Menus Events - alexguirre/RAGENativeUI GitHub Wiki

An event in C# is a way for a class to provide notifications to clients of that class when some interesting thing happens to an object. The most familiar use for events is in graphical user interfaces; typically, the classes that represent controls in the interface have events that are notified when the user does something to the control (for example, click a button).

RAGENativeUI has 9 events in total: 6 for UIMenu, 1 for UIMenuItem, 1 for UIMenuListItem and 1 for UIMenuCheckboxItem.

Events basics

There are two ways to declare an event in C#. One is using a handler method and another one is using lambda expressions.

// First method.
myMenu.OnItemSelect += ItemSelectEventHandler;

public void ItemSelectEventHandler(UIMenu sender, UIMenuItem selectedItem, int index)
    // Your logic goes here

And the second one is

// Second method.
myMenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, selectedItem, index) =>
        // Your logic goes here

UIMenu Events

  • OnIndexChange (UIMenu sender, int newindex)
  • OnItemSelect (UIMenu sender, UIMenuItem selectedItem, int index)
  • OnListChange (UIMenu sender, UIMenuListItem list, int newindex)
  • OnCheckboxChange (UIMenu sender, UIMenuCheckboxItem item, bool Checked)
  • OnMenuClose (UIMenu sender)
  • OnMenuChange (UIMenu sender, UIMenu nextMenu, bool forward)

UIMenuItem Events

  • Activated (UIMenu menu, UIMenuItem sender)

UIMenuCheckboxItem Events

  • CheckboxEvent (UIMenuCheckboxItem sender, bool Checked)

UIMenuListItem Events

  • OnListChanged (UIMenuListItem sender, int newindex)