moglClutBlit - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
moglClutBlit(win, src [, newclut]) -- Blit an image into window, apply CLUT.
moglClutBlit copies a texture image 'src' (either made via
src = Screen('MakeTexture', ...) or an offscreen window created via
src = Screen('OpenOffscreenWindow', ...)) to an onscreen window 'win'.
During the copy, it applies a color lookup table (clut) to the texture,
transforming the color indices in the input texture into RGB color
pixels according to the color lookup table.
The color lookup table contains 256 rows with 3 columns. The i'th row
contains the Red, green and blue color values to be used when an input
pixel with colorindex i-1 is used. Column 1 = Red component, column 2 =
Green component, column 3 = blue component.
The clut will be initialized to a gray-level ramp, i.e. index 1 =
(0,0,0), index i+1 = (i, i, i), index 256 = (255, 255, 255).
'src' texture handle or offscreen window handle of the image to copy.
'win' window handle of the target window.
'newclut' The new 256 rows by 3 columns clut. If you don't provide any
clut, the clut from a previous call will be used. Initially it is a
graylevel ramp.
Add the command "InitializeMatlabOpenGL" at the top of your script,
before the first call to Screen('OpenWindow', ...). If you don't use any
3D graphics, InitializeMatlabOpenGL([], 0, 1); will be the fastest. -
Create your color index image either as a texture, e.g., via
src=Screen('MakeTexture', win, myimage), or create it as Offscreen window
src=Screen('OpenOffscreenWindow', win) and draw your index colored
stimulus into it. -
Whenever you want to change the clut and draw the image with updated
clut, call moglClutBlit(win, src, newclut); with newclut being the new
color lookup table. -
Call the Screen('Flip', ...) command to show the new image, drawn with
the new clut. -
At the end of your script and before you Screen('Close', win) or
Screen('CloseAll'), call moglClutBlit() without parameters, so it can
clean up after itself.
See GLSLClutAnimDemo for an example.
Note: This function requires you to use fairly recent graphics hardware
with support for OpenGL Pixelshaders and the OpenGL shading language
(GLSL). It won't work on old hardware. Use of cluts for 8 bit clut
animation is deprecated. Today, most stimuli can be generated in much more
flexible and elegant ways using PTB-3's new drawing features and OpenGL