Exporting Your Godot Project - alessandrofama/wwise-godot-integration GitHub Wiki

Exporting your Godot project with the necessary configurations for the Wwise integration is a straightforward process. Follow the steps below to export your project.

  1. Open your Godot project and go to the Export menu by clicking on Project → Export.
  2. In the export window, navigate to the Resources tab.
  3. Locate the Filters to export non-resource files/folders setting. Here, you need to add the *.bnk filter to ensure that your banks are exported. Optionally, you can also add the *.wem filter if you have streamed media.


  1. Once you have added the necessary filters, click on the Export Project button.
  2. Choose a destination directory for your exported game and proceed with the export process. If you enable the Export with Debug option, the template_debug version of the GDExtension library will be exported. This version includes communication systems for debugging purposes.


By following these steps, you can export your Godot project with the appropriate configurations for Wwise integration.

iOS specific settings

Please note that in order to connect to the Wwise profiler on iOS, you must include the "Privacy - Local Network Usage Description" field in your Custom iOS Target Properties within Xcode.

Android specific settings

You need to install the Android Build Template to correctly being able to export the project on Android:


Please note that in order to connect to the Wwise profiler on Android, you must activate the "Internet" permission in the Android Export settings.

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