wintabslowLoop - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
function slowLoop(samplingRate)
Opens a PTB Screen, attaches a tablet to the associated screen pointer wPtr and records data from a graphics tablet. The data is sorted
and output to a .mat file and an Excel file.
samplingRate: sampling rate in Hz for your tablet. Establish this using fastLoop.m
pkt = WinTabMex(5) reads the latest data point out of a tablet's event queue. This queue is a buffer that can hold around 50 data points.
This queue begins filling up after a call to WinTabMex(2), which empties the queue, and can be used to record movement data during
stimulus presentation in a 'fast loop' (see fastLoop.m).
pkt is a 8x1 column vector
xPos = pkt(1), x axis position (tablet coordinates)
yPos = pkt(2), y axis position (tablet coordinates)
zPos = pkt(3), z axis position (tablet coordinates)
buttonState = pkt(4), encoded button state (works a little erratically)
serialNumber = pkt(5), an index of which data point this is since the last call to WinTabMex(2)
tabletTimeStamp = pkt(6), time in ms from the tablet
penStatus = pkt(7), signals various events (eg penOutOfRange)
penChange = pkt(8), flags what has changed since the last sample
getsecTimeStamp = the time at which the data was collected from the start of the trial, using PTB's GetSecs function
pktData = matrix of data, compiled into columns for writing to Excel
pkt(1:6) are straightforward, pkt(7:8) need some work on figuring out what it all means
Andrew D. Wilson, 2009 ([email protected])