moglDrawDots3D - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
Draw a large number of dots in 3D very efficiently.
Usage: moglDrawDots3D(windowPtr, xyz [,dotdiameter] [,dotcolor] [,center3D] [,dot_type] [, glslshader]);
This function is the 3D equivalent of the Screen('DrawDots') subfunction
for fast drawing of 2D dots. It has mostly the same paramters as that
function, but extended into the 3D domain. It accepts a subset of the
parameters for that function, ie., it is less liberal in what it accepts,
in order to allow for simpler code and maximum efficiency.
As a bonus, it accepts one additional parameter 'glslshader', the
optional handle to a GLSL shading program, e.g., as loaded from
filesystem via LoadGLSLProgram().
The routine will draw into the 3D OpenGL userspace rendering context of
onscreen window or offscreen window (or texture) 'windowPtr'. It will
automatically switch to that window if it isn't already active in 3D
mode, and it will restore the drawing target to whatever was set before
invocation in whatever mode (2D or 3D). This is a convenience feature for
lazy users that mostly draw in 2D. If you intend to draw more stuff in 3D
for a given frame, then you should switch your targetwindow 'windowPtr'
into 3D mode manually via Screen('BeginOpenGL') yourself beforehand. This
will avoid redundant and expensive context switches and increase the
execution speed of your code!
'windowPtr' Handle of window or texture to draw into.
'xyz' A 3-by-n or 4-by-n matrix of n dots to draw. Each column defines
one dot to draw, either as 3D position (x,y,z) or 4D position (x,y,z,w).
Must be a double matrix!
'dotdiameter' optional: Either a single scalar spec of dot diameter, or a
vector of as many dotdiameters as dots 'n', or left out. If left out, a
dot diameter of 1.0 pixels will be used. Drawing of dots of different
sizes is much less efficient than drawing of dots of identical sizes! Try
to group many dots of identical size into separate calls to this function
for best performance!
'dotcolor' optional: Either a 3 or 4-component [R,G,B] or [R,G,B,A] color
touple with a common drawing color, or a 3-by-n or 4-by-n matrix of
colors, one [R;G;B;A] column for each individual dot. A common color for
all dots is faster.
'dot_type' optional: A setting of zero will draw rectangular dots, a
setting of 1 will draw round dots, a setting of 2 will draw round dots of
extra high quality if the hardware supports that. For anti-aliased dots
you must select a setting of 1 or 2 and enable alpha blending as well.
'glslshader' optional: If omitted, shading state is not changed. If set
to zero, then the standard fixed function OpenGL pipeline is used, like
in Screen('DrawDots') (under most circumstances). If a positive
glslshader handle to a GLSL shading program object is provided, that
shader program will be used. You can use this, e.g., to bind a custom vertex
shader to perform complex per-dot calculations very fast on the GPU.