DockerSetupAWS - amresh087/newronaRepos GitHub Wiki

After connect ec2 machine then run command

uname -r

this command give all details of Linux machine which kernel version is used in this system.

command for Install docker in Linux machine

sudo yum -y update

sudo yum install -y docker

After install docker then verified type command


docker --version

Now first start docker service

sudo service docker start

Now you can check all command of docker

sudo docker info

Now if you want stop docker service

sudo service docker stop

Now if you want remove docker

sudo yum remove docker

command for Install docker in Ubuntu machine

sudo apt update

sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"

sudo apt update

apt-cache policy docker-ce

sudo apt install docker-ce

sudo systemctl status docker

sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}

Now if you want stop docker service

sudo service docker stop

close terminal then open new terminal

Now you add uses to the docker group so the no need to ever time type sudo command for run docker command

sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user

in this command ec2-user is user id

Note-->> Remember that after run above command that now work same terminal so you disconnect your putty then again connect now it is working.

Docker Basic command


  1. docker version

    This is command give information docker client and docker engine

  2. docker -v

    This is gives us only docker version you can also use docker --version

  3. docker info

    This command will give you little details information about docker

  4. docker --help

    This is very useful command its can use get information for any other command for example you can use docker images --help , docker run --help , docker login --help

  5. docker login This command use you can login in your with what are you user name and password created in dockerhub


  1. docker images

    This gives list of all images.

  2. docker pull

    This is use pull image from docker hub repository.for example docker pull ubuntu

  3. docker rmi

    This is use for remove images you can check all command docker rmi --help

    But if you want remove image from docker then use command docker rmi


  1. docker ps

    In docker ps now show all command so use docker ps --help If you use docker ps that is give running container only if you want show all container list then use docker ps -a

  2. docker run

    This command is use for run images for example docker run ubuntu if image is not in local docker then pull from Docker Hub

    docker run -it ubuntu

    Here -it is interactive mode That means now you will have bash session inside the container, so you can ls, mkdir, or do any bash command inside the container. So the by default you enter in bash mean if you want run docker command then open new terminal.

    Otherwise you can use exit for come outside of container

    Note--> while running ubuntu image then first run docker run -it ubuntu then created container id now close putty and again open putty now run docker ps then you can find container id.After that you can use docker star container_id and docker stop container_id

  3. docker start

    After run images then its created docker container id. Now you can use container id for start and stop

    docker start container_id

  4. docker stop

    Same like start command you can also use stop command

    docker stop container_id


  1. docker stats

    This command is use for check memory uses and cpu uses, the input output. Now press ctrl+C then you can come out side.

  2. docker system df

    If you want check disk uses of docker then it can show images size, container size, local volumes size and Build Cache

  3. docker system prune

    This command is use remove unused data docker system prune like you can say if container is not running then its remove, if volume is not used by any container then volume also remove and image is not used by any container then images is also remove.

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