

How do I add packages to my own Linux filesystem?

Let's try, for example, to add the package ethtool to your own target adsp-custom-ramdisk image.

Find the Yocto Project recipe

Users could add their own packages instead of the ethtool, the first step is to find out the Yocto Project recipe that includes ethtool. The way to find recipes is to go to the Openembedded Layer Index web site.

The below picture demonstrates how to find the package gstreamer in this website.

Add the Package to the filesystem

Method 1: After finding the specific recipe name, users need to add it to the image by adding this line to conf/local.conf, which is highly recommended:

IMAGE_INSTALL:append = "ethtool"

Method 2: Users can also add the package into their own file directly. For example, applying the below patch would add the ethtool package into the adsp-custom-ramdisk's filesystem.

diff --git a/meta-custom/recipes-custom/images/ b/meta-custom/recipes-custom/images/
index a98b1f9..e070e6f 100644
--- a/meta-custom/recipes-custom/images/
+++ b/meta-custom/recipes-custom/images/
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ IMAGE_INSTALL = " \
     packagegroup-core-boot \
     linux-firmware-fastboot \
     fastboot-listener \
+    ethtool \

Build the Target Images

Run the below command to bitbake the ramdisk filesystem. The package ethtool will be deployed into the Linux filesystem directly.

bitbake adsp-custom-ramdisk

How do I debug a SHARC application whilst running Linux on the ARM core?

When attempting to debug SHARC applications using CrossCore Embedded Studio, it is important to ensure that the debug session does not interfere with execution of Linux running on the ARM core of the processor.

Since the ARM is the booting core for the SC5xx processors, Linux will be running when you connect to the Cross Core Embedded Studio debugger.

You will need to make several changes when creating a debug session for the SHARC cores to avoid interfering with Linux.

Ensure that the debug session does not load any preloads or applications to the ARM core

By default the debug session will attempt to load applications on to the ARM core.

When creating the debug session you will need to remove any preload or initcode binary and ensure that an application is not loaded. This will ensure that the L2 and L3 memory reserved for the ARM core is not changed by the debug session (Assuming that you have either used the default memory configuration or correctly repartitioned the memory between the cores)

Ensure that the debug session does not reset the processor when loading the SHARC cores

By default the debug session will reset the processor when starting a debug session. Since this cannot be performed on a core by core basis the whole system is reset, wiping the running Linux from memory.

When creating the debug session you will need to uncheck the option to “reset on reload” from the debug session settings.

Ensure that semihosting does not interfere with Linux running on the ARM core

When creating a debug session for SC5xx processors by default CrossCore Embedded Studio uses the ARM supervisor call (SVC) instruction to trigger a communication to the host PC. Unfortunately this instruction is used by Linux for other purposes. By leaving this feature active the execution of Linux will become considerably slower and may result in crashes.

When creating the debug session you will need to uncheck the “Use semihosting” checkbox from the debug session settings.

This will ensure that the emulator does not halt the board for each execution of the SVC instruction.

How do I develop Linux for ADSP-SC5xx with my own repositories?

Host PC setup

Covered in Setting Up Your Host PC.

Source Code Preparation

Download Source code

$ mkdir ~/linux-dsp-own-repos
$ cd ~/linux-dsp-own-repos
$ mkdir bin
$ curl > ./bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ./bin/repo
$ ./bin/repo init \
 -u \
 -b release/yocto-3.0.0 \
 -m release-yocto-3.0.0.xml

Change lnxdsp-adi-meta and lnxdsp-scripts to point to your own repo

$ cd ~/linux-dsp-own-repos/.repo/manifests/

Apply the below modifications into the lnxdsp-repo-manifest

diff --git a/default.xml b/default.xml
index 244bf04..45abdf8 100644
--- a/default.xml
+++ b/default.xml
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
   <remote fetch="" name="yocto"/>
   <remote fetch="" name="oe"/>
-  <remote fetch="" name="adigithub"/>
+  <remote fetch="$YOUR_REPO_PATH" name="dte"/>
   <project remote="yocto" revision="50f33d3bfebcbfb1538d932fb487cfd789872026" name="poky" path="sources/poky"/> <!-- thud revision -->
   <project remote="oe" revision="4cd3a39f22a2712bfa8fc657d09fe2c7765a4005" name="meta-openembedded" path="sources/meta-openembedded"/> <!-- thud revision -->
-  <project remote="adigithub" revision="release/yocto-3.0.0" name="lnxdsp-adi-meta" path="sources/meta-adi"/>
-  <project remote="adigithub" revision="release/yocto-3.0.0" name="lnxdsp-scripts" path="sources">
+  <project remote="dte" revision="release/yocto-3.0.0" name="lnxdsp-adi-meta" path="sources/meta-adi"/>
+  <project remote="dte" revision="release/yocto-3.0.0" name="lnxdsp-scripts" path="sources">
 	  <linkfile dest="setup-environment" src="setup-environment"/>

and sync the repo:

$ ./bin/repo sync

Change u-boot and linux-kernel URI to point to your own repo

$ cd ~/linux-dsp-own-repos/sources/

Apply the below modifications into your own build script, take adsp-sc589-ezkit as an example, the same patch should be applied into adsp-sc589-mini, adsp-sc584-ezkit, adsp-sc573-ezkit etc.

diff --git a/base/adsp-sc589-ezkit/local.conf b/base/adsp-sc589-ezkit/local.conf
index 260a16b..b3c69f1 100644
--- a/base/adsp-sc589-ezkit/local.conf
+++ b/base/adsp-sc589-ezkit/local.conf
@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@
 # This sets the default machine to be adsp-sc589-ezkit if no other machine is selected:
 MACHINE ?= "adsp-sc589-ezkit"
+UBOOT_GIT_URI ?= "git://$YOUR_REPO_PATH/u-boot.git"
+UBOOT_BRANCH ?= "release/yocto-3.0.0"
+KERNEL_GIT_URI ?= "git://$YOUR_REPO_PATH/lnxdsp-linux.git"
+KERNEL_BRANCH ?= "release/yocto-3.0.0"
 # Where to place downloads

Then you can start your development based on your own repos:

$ cd ~/linux-dsp-own-repos/
$ source setup-environment -m adsp-sc589-ezkit
Your build environment has been configured with:


You can now run 'bitbake <target>'
Some of common targets are:

$ bitbake ...

How do I allocate a peripheral to the SHARC?

Default Peripheral allocation between SHARCs and ARM

By default, all peripherals are allocated to the ARM. In order to access a peripheral it is necessary for the pinmux for the peripheral to be configured correctly. The pinmux should only be configured by a single core and by default this is handled by the ARM, which is the booting core. Peripheral allocation is controlled by the device tree source file. The device tree source files are located in the Linux source repo in the /arch/arm/boot/dts folder. For the SC594 EZKIT there are two device tree source files, a generic one for the device family named sc59x.dtsi and a board specific one named sc594-som-ezkit.dts.

For Linkport0 for example there will be an entry in both files. The sc594.dtsi file contains:

lp0: linkport@0 {
	compatible = "linkport0";
	interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
	interrupts = <GIC_SPI 117 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
	             <GIC_SPI 118 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
	clock-div = <1>;
	status = "disabled";

The sc594-som-ezkit.dts contains the following entry which overrides the above status and enables the linkport:

&lp0 {
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <&lp0_default>;
	status = "okay";

Allocating a peripheral to SHARC

Allocating a peripheral to SHARC requires changes to the device tree source file specific to the board. The ARM core is still required to configure the pinmux but should otherwise not interact with the peripheral. For example allocating Linkport0 to the SHARC requires the following changes to sc594-som-ezkit.dts file. First disable Linkport0 in the device tree:

&lp0 {
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <&lp0_default>;
	status = "disabled";

Next it is necessary to specify the required pinmux for Linkport0. For any peripherals not used by Linux this is handled by the icc driver:

&pinctrl0 {
	icc {
		icc_default: icc0@0 {
			adi,group = "lp0grp";
			adi,function = "lp0";

Lastly, the pincontrol which was just created needs to be passed into the icc which will then set up the pinmux for Linkport0 use and ensure the pins are reserved. The driver does not interact with the peripheral itself thereby reserving it for the SHARC:

&icc0 {
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <&icc_default>;
	status = "okay";

The pinmux for Linkport0 is then configured at boot by Linux and can be used by a SHARC core without Linux accessing the device or the pins for any other purpose.

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