Weekly 2: 2024‐02‐07 - alejoriosm04/F2F GitHub Wiki

Alejandro Ríos

  1. What did you do last week?

    We met on Saturday to partially build all the requirements of the project.

  2. What will you do this week?

    We will finalize details on the Vision of the project and we will define the requirements to be developed in the project and the construction of the Domain Model. In addition to organizing all the documentation on GitHub.

  3. Is there an obstacle?

    As a SCRUM Master, finding a way to make our meetings more efficient and not so long.

Sara Cortés

  1. What did you do last week?

    I met with my teammates on Saturday to finish the requirements and domain model.

  2. What will you do this week?

    I will meet again my teammates to do poker plannig so we can prioritize requirements and define which ones we're going to start to develop for this sprint(sprint planning).

  3. Is there an obstacle?


Luis Torres

  1. What did you do last week?

    I met with my teammates on Saturday to write out the requirements.

  2. What will you do this week?

    I'll help complete the domain model diagram and add the References to the Deliverable 1.

  3. Is there an obstacle?


Danniela Zárate

  1. What did you do last week?

    I did a couple of meetings with my colleagues during the week to review things for the first delivery, we worked on the requirements and their importance in various ways for the project.

  2. What will you do this week?

    I'll help finish the domain model and I'll help finish the delivery.

  3. Is there an obstacle?

    No, they are none.