Predefined functional interface - amresh087/newronaRepos GitHub Wiki

Functional Interface--> Functional interface are those whose contain single abstract method

Predicate --> Its take one argument for input type variable then perform some test condition after that its return boolean type because it is contain test()

  interface Predicate<T>
     Boolean test(T t);

Function --> Its take two argument first for input type and second for return type. Its contain apply method

  interface Function<T,R>
     R apply(T t);

Consumer --> it is contain accept method and it is not return any things

  interface Consumer<T,R>
     void accept(T t);

For example

			package com.amresh.functional;
			import java.util.function.Consumer;
			public class ConsumerDemo {
				public static void main(String[] args) {
					Consumer<String> c=s->{System.out.println(s);};

Supplier --> it is also predefined functional interface its take one argument. Which is Return type parameter where consumer take argument as Input type.

  interface Supplier<R>
     R get();

For example

			Supplier<String> s=()->{
			String s1[]={"amresh","ellen","anil","Ashok"};

	                     int x=(int)(Math.random() * 3 + 1);
	                     return s1[x];

Note--> Suppler return random value and here Math.random() is return between 0 to 9

			package com.amresh.functional;
		import java.util.function.Consumer;
                    import java.util.function.Supplier;
		public class ConsumerAndSupplierDemo {
			public static void main(String[] args) {
				Consumer<String> c=s->{System.out.println(s);};
				Supplier<String> s=()->{
				String s1[]={"amresh","ellen","anil","Ashok"};

	                     int x=(int)(Math.random() * 3 + 1);
	                     return s1[x];
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️