1.13 Springboot - amresh087/Question GitHub Wiki
Q1. Springboot Tutorial link ?Answer
- Springboot Rest Api class Diagram?Answer
Q2. In Springboot what is concept of parrent (pom,gradle) ?
Q3. In Springboot how can reduce configuration and how can do auto configue if find jar in class path ?
Q4. How can I enable auto reload of my application with Spring Boot?
Q5. What is Spring Data?
Q6. What does Actuator in Spring Boot mean?
Q7. What Is the Configuration File Name, which is used By Spring Boot(application. Properties)?
Q8. Wt Spring Boot Components ?
Q9. What are the features of Spring Boot?
Q10. What are the Spring Boot Annotations?
Q11. How to connect Spring Boot to the database using JPA?
Q12. What is @SpringBootApplication annotation?
Q13. What does @EnableAutoConfiguration do? What about @SpringBootApplication?
Q14. What is YAML?