1.12 Spring - amresh087/Question GitHub Wiki

Q1. Wt is spring ? Answer

Q2. How many model in spring ?

Q3. Wt is IOC container ? Answer

Q4. wt is dependency ?

Q5. wt is diff between lookup dependency and injection dependency ?

Q6. How many type of Injection ?

Q7. Wt is loose coupling and tight coupling ?

Q8. Type of core annotation ?

Q9. Explain @Autowire, @Inject, @Qulifer, @Resource, @value, @component, @Repository, @Service, @Configuratiom, @ComponentScan ? answer

Q10. Wt is Aop ? Answer

Q11. Wt is @Around, @After, @Before, @Throws ?

Q12. Wt is proxy interface and how can work IOC internally ?

Q13. Wt is Mvc1 and Mvc2 ?

Q14. Explain spring Mvc floe ?

Q15. Explain @RestController, @Controller, @RequestMapping, @PathVariable etc.

Q16. wt is spring mailing ?

Q17. Wt is JMS ?

Q18. Wt is scheduling ?

Q19. Wt is connection pooling ?

Q20. Wt is Jndi ?

Q21. Wt is Transaction ? Explain local and global Transaction ? Answer JPA Transaction

Q22. Wt is ACID ? Answer

Qu how can manage transaction suppose you are calling rest service and load data from dao layer if rest service null or data come null from database then how can roll back? And what best way where you put transaction on service layer or dao layer ? Answer