FRP - amark/gun GitHub Wiki

If you are unfamiliar with reactive programming, it is a code structure that emphasizes vertical readability by avoiding nested loops and callbacks. Instead of doing...

// ugly
for(var i = 0; i < PDFs.length; i += 1){
	var fileName = PDFs[i];
	readFromDisk(filename, function(file){
		var pages = splitIntoPages(file);
		for(var j = 0; j < pages.length; j += 1){
			var page = pages[j];
			saveToFolder('page' + j, page, function(err, done){
				console.log("Done! If no," err);
} can simplify it to something more clear and reusable, such as:

var PDF = {}; = function(fileName){
	readFromDisk(filename, PDF.split);
PDF.split = function(file){
} = function(page, number){
	saveToFolder('page' + number, page, PDF.done);
PDF.done = function(err, done){
	console.log("Done! If no", err);

And that is functional reactive programming!

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