Frontend Routes - alexsmaldone/good-game-guides GitHub Wiki

User-facing Routes


Log in page

This page displays a log in form

  • GET /login
  • POST /login


This page displays a signup form.

Sign up page

  • GET /signup
  • POST /signup


For logged out users, this page displays a list of many game guides which link to the game guide, in addition to sign up and login links.

Logged in users can see a nav bar with links to the homepage, guide shelves, and signout. The body of the page will display game guides they are currently playing and want to play which link to the game guide page. The page will also display the collection of all game guides available on the website as well as user game shelves.

  • GET /
  • GET /game-guides/:id
  • GET /login
  • GET /signup
  • GET /my-game-guides/status-shelves/:id
  • GET /my-game-guides/custom-shelves/:id


This page will display the details of a specific game guide. It will have a nav bar with relevant links at the top of the page, and logged out users will see links to sign up and login.

The title, description, and cover art will be prominently displayed, as well as community reviews and ratings. Logged in users will be able to dynamically edit the play status (shelf) of this guide and their rating. There will be links for logged in users to create or update their review, and their current review will displayed on the page if available.

Logged out users clicking any of these features only available to logged in users will redirect them to a login page.

  • GET /games-guides/:id/reviews/new
  • GET /reviews/:id/edit


This page will display all guides in a logged in user's collection in a table. The nav bar with relevant links will be at the top of the page.

Users will be able to create new custom shelves dynamically as well as update the play status (shelf), rating, and delete guides from their shelves dynamically.

Links will be displayed in the table to create and edit guide reviews. There will be links to each of the different shelves that a user has generated in addition to the default shelves available, displaying the relevant guides in each. There will also be a link to a page where users can edit their custom shelves.

  • GET /my-game-guides/status-shelves/:id
  • GET /my-game-guides/custom-shelves/:id
  • GET /my-game-guides/custom-shelves/edit
  • GET /games-guides/:id/reviews/new
  • GET /reviews/:id/edit


This page will display all of the guides in a logged in user's collection relevant to the particular status selected (i.e., have played, will play, currently playing) in a table. The nav bar will be displayed at the top of the page.

Users will be able to create new custom shelves dynamically as well as update the play status (shelf), rating, and delete guides from their shelves dynamically.

Links will be displayed in the table to create and edit guide reviews. There will be links to each of the different shelves that a user has generated in addition to the default shelves available, displaying the relevant guides in each. There will also be a link to a page where users can edit their custom shelves.

  • GET /my-game-guides/status-shelves/:id
  • GET /my-game-guides/custom-shelves/:id
  • GET /my-game-guides/custom-shelves/edit
  • GET /games-guides/:id/reviews/new
  • GET /reviews/:id/edit


This page will display a logged in user's custom shelves. Users can add shelves, edit the name of shelves, and delete their shelves dynamically. There is a button to signal completion of editing that redirects to the game guides page.

  • GET /my-game-guides/custom-shelves/:id
  • GET /my-game-guides/status-shelves/:id
  • GET /my-game-guides


This page will display a form for logged in users to create a review and rating for a single game guide, which will update the review and rating for the guide in their shelves. A nav bar with relevant links will be displayed at the top of the page.

After review is created, the user is redirected back to the page where they selected the "write a review" option.

  • POST /reviews


This page will display a form for logged in users to edit an existing review and rating for a single game guide, which will update the review and rating for the guide in their shelves. A nav bar with relevant links will be displayed at the top of the page.

After review is edited, the user is redirected back to the page where they selected the "edit review" option.

  • POST /reviews

404 Bad Request

This will display a "GAME OVER" graphic, also letting users know they made a bad request or that the site was too slow to respond.