1.18 Docker - amresh087/Question GitHub Wiki

  • Wt is use of Docker? Answer

  • Wt is Docker and portainer? Answer

  • Wt is diff between virtualization vs containerization? Answer

  • Docker setup on aws ? Answer

  • Wt is Docker image and docker file? Answer

  • Wt is Docker container? Answer

  • Wt is Docker Compose? Answer

  • Wt is Docker volume? Answer

  • Wt is Docker swarm and how can Scalling service like 1 master and multiple child ?Answer

  • Wt is Docker secrets?

  • Wt is Docker configs?

  • Wt is Docker Network?

  • Wt is Docker App templet?

  • Docker command? Answer

OS Process working flow


Name space or segment





Docker Container Lifecycle




If you are using

Restarting Stopped Containers in Docker

docker ps --all

docker start -a container_id

docker start container_id

if you are using -a then it will display docker container logs on the docker client console

Removing Stopped Containers in Docker

docker system prune

above command it remove all unused images, container, network, and build cache

Retrieving Log Outputs

docker log container_id

Executing Commands in Running Containers


Tagging an Image in Docker


Introducing Docker Compose

if you want to create network bridge between two docker container mean if you want to build connection between two containers then we can use below step



Need for Nginx

  • NGINX is pronounced as "engine-ex".

  • In its initial release, NGINX functioned for HTTP web serving. Today, however, it also serves as a reverse proxy server for HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, IMAP, POP3 protocols, on the other hand, it is also used for HTTP load balancer, HTTP cache, and email proxy for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.


In dev environment, all js and html files are separate but in prod it is combined in single file index.html and main.js

In prod there is requirement for web server.