Eyelink - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
The [EyelinkToolbox](EyelinkToolbox) can be used to ceate eye-movement experiments and
control the SR-Research Eyelink� gazetrackers
(http://www.eyelinkinfo.com/) from within Matlab.
It is incorporated into the PsychToolbox (http://www.psychtoolbox.org/).
and uses the functions provided by the PsychToolBox for graphics and sound.
For a complete list of available functions type "Eyelink" in the
Matlab command window. For an explanation of any particular Eyelink
function just add a question mark "?" after a command.
E.g. for 'Initialize', try either of these equivalent forms:
Eyelink initialize?
[optional arguments]:
Brackets in the function list, e.g. [remport], indicate optional
arguments, not matrices. Optional arguments must be in order, without
omitting earlier ones.
If you need examples to get you started, check out the [EyelinkDemos](EyelinkDemos)
More information on this toolbox can be found in the file:
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