Meeting notes - altanborali16/SWE574-Group2 GitHub Wiki
September 28, 2024
Agenda Present: all team
Approach: start from scratch, re-use code from other repos (explanation: the project's purpose is to serve both web and mobile clients; rework for this will take more time than building a project from scratch).
Team roles: team members will have specialisations, but every team member should have a chance to work on design, frontend, backend, and documentation. Everybody is responsible for knowledge sharing about the project/technologies.
Initial team composition: (in brackets - a person who can/want also work on the team going forward)
- Architecture - Efe
- Backend - Feridun, Yana, Efe, (Altan), (Enes)
- Frontend - Altan, Aliser, Enes, (Feridun)
- Deployment and DevOps - Feridun, (Altan)
- Code reviewers - frontend and backend dev teams review their respective codes in pairs
- Project communicator - Altan
For frontend: The frontend team decides on the frontend design and presents it to the entire team. The first frontend dev creates the foundational features (homepage and login page, for eg). The second and third devs build on the features. For frontend dev manual testing is obligatory before commit.
For backend: Backend team reviews the complete feature before merge. Postman collection is on the GitHub, organized and version-controlled, with all end-points explained. Backend team tests both backend and frontend before commit.
Version control: The team will have two branches: main and develop branch. The team works with the develop branch; they pull from it and then branch off to work on a feature (a feature consists of several issues) and bug fixes. After developer code review and ensuring that everything works, the developer commits all to his/her feature branch; the feature branch then is merged with develop branch by the DevOps.
Documentation: documentation created/updated as features are developed. Documentation is version-managed on GitHub; developers mark their contributions to documentation by putting their initials at the end of the statement or at the scheme, for eg: (YK).
Schedule and communication: Weekly meetings - Mondays during or after the course (suits everybody and it's right after the SW£574 class); Tuesdays 21:30 (a 20-mins standup) Deployment time - Tuesday midnight (easier delivery; each team member can make functional tests, see bugs) In-team communication - frontend and backend teams communicate between themselves on ad hoc basis.
Questions to clarify/issues to open/suggestions:
- Q: is a progressive web application (PWA) allowed? A: Yes, provided it serves the specific needs of mobile/web version users
- Q: team members switching between front end/ back end or not? A: Yes
- I: set the standard for branch and commit naming (issue opened)
- Q: decide on Spring Boot, Java version, and frontend technologies (depends on if PWA is allowed or not)
- S: check out GitHub repos for best practices
October 1, 2024
Backend project final decision Start from scratch, and re-use code from other repos (explanation: the project's purpose is to serve both web and mobile clients; rework for this will take more time than building a project from scratch).
Discussion about new requirements given during class at the 2nd week (October 3, 2024) We have discussed the new set of (requirements)[(] and decided to add all team members to the design process to find good solutions for backend function design. Efe and Feridun will be the main backend developers for the new requirements.
Discussion on deadline time for the completion of missing features (from the previous term) backend project WIP WIP
Discussion mockup creation for flows Enes will be the lead designer for mockup designs. All team members are responsible for contributing to & discussing flows.
Finalization of PWA or mobile app question We will move on with PWA considering the teams's experience level, and the time it takes to develop a separate mobile application. We have compared the Reddit mobile app and the Reddit web app mobile view and decided that the mobile app has no clear advantage over the mobile view of the web app.