Retrospective 2: 2024‐03‐23 - alejoriosm04/F2F GitHub Wiki

What should we keep doing (best practices)?

  1. Not waiting until the last week to start working on the requirements.
  2. Posting everything on the group chat. More horizontal communication.

What should we start doing (process improvements)?

  1. Improve the visual appearance of the web application.
  2. Document the codebase.
  3. Set start and end dates for each requirement. Prioritize the work so as to avoid blocking someone else from coding their requirement.
  4. Plan the demo slides in advance. Share the Canva link with everyone.
  5. Meet for weekly meetings on Thursdays half an hour before class (8:30 AM).
  6. Writing more concise and descriptive commit messages. See tpope's guide:

What should we stop doing (process problems and bottlenecks)?

  1. Stop waiting to record the video until the same day it is due.
  2. Stop naming branches with cryptic names like fr08 or too simply like show_recipe. Rather, we should use the convention feature-<description>, with <description> being two words maximum.
  3. Stop writing commit messages in Spanish, even if it's quicker to do so.