Timegraph - amark/gun GitHub Wiki

Timegraph .time()

Warning: The Timegraph extension isn't required by default, you would need to include at "gun/lib/time.js"

A Timegraph allows you to store and retrieve data that is stored at a relative time.

.time( function(data, key, time) )

Subscribes to all future events that occur on the Timegraph

  • data : The data in the node retrieved
  • key : The key name of the node retrieved
  • time : The time that the node was uploaded

.time( function(data, key, time), num)

Subscribes to all future events that occur on the Timegraph and retrieve a specified number of old events

  • data : The data in the node retrieved
  • key : The key name of the node retrieved
  • time : The time that the node was uploaded
  • num : The number of past nodes to retrieve

.time( data )

Pushes data to a Timegraph with it's time set to Gun.state()'s time


You will need a reference to a node to store a timegraph in.

var node = Gun.get("<Your Node Here>");

Warning: As of now a Timegraph can only be stored inside one of the top level nodes. Eg. You can't do 'gun.get().get()'

Once You have your node you can use any of the .time() methods on it.

Example Chat

let chatroom = gun.get('chatroom');

chatroom.time((data, key, time)=>{//listen setup
},20);//number display when loaded and time is trigger here if push.
   e = e || window.event;
   if(e.keyCode == 13){
      chatroom.time({alias:'alias',message:'text'}); //push here to time update listen set from top.

Example Input time feeds. http://jsbin.com/vazazelinu/edit?js,console,output