Retrospective 3: 2024‐04‐27 - alejoriosm04/F2F GitHub Wiki

What should we keep doing (best practices)?

  1. Everyone: Good communication (sharing progress in the WhatsApp group, etc.)

What should we start doing (process improvements)?

  1. Sara: Start working on our requirements early.
  2. Sara: Improve UI and UX (prompt).
  3. Alejandro: Fix the ingredients situation (quantities and units).
  4. Danniela: Ask user if they actually prepared the recipe to generate more reliable analytics.

What should we stop doing (process problems and bottlenecks)?

  1. Danniela: Rebasing commits in git to make the history cleaner at the expense of untraceability.
  2. Luis: Preparing a slideshow for the pitch. Let's just put a title slide and be done with it.