1.27 Angular - amresh087/Question GitHub Wiki My Interview Question Angular Framework diff between AngularJS and Angular What is TypeScript key components of Angular? What are directives? What are components? Diff between Component andDirective What is a template What is a module What are lifecycle hooks available What is a data binding What is metadata angular CLI Diff between constructor and ngOnInit What is a service Dependency injection in Angular Dependency Hierarchy purpose of async pipe option to choose between inline and external template file purpose of *ngFor directive purpose of *ngIf directive What happens if you use script tag inside template What is interpolation What are template expressions What are template statement How do you categorize data binding types explain pipes What are observables or RxJS HttpClient and its benefits adv angular question Wt is class decorator in angular What is property decorator in angular What is method decorator in angular What is parameters decorator in angular What is pipe in angular What is grid in Angular Angular 16 Key Features What is ngmodule in Angular what is all ng tag in Angular Angular version Angular university git repo Top Angular interview Question Angular Setup Creating-component