02. Some helpful Plugins - alex-pakalniskis/obs-studio-101 GitHub Wiki

Utility plugins

Move transition

I use this plugin to move Sources around the screen during streams

After installing the plugin, re-open OBS then select "Move" from Scene Transitions section


While I mostly use defaults, I do change one setting.

  • Click the three vertical dots symbol in Scene Transitions section then click Properties
  • Set Matched items > Transition scale type to "Stretch: Scale and stretch the sources to the size of the transition"
  • Click OK



I use this plugin to "convert" my MIDI controller into a bootleg Streamdeck for scene switching during streams

After installing the plugin, plug in your MIDI device and restarting OBS:

  • Click Tools drop-down menu and select OBS MIDI Settings
  • In the Devices pane, select your USB MIDI device from Devices and select the "Enabled" button
    • My device has two entries so I select the second channel to control the hardware buttons for scene switching


  • Switch to the Configure pane
  • Click Listen Many
  • Click the hardware button you want to use for mapping a scene transition then select the scene in "Scene*" dropdown.
  • Click "Add Mapping"


Now you can toggle between OBS Scenes using a hardware MIDI controller, no streamdeck or hotkeys required
