1.28 React Js - amresh087/Question GitHub Wiki
in one website there are multiple component
In src folder, we need to put our component
In component, we need to send props and state
Component's props
Suppose there is a templet, so we need fill with some details. Means the details inside of component known as props
Component's state
Based on the user interaction or some http request/response change component details known as Component's state
Now open index.html under public folder
Now open SRC folder, you can find out APP.js and index.js there are two component
index.js is entry point
- Now you need to run by using below command
npm start
Then it will run on localhost:3000
Now, it is running the app.js component is showing on screen
Now you can add more components in App.js component
If you want build for production then below command we need to run
npm run build.
Component types
Class Based Component --> initial das react is using class base component. Mean it was creating class
Function Based Component --> Now day react is using function based component
callback function
JavaScript is asynchronized execution and callback method will call after some time period
The promise can fullfill or reject
Wt is JSX
JSX produces React “elements”.
JSX is a shorthand for JavaScript XML. This is a type of file used by React which utilizes the expressiveness of JavaScript along with HTML like template syntax
The benefit is inside html you use JavaScript by using {}
Here you need to use className for CSS class
In Html using label by using for but here used htmtFor
In JSX you can return only one tag
Types of props
props is also known as properties
create a folder called component in the src folder
State and Handling Event
State is nothing but it is hook
Hooks were added to React in version 16.8. Hooks let you use state and other React features without writing a class.
Although states have largely replaced classes in React, there is no plan of removing classes from React.
Things you need to keep in mind while using hooks:
You must import hook first
You must import it from react
Hooks can only be called in React Function Components, meaning:
where text is variable with default value Enter text here and you can value by using setText
React Router Setup
- Router is saying instead of bring all data from server. Pick on particular component data
Now we need to install Router
npm install react-router-dom
All theory link?-
React JS Installation -
Creating our first react app using create-react-app -
JavaScript Refresher -
Wt is JSX -
Setup Adding Bootstrap to React -
Props and PropTypes in React -
State & Handling Events in React or hook -
How can create custom hook in react? -
Adding + Auto Dismissing Alert Messages -
Changing title dynamically & adding favicons -
React Router Setup + Usage -
Setup + Introduction to Class based components -
Redux is use state management for big web site