Weekly 12: 2024‐04‐23 - alejoriosm04/F2F GitHub Wiki

Alejandro Ríos

  1. What did you do last week?

    I organized and consolidated the project's UI Kit. Finalized the implementation of my requirement and improved the statistics panel. I also improved some details in the Frontend design.

  2. What will you do this week?

    I will begin to analyze the implementation process of my requirement.

  3. Is there an obstacle?


Sara Cortés

  1. What did you do last week?

    I finished the implementation of my requirement and also prepared the pitch for the presentation

  2. What will you do this week?

    I will begin to analyze the implementation process of my requirement.

  3. Is there an obstacle?


Luis Torres

  1. What did you do last week?

    I edited the video for deliverable 3.

  2. What will you do this week?

    Start working on my requirement (recipes history).

  3. Is there an obstacle?


Danniela Zárate

  1. What did you do last week?

    I worked on deliverable 3 with my teammates, finalized the implementation of my requirement and did my part of the video.

  2. What will you do this week?

    I'll start working on investigating everything about my requirement.

  3. Is there an obstacle?
