Export Pointcloud - alicevision/Meshroom GitHub Wiki

Export sparse Pointcloud from StructureFromMotion node

SfMData: sfm.abc

In the StructureFromMotion node setting you can change the Inter File Extension to .ply (prior executing the node).


To convert an existing sfm.abc (created by the StructutureFromMoion node by default) use the ConvertSfMFormat node. 2

Export Dense Pointcloud from the Meshing node

To get a coloured pointcloud, select the option in the node menu. exportpcl1 To get the dense point cloud, open the Meshing node folder . You can drag and drop densePointCloud.abc in the 3d viewer to view it.

To convert the .abc file to another format (ply), add a new ConvertSfMFormat node (screenshot below).

unknown is required here to export the dense poincloud


By default all Views, Intrinsics, Extrinsics, Structures and Observations are included in the output. You can deselect the elements you do not need. To get the point cloud only: scs