1.19 kubernetes - amresh087/Question GitHub Wiki
Aws EKs
Kubernetes master node and worker node explanation -
Kubernetes Local Setup Answer
Minikube Local Setup Requirement Answer
Kubernetes Command -
Additional Kubernetes Objects -
Assessments Demo -
Kubernetes components ? Answer
Kubernetes all commands ? Answer
Kubernetes API Basics - Resources, Kinds, and Objects ? Answer
Kubernetes | What and Why
Before Kubernetes you can perform load balance by using Beanstalk
Kubernetes: Adding Configuration Files
we need to create two config files
- client-pod.yml
- client-node-port.yml (it is for networking)
Kubernetes: Object Types and API Versions
Kubernetes: Service Config Files in Depth
ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, and ExternalName are different types of services in Kubernetes, which allow you to expose your application to the network.
This is the default type of service in Kubernetes. It provides a stable IP address that can be used to access the pods from within the cluster. This type of service is not accessible from outside the cluster.
This type of service exposes the pods on a specific port on each node in the cluster. This allows external traffic to be directed to the pods through any node in the cluster. NodePort services are accessible from outside the cluster using the node's IP address and the port number.
This type of service is used when you have an external load balancer that can route traffic to the pods. The LoadBalancer service provides an external IP address that can be used to access the pods through the load balancer. This type of service is only available if your Kubernetes cluster is running in a cloud environment that supports external load balancers.
This type of service is used to map a service name to an external DNS name. When a client within the Kubernetes cluster tries to access the service, the DNS name is resolved to an IP address using the external DNS server. This is useful when you have a service that's not running within the Kubernetes cluster, but you still want to be able to access it using a service name.