Setting States (24.1) - alessandrofama/wwise-godot-integration GitHub Wiki

States are a type of Game Sync that enable changes to audio based on predefined global states assigned to audio objects and triggered in-game. States are commonly used to modify mix settings in response to in-game events. In a music system with musical segments, States are preferred over Switches because they act on a global scope. To learn more about game object scopes, refer to the documentation article on Understanding Global and Game Object Scope.

Setting States with the AkState Node

The integration provides a custom Node called AkState to easily set States:


The AkState node has the following properties:

  • State: Selects the desired State from the Wwise Picker.
  • Trigger On: Specifies when the state should be set (e.g., Enter Tree, Ready, Exit Tree).

To use the AkState Node, select the desired State and the trigger on callback.

Triggering a AkState node with GDScript

If you left the Trigger On property of an AkState node to None, you can trigger setting the state by referencing the node and calling set_value:

func _ready():

Setting States with GDScript

To set a State using GDScript, you can use the WwiseState type in a script, or call directly the exposed set_state function in the Wwise singleton.

Using the WwiseState Type

When you export a WwiseState type variable in a script, a button will appear in the inspector, allowing you to select your desired State from the Wwise Picker:


Select a State and then call set_value on the exported WwiseState variable:

extends Node3D

@export var state: WwiseState

func _ready() -> void:

Setting a State using the set_state function in the Wwise singleton

Alternatively you can use the set_state or set_state_id functions provided by the Wwise singleton:

Using State names:

func _enter_tree():
	Wwise.set_state("MusicState", "Calm")

Using State IDs:

func _enter_tree():

The set_state functions take the State Group and State Value as names or IDs. If you have generated the Wwise IDs, you can access them by referencing the AK class.

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