1.11 Core java - amresh087/Question GitHub Wiki
Collection Framework
How to work HashMap Internally? Answer,,
Type of to Map Implementation? Answer
How to work HashSet Internally? Answer,
What is different between HasMap and ConcurrentHashMap? Answer,
What is different between Hashmap between WeakHashMap in Java ? Answer,
What is different Collection and Collections? Answer,
what is different between ArrayList and LinkList ? Answer,
what is different between ArrayList and Vector? Answer,
what are the way retrieve data from collection ?
what is different between iterator and enumerator ?
What is Fail Safe & Fail-fast iterator ? Answer,
Wt is diff between Iterator and ListIterator ?
Wt is diff between comparable and comprator ? Answer, old answer
MultiTheading & Concurrency
what thread and runnable ?
what is callable ?
what is diff between runable and callable ? Answer,
what is future and lock ? Answer,
what is synchronization ?
what is diff between static synchronization and non static synchronization? or wt is diff between class level lock and object level lock ?
what is consumer and producer problem ? Answer,
what is exchanger? Answer,
what is semaphore? Answer,
what is circular barrier? Answer,
what is countdown latch? Answer,
What is diff between Excutor.submit() and Excutor.excute() ?
Wt is dead lock? How can avoid deadlock in java ? Answer,
wt is phaser ? Answer,
wt is Fork/join ? Answer,
Wt is Atomic operator ? answer
Which design pattern is used Consumer Producer or Observer design Pattern? Answer,
Explain how can implement company stack change then all client notify and which design patten used? Answer
Wt is diff between transient and volatile keyword ? answer
Exception Handling
what is Exception Handling ? Answer,
what is different between checked exception and unchecked exception ? Answer,
how can create custom exception ? Answer,
How can overriding in Exception Handling ? answer
what is polymorphic ? Answer,
what is dynamic binding ?
What is abstraction ? Answer,
What is different between Interface and Abstract class ? Answer,
what is serialization and deserialization ? Answer,
During serialization and deserialization how can restrict some property ? Answer go to question 4,
During serialization and deserialization suppose after some day adding another property then how can serialization and deserialization?Answer go to question 9,
What is overloading and overriding ?
What is hashCode() and equal() ?
What is singlton ? Is singlton thread safe ? Answer
Explain final, finally and finalize ? Answer,
What is name less construtor and static block ?
Wt Life cycle of thread ?
Wt is diff between wait() and sleep() ?
wt is clone? Diff between Deep cloning and shallow cloning? Answer,
How can create immutable class ? Answer,
what is literal? Answer,
what is diff between equal() and == ? Answer,
what is diff between object creation new String() and String s=""? Answer,
What is diff between StringBuffer and StringBuilder ? Answer,
Wt is String pool ?
Wt is immutable class?Answer
java8 (functional programming)
What is Labda Expression ?
What is java stream api explain ?
What is forEach loop ?
Memory Managments
What is jvm memory managment like parm gen, heap, stack ? answer my answer Deeply Answer
Heap memory exceeded. How can resolved? Answer
Perm Gen vs Metaspace in java8 ? Answer
What is garbage collector? How many type? Answer
What is jvm monitoring tools? And explain jvisual VM.
What is java memory leak problem? How can handle it Answer
Xml Parsing
- Wt is Xml parsing? Answer
Batch Processing
- Wt is batch processing? Answer
Java 9
Wt is Java 9 Feature Answer
java 17
Wt is Java 17 Feature Answer