Weekly 4: 2024‐02‐22 - alejoriosm04/F2F GitHub Wiki

Alejandro Ríos

  1. What did you do last week?

    I finished the information that was required of me for Delivery 1 and developed the Ingredients edition within the program.

  2. What will you do this week?

    I will begin to prepare the pitch and everything required for the presentation of the delivery.

  3. Is there an obstacle?

    There is a lot of information to verify and structure to finalize the delivery. Therefore, we divided precise tasks in the team.

Sara Cortés

  1. What did you do last week?

    I completed my part of the delivery, particularly focusing on the database aspect. Together with my colleagues, we made the necessary corrections to the delivery.

  2. What will you do this week?

    I will complete my delivery requirement.

  3. Is there an obstacle?

    Not really.

Luis Torres

  1. What did you do last week?

    I implemented the main menu for FridgeToFeast.

  2. What will you do this week?

    Start working on the login for sprint 2.

  3. Is there an obstacle?

    I've never created a login. I'm learning how to do so from a book.

Danniela Zárate

  1. What did you do last week?

    I worked on the code for the delivery, made some changes and did the video too.

  2. What will you do this week?

    I'll keep working on the delivery but now for sprint 2.

  3. Is there an obstacle?

    Not really.