Weekly 7: 2024‐03‐11 - alejoriosm04/F2F GitHub Wiki

Alejandro Ríos

  1. What did you do last week?

    I have been making the component diagram with my equipment. Likewise, analyzing the general infrastructure of the project.

  2. What will you do this week?

    I will start implementing the assigned requirement. Having more clear the entities, applications and functions involved in the program after the diagramming process.

  3. Is there an obstacle?

    It has been complex to understand the value we are going to give to the data we store.

Sara Cortés

  1. What did you do last week?

    I worked with my team on the component diagram and the deployment diagram.

  2. What will you do this week?

    I will finish developing my requirement for generating the recipe, based on those models and diagrams already defined.

  3. Is there an obstacle?

    Lack of time to finish my requirement.

Luis Torres

  1. What did you do last week?

    I digitized the deployment diagram and created the data model diagram.

  2. What will you do this week?

    Work on the mockups for deliverable 2.

  3. Is there an obstacle?

    I don't have editing permissions. But that can be solved easily.

Danniela Zárate

  1. What did you do last week?

    I've been meeting with the team to work on some more structural things about the project and to get done the things needed for this next interaction of the project.

  2. What will you do this week?

    I'll finish up completely the requirement I have for this week.

  3. Is there an obstacle?

    Time, maybe.