React - amark/gun GitHub Wiki


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This React library exposes all the Gun functionalities.

Check out the Sample React App that shows how you can set up a very basic Gun & React project.

Old gun-react example
npm install --save gun-react

Sample Usage:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { useGun} from 'gun-react'

let config = {
  s3: {
    key: '',
    secret: '',
    bucket: ''
  // simple JSON persistence (bundled)
  // meant for ease of getting started
  // NOT meant for production
  file: 'file/path.json',

  // set your own UUID function
  uuid: () => { }
const App = (props) => {

  const[firstName, setFirstName] = useState('');
  const[lastName, setLastName] = useState('');
  const[age, setAge] = useState(''); 
    let { gunService } = props;
      gunService.get('user').on((data, key) => {
      console.log("previously saved data", data)
    const submitValue = (e) => {
    const formDetails = {
      'FirstName': firstName,
      'LastName': lastName,
      'Age': age,
    let { gunService } = props;

    gunService.get('user').on((data, key) => {
      console.log("saved data", data)
      let result = data; // you can now get the saved data right here


  return (
          <input id="textinput" name="firstname" onChange={e => setFirstName(} 
          <input id="textinput" name="lastname" type="text" onChange={e => setLastName(} 
          <label >Age</label>
          <input id="textinput" name="age" type="number" placeholder="Age" onChange={e => setAge(}
         <button  onClick={submitValue} class="btn btn-success">Ok</button>
// just bind useGun();
//useGun accepts the normal Gun Configuration and a Component to Render and then returns gunService as a Property

export default useGun(App, config);
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️