1.16 Hibernate - amresh087/Question GitHub Wiki

Q1. hibernate tutorial link ? Answer

Q2. Wt is diff between Jdbc and Hibernate ?

Q3. Wt is diff between Session and SessionFactory ? Answer

Q4. Wt is Interface in hibernate ?

Q5. Wt is diff between save() and saveUpdate() ?

Q6. Wt is diff between load(object) and load(class) ?

Q7. Wt is diff between get() and load() ?

Q8. Wt is diff between save(), saveOrUpdate() and persistent() ?

Q9. Is Possible you can use multiple Database in hibernate ? In same sessionFactory or diff sessionFactory ?

composite key

Q10. In Hibernate how can create composite key ? Answer


Q11. Wt is flash ?Answer

Q12. Wt is dirty checking ?

Q13. Wt is Annotation in hibernate ?

Q14. Wt is hql ?

Q15. Wt is join?

Q16. Wt is Eagar loading and lazy loading ?

Q17. Wt is diff between list() and iterator() ?

Q18. Wt is filter in hibernate ?

OneToOne OneToMany ManyToMany

Q19. Wt is OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToMany ? answer

#Criteria api

Q20. Wt is Criteria api ? Answer 1 "with update and delete in criteria Answer 2"

Q21. In Criteria api how can use like, join, innerQuery ? answer

Q22. When we use Criteria api. Is a possible to save data use this ?

Q23. How can work Criteria api internally ?

Hql indexing

Q24. In Hql what is indexing ?Answer

Q25. How can call store produce and function ?

Q26. what is caching and explain first level and second level caching ?Answer

Q27. Wt is diff between connection pooling and cache pool ?

Q28. Wt is tranasction in hibernate Answer?

Q29. Wt is state Transint, persisent, detech ? Answer

QU. In hibernate how can create composite key ?answer