Weekly 1: 2024‐01‐30 - alejoriosm04/F2F GitHub Wiki

Alejandro Ríos

  • What did you do last week?

    The team met to finish the Product Vision Board. We develop ideas about what we expect from the project. Also, we assigned the roles for each member of the team.

  • What will you do this week?

    We will continue developing the idea of the project through different activities and we will integrate our new member Danniela

  • Is there an obstacle?

    Finding a time where we can all meet. However, we will organize our spaces through a when2meet

Sara Cortés

  • What did you do last week?

    Alejandro, Luis, and I met to finalize the product vision on Miro. We shared our ideas for each section of the board and discussed each one in detail.

  • What will you do this week?

    This week, I will meet with my teammates, including Daniela, our new member, to start creating and drafting the requirements for this first sprint. Following this, we will proceed to develop the sprint planning, in addition to making corrections.

  • Is there an obstacle?

    The only obstacle we encountered was how to plan our meetings according to everyone's schedules. However, we used When2Meet to visualize when we were all available, allowing us to establish a suitable time and day.

Luis Torres

  • What did you do last week?

    I met with the team to finish up the product vision board. I was assigned the role of developer.

  • What will you do this week?

    I'll organize the GitHub wiki and work on writing the requirements.

  • Is there an obstacle?

    Not really.

Danniela Zárate

  • What did you do last week?

  • What will you do this week?

  • Is there an obstacle?