1.11 Core java - amresh087/Question GitHub Wiki

Collection Framework

  • How to work HashMap Internally? Answer,,

  • Type of to Map Implementation? Answer

  • In java 8 what is TREEIFY_THRESHOLD and UNTREEIFY_THRESHOLD ? Answer

  • How to work HashSet Internally? Answer,

  • What is different between HasMap and ConcurrentHashMap? Answer,

  • What is different between Hashmap between WeakHashMap in Java ? Answer,

  • What is different Collection and Collections? Answer,

  • what is different between ArrayList and LinkList ? Answer,

  • what is different between ArrayList and Vector? Answer,

  • what are the way retrieve data from collection ?

  • what is different between iterator and enumerator ?

  • What is Fail Safe & Fail-fast iterator ? Answer,

  • Wt is diff between Iterator and ListIterator ?

  • Wt is diff between comparable and comprator ? Answer, old answer

MultiTheading & Concurrency

  • what thread and runnable ?

  • what is callable ?

  • what is executor framework? Answer, Type of

  • what is diff between runable and callable ? Answer,

  • what is future and lock ? Answer,

  • what is synchronization ?

  • what is diff between static synchronization and non static synchronization? or wt is diff between class level lock and object level lock ?

  • what is consumer and producer problem ? Answer,

  • what is exchanger? Answer,

  • what is semaphore? Answer,

  • what is circular barrier? Answer,

  • what is countdown latch? Answer,

  • What is diff between Excutor.submit() and Excutor.excute() ?

  • Wt is dead lock? How can avoid deadlock in java ? Answer,

  • wt is phaser ? Answer,

  • wt is Fork/join ? Answer,

  • Wt is Atomic operator ? answer

  • Which design pattern is used Consumer Producer or Observer design Pattern? Answer,

  • Explain how can implement company stack change then all client notify and which design patten used? Answer

  • Wt is diff between transient and volatile keyword ? answer

Exception Handling

  • what is Exception Handling ? Answer,

  • what is different between checked exception and unchecked exception ? Answer,

  • how can create custom exception ? Answer,

  • How can overriding in Exception Handling ? answer


  • what is polymorphic ? Answer,

  • what is dynamic binding ?

  • What is abstraction ? Answer,

  • What is different between Interface and Abstract class ? Answer,

  • what is serialization and deserialization ? Answer,

  • During serialization and deserialization how can restrict some property ? Answer go to question 4,

  • During serialization and deserialization suppose after some day adding another property then how can serialization and deserialization?Answer go to question 9,

  • What is overloading and overriding ?

  • What is hashCode() and equal() ?

  • What is singlton ? Is singlton thread safe ? Answer

  • Explain final, finally and finalize ? Answer,

  • What is name less construtor and static block ?

  • Wt Life cycle of thread ?

  • Wt is diff between wait() and sleep() ?

  • wt is clone? Diff between Deep cloning and shallow cloning? Answer,


  • How can create immutable class ? Answer,

  • what is literal? Answer,

  • what is diff between equal() and == ? Answer,

  • what is diff between object creation new String() and String s=""? Answer,

  • What is diff between StringBuffer and StringBuilder ? Answer,

  • Wt is String pool ?

  • Wt is immutable class?Answer

java8 (functional programming)

  • Java8 new feature

  • What is Labda Expression ?

  • What is java stream api explain ?

  • What is forEach loop ?

Memory Managments

  • What is jvm memory managment like parm gen, heap, stack ? answer my answer Deeply Answer

  • Heap memory exceeded. How can resolved? Answer

  • Perm Gen vs Metaspace in java8 ? Answer

  • What is garbage collector? How many type? Answer

  • What is jvm monitoring tools? And explain jvisual VM.

  • What is java memory leak problem? How can handle it Answer


Xml Parsing

Batch Processing

  • Wt is batch processing? Answer

Java 9

Wt is Java 9 Feature Answer

java 17

Wt is Java 17 Feature Answer