Useful links and stuff - amauran/project-giskard GitHub Wiki

Robot Framework

Robot Framework Built-in library keywords

Robot Framework user guide

Robot Framework standard libraries (like String, BuiltIn)

Various Robot Framework docs and guides

Examples of using variables in Robot Frameworks (including .yaml files)

Robocorp - Robot Framework cheat sheets

Robocorp - Robot Framework built in variables

  • such as boolean true and false: ${True} ${False}

Selenium / SeleniumLibrary

SeleniumLibrary keywords

Locating elements

Selenium Webdriver common keys usable in code (like ENTER, SPACE,)

Browser library

Browser library keywords

CSS, XPath (selectors, combinators, etc.)

CSS selectors visual guide & reference

  • very helpful for a beginner! ^_^

CSS selector cheat sheet

XPath selector cheat sheet

W3C Editor's draft (selectors) CSS selectors

Pro tip for testing CSS selectors with Inspect element ;D :

  • Instead of document.querySelector you can use $ and instead of document.querySelectorAll you can use $$
  • $$('.menu-item') -> all with class 'menu-item'

(This example tested in our test shop page)

  • $$('a[data-product_id="36"]') found --> [a.button.product_type_simple.add_to_cart_button.ajax_add_to_cart]

Similar function for xpath selectors is $x()

  • $x('//*[@id="wp-admin-bar-my-account"]/a/span[text()="Robbie"]


YAML syntax simple guide

YAML syntax docs

Other stuff

Markdown syntax